Q: Character Creation - Costume Themes
Tails are at the bottom of the belts section. Always have been.
Formerly known as Stormy_D
It appears it's an issue with wearing a robe, not with the costume theme itself. If you have either a robe or sleeveless robe, you only get eleven choices under belts. You choose a jacket instead, and you get a much larger list (including tails).
That's probably because the costume designers felt that the tail "belts" clipped unacceptably with the robes. For similar reasons, you can't get the big Enforcer gloves with anything that has sleeves, which has made me sad on more than one occasion.
Yeah... I want the Tuxedo jacket (with sleeves) with the jumbo oversized Steampunk gloves, but noooooooo.....
That's probably because the costume designers felt that the tail "belts" clipped unacceptably with the robes. For similar reasons, you can't get the big Enforcer gloves with anything that has sleeves, which has made me sad on more than one occasion.
What the heck? Any clipping will be completely hidden by the gloves.
Exactly. It'd just look like you had your sleeves tucked into your giant robot gloves, or cut off to accommodate them. Hellboy can wear a coat with sleeves. It's not fair.
Just returned to the game after more than a year and a half and I went to make a new toon. I found the handy new costume themes in character creation and started to work on my ninja. But then when I went to add a tail, there were no tails to be found. How can I access a costume part (tails) that I know exists but is not part of the ninja theme? Or are certain costume pieces mutually exclusive now?