Empath Badge without ever heal farming - who has it




Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
On a side note, for the people who don't have it yet... you don't really need another person for the arena healing. If you have a half-way decent system, you can run a second account yourself to keep the opposing side open. If you don't have a second account, just send yourself a Refer-a-Friend trial. With today's requirements, it wont take longer than your trial to get the badge. I did succeed last week in gaining Empath in only 3 nights of farming while I was asleep, (but that was having a 3rd account logged in with fillers to provide more targets and faster progress).
While true, M-B, a second (or third) account equals "another person". I've got 3 accounts (me/wife/son), but decided to wait for the inevitable change to the numbers. Patience paid off in this case.

Ninus Lvl 50 Bots/Dark/SM Mastermind Badges: 1384 @Ninus on Global
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