Infinity Roleplaying Supergroup Census -Sept. 2009
Name: Hero Heights
Hero or Villain side: Hero
Concept: Crime just doesn't happen here. That might be because the shoplifters that tried to rip off Holman's Market three years ago didn't know that Mr. Holman was The Wall before he retired in the 1980s. Or was it because Ms. Quicklight was shopping there at the time? No, it was probably because Mandy, Mr. Fashion's 6-year-old daughter, used her heat vision when one shoplifter pulled a gun, and Pastor Henry encased the other perp in ice until the police could arrive.
The three-block area that is the Hero Heights neighborhood has earned its reputation mainly because approximately 30 percent of its residents have meta abilities. The rest of our neighbors are happy knowing that in one place on earth, they are truly safe.
Perhaps metas come to this close-knit community just north of Galaxy City looking for a place they feel like they belong, and we are proud to be that place. Heroes here do not face the discomforting celebrity status and near-worship that many people with hero licenses suffer. Other are comforted that there are other people who understand just down the block.
Most Active RP Night / Scheduled Night: Active everyday but Scheduled RP is Tuesday Evenings
Leadership Global Names: @CollegeZoo, @Succulent Abyss, @Saltaragno
Coalition Partners:
Advent Guardians
Longbow Black Ops.
Club Dub
Sketchbook Heroes
Paragon Broadcasting Service
The Tesla's Coil
Name: Deaths Shadows
Hero or Villain side: Villain
Concept: The Deaths Shadows is an equal opportunity employment organization. It owns, and operates the Trinity Mall. We offer good paying, LEGAL jobs to both normal and meta humanoids. Why you ask would a villain want to work at a mall? Because the management doesn't care what you do outside of your job there. So think it through. Easy money that wont have the people you took it from chasing you for... You know that is music to your ears.
Most Active RP Night / Scheduled Night: There are people about every night but most the RP happens on Mondays and over the weekend.
Leadership Global Names: @Succulent Abyss, @Steel Kaige, @Saltaragno.
Coalition Partners: Bloodvine Academy
Rogue Island Broadcasting Service
Name: Longbow Black Ops.
Hero or Villain side: Hero
Concept: Longbow Black Ops. is a clandestine unit that operates in and outside the confines of Longbow. They are known as The Black Lions, members of the Lions identities are kept secret. Their job, infiltration, Recon and military combat. The Lions go where Longbow cannot, priding themselves in recruiting meta-humans and humans of all and the best skills. They are a small faction geared around operations dwelling in Arachnos and any other organizations that want to cause harm to civilization.
Most Active RP Night / Scheduled Night: The SG tends to RP when ever we are online. Most RP scheduled nights tend to go on during the weekend.
Leadership Global Names: @AliasReign, @Eshva Dybbuk,
Coalition Partners: Hero Heights, Fraternitas Sanguine, Advent Guardians, CHRONO
Name: Bloodvine Academy
Hero or Villain side: Villain
Concept: "The youth of today must seize tomorrow." Such is the motto of the Academy, one of the most prestigious preparatory schools in the world. Housed on the tiny Asylum Island, outside the interest of Lord Recluse for the most part, the Academy accepts the elite from both inside and outside the Isles. Children of senators, businessmen, royalty, and other privileged have all attended to be taught by the finest -- and most ambitious -- minds that Lady Bloodvine could buy. Whether or not heirs to a throne (literal or otherwise), whether or not "talented" in interesting ways, Bloodvine students will be taught to lead others and to survive against those who would bring them down. And when the privileged and powerful are taught ambition in a nation that already encourages... unique ways of getting ahead? Well, do the math...
Most Active RP Night / Scheduled Night: Monday, sometimes Thursday. Also usually have at least a few attendees in Pocket D Friday and Saturday 7-10pm Pacific.
Leadership Global Names: @Playboy2, @Translucent, @Umbra Shadow, @Flamemaiden
Coalition Partners: Rogue Island Broadcasting Service, Deaths Shadows.
Not that I RP, but PM a mod to sticky this.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
Name: Advent Guardians
Hero or Villain side: Hero
Concept: Advent Guardians is a supergroup of ragtag recluant heroes who joined together to stop a terrible future foretold. We welcome anyone who is interested in RPing from causal to heavy RPing.
Most Active RP Night / Scheduled Night: Any day of the week we can RP.
Leadership Global Names: @darkkeepr
Coalition Partners: Hero Heights, Club Dub, Saint Joseph School, Longbow Black Ops., Freeborn, Wentworth Country Club
Website: http://adventguardians.guildportal.c...&TabID=2487868 (Moving to new site soon.)
"Philosophy is based on speculation, on logic, on thought, on the synthesis of what we know and on the analysis of what we do not know. Philosophy must include within its confines the whole content of science, religion and art."
