Submissions for the First Annual MA Awards




After seeing this I was immediately filled with glee at the fact that we could be *properly* awarded for our MA Arcs!

By creating this thread I hoped to get the community to help each other in choosing which arc to submit and which category to submit it in. Basically, you pop down your arc details as if you were sticking it up in a reviewer's thread.

The person who is next to reply (or anyone who is interested in helping out), will play the arc and send you feedback via the forums. This feedback will include which category your arc would be best for in order of the different categories. E.G: 1) Best Custom Group, 2)Best Villain Arc, etc., and how you can better polish your arc 'till it gleams.

When playing the arc, leave a comment on the thread (preferably quoting the creator) letting them know you will play your arc. If someone plays your arc then please do them (or someone else) the favour of helping a fellow MA Author out and playing an arc and providing feedback via the forum.

NOTE: One person play through each arc so everyone can hopefully have their arc played through.



This is an awesome idea! I have a few (Well, two) arcs that I plan on submitting to a few different categories but I'll get the ball rolling by bringing out my newest (And probably favorite) arc, the Rikti Accession. The ID is 278757. I already know what category (Or possibly categories) I want to submit it in but let's see what the others think.

My arcs:

Title: Blitzkrieg
Arc ID: 3416

Title: Soldiers of Fortune
Arc ID: 4431

Title: The Rikti Accession
Arc ID: 278757



Yeah, I'm trying to decide what to put my two arcs in. Though as I sit here typing it out, I think I decided for myself anyway.

Ctrl + Alt + Reset! #137561
It's a neutral (why is there no best neutral category?) time loop arc with bits of humor thrown in. I'm thinking Original story since it doesn't really fit in any others. (no custom group, not heroic, not villainous, non canon-centric)

Matchstick Women #3369
It's a heroic arc with tragic story involving an Archvillain arsonist/cult leader. It has a custom group that I typically got a lot of compliments on. It could qualify for best Heroic arc, Best Original Story, and Best Custom Group.