HELP! Problem With "Edit" in Republishing




Hi Everyone,

I have been trying to edit my first mission arc (#323332) and republish it, but I am having consistent problems with the edit option NOT showing up when I pull up my published arc. I have sent in a support ticket for this problem but to be honest, the GM who is trying to help me keeps asking me questions I have already answered, and I am getting nowhere in a big fat hurry, and getting very frustrated.

When I go to my PUBLISHED arc, the only options I get for it are to play it or to unpublish it. There is NO edit option that comes up. It has before, so I know it exists, but for whatever reason, it is not showing up for me now and has not for a few days. This has happened before and I mistakenly thought the way to republish my arc was to unpublish it first, make the changes I wanted, then republish it. Uhm... no. So, I lost my 5 ratings that I had and published the arc again under another arc number.

I am certain that I am viewing the listing of my published arc- not my local files. I am certain that I have used the edit function and republished before. I have no idea why it is not showing up now.

The GM I am working with gave me instructions for how to get a screenshot with the MA user interface visible. I did what he told me to do, and I am repeatedly getting screenshots with no interface visible. I have been very careful to make sure I am typing in exactly what he told me to do, and have tried about 25 times to get the shot I need. I'm relatively new to CoH and I am not completely familiar with every option and setting in the game. I'm wondering if I might have a setting in my system that is mucking the /screenshotui 1 command up?

Has anyone else had any problems with trying to edit published arcs? Any suggestions about how to get a screenshot of my user interface?

Thanks for any suggestions. This is really frustrating me.




Huh, never seen that or heard of it happening. I think you may just have to sit this one out and wait for customer support. Pretty annoying I know, but really, in the life of your arc - which may last months or years - this will be but a small blip of time.



While I can't help you with the interface problem (Never heard of that one before, and am glad I haven't had it happen.) there is a place in your Options, under the Keymapping section, where you can set a toggle for the UI showing up in screenshots. My screenshot key is Print Screen and I use shift+Print Screen to toggle the UI. If you set up a toggle there, you can try taking a screenshot, then hitting the toggle key, then taking another screenshot.

If neither of those screenshots have the UI, then you know for sure there is a problem with your system that is keeping things from working right. And that may be the reason you can't edit also.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



Justice Blues- I decided to reset all of my keymapping and sure enough, that solved the UI screenshot problem. It has not resolved the edit function problem though. I do have a different GM responding to me now, and ihave had great success with him on other problems in the past. Hopefully, he will be able to figure this one out too.




Well, whatever the reason, the problems I was having with the edit function appear to have been resolved. I don't know if it had anything to do with the release of v 16, but it's there and I can edit now. yay!



Originally Posted by Gryfyn View Post
Well, whatever the reason, the problems I was having with the edit function appear to have been resolved. I don't know if it had anything to do with the release of v 16, but it's there and I can edit now. yay!
I yay with you.