~ P. D. Ouspensky ~
Name:Guild of Time Travel
Hero or Villain side:Hero
Concept:We are a Group of Time Travelers and such. But the crux of the RP is the Deciet of the Co-Founder of the Guild; Marcus Hamilton, The issues of The Leader Golden Speedster, and the Overall story of Time Traveler's Lost through time. We do some heavy RP, and soem casual, and even have many members who do not RP, we welcome anyone who is interested in being a Time Traveler.
Most Active RP Night / Scheduled Night: Thursday Base Tours
Leadership Global Names: @CalebTheTimeTraveler
Coalition Partners: None
Website: None
Name: Project H.A.V.O.C®
Hero or Villain side: Hero
Concept: Crimson Corporation® is a corporate business that focuses on 'Research & Development' of new age technology for both commercial and government uses. The corporation runs a secret R&D division known only as Project H.A.V.O.C®. Swiftly making it big it wasn't long before the corporation was featured in the Fortune 500 magazine. The complexity of the technology they developed was marketed to not just Paragon City but also the Rogue Isles. It wasn't long before the C.I.A began an investigation into their 'secret' division known as Project H.A.V.O.C®!
Most Active RP Night / Scheduled Night: Monday: Staff Meeting in Base // Along with various RP-esque chats, and we frequently have PvP matches -- although the PvP and TFs are not really RP'd. Chatting and meetings are, however.
Leadership Global Names: @Crimson Skyz, @Crimson's Kitten, @Lyrioxal
Coalition Partners: We have three. Get hired, and find out.
The Champions of Olympus have come to Paragon City, and seek the allegiance of all the Gods and Heroes of classical Greek mythology to aid in our quest to restore the glory of Olympus. Several Major Gods and numerous Titans and heroes have not yet joined the effort, and Zeus is displeased.
The Champions of Olympus have come to Paragon City, and seek the allegiance of all the Gods and Heroes of classical Greek mythology to aid in our quest to restore the glory of Olympus. Several Major Gods and numerous Titans and heroes have not yet joined the effort, and Zeus is displeased.
I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.
the heroic nature and concept of the SG are implicit in the message. that i'm posting would seem to imply that i'm a leader, and obviously Zeus as well. we have no regular SGRP time, so that information was ommitted. our coalition is large, and out of consideration to them i would not list them without first asking them. i can safely include Hero Heights, i think.
honestly, Errant, have you nothing better to do than follow me around and give me grief?
oh, and i like it on infinity, and have no desire to move.
the heroic nature and concept of the SG are implicit in the message. that i'm posting would seem to imply that i'm a leader, and obviously Zeus as well. we have no regular SGRP time, so that information was ommitted. our coalition is large, and out of consideration to them i would not list them without first asking them. i can safely include Hero Heights, i think.
honestly, Errant, have you nothing better to do than follow me around and give me grief? |
Name: Champions of Olympus Hero or Villain side: Hero Concept: Greco-Roman/Classical Influenced Most Active RP Night / Scheduled Night: none, on randomly Leadership Global Names: @Hercuies, @Zeus (?) Coalition Partners: Hero Heights Website: None |
Nah. Just a coincidence.
But, to get on topic...
Ladies and Gentlemen, The Society of Lone Operators has come to free the close-minded and afraid citizenry of Paragon. Saving grandmothers from perpetual purse-snatchings, saving Paragon City's water supply from a frightening and unexpected triple threat, to regularly time-traveling and saving the present in the past with society's worst villains; S. O. L. O. does it all, and delivers it with snark and style. You may rest easy, Paragon City, for ignorance and evildoing will be cut down nightly!
(and then translated)
Name: S. O. L. O. Hero or Villain side: Hero, usually Concept: Any wacked out toon combination that values concept over power... but min/maxes the character anyhow. E.G. AR/Nrg with no melee powers, but 3 Dam/Rng Hami's in every attack. Most Active RP Night / Scheduled Night: Most nights after 1800 EST. Leadership Global Names: @Eran Rist Coalition Partners: dUmb, Infernals Website: Recruiting: Only if you are me or engaged to me. |
I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.
Several Major Gods and numerous Titans and heroes have not yet joined the effort, and Zeus is displeased.

*- Proud member of the Titan Network

I'm a sexy pork-chop!!!! - Running strong since July of '04
"Thread closed; I'm leaving this thread visible for St0n3y's reply." - Mod5
aww... i have my own pet troll. isn't he cute?
what a sad, sorry soul you must be, eran, to seek pleasure in the discomfiture of others. what you laud as "snark and style" is really naught but small-minded meaness. all you have exposed is your own unwarranted prejudice.
i've met many people such as you in my life, eran. you're all too common, you who eat and breathe negativity because you have nothing positive to offer. you who seek to provoke and undermine others to feed your own pitiable need for some sense of superiority. i've realized that it's generally a waste of energy to engage such as you at all. it's better to simply smile and walk away. would that there were a "global ignore" on forums...
aww... i have my own pet troll. isn't he cute?
what a sad, sorry soul you must be, eran, to seek pleasure in the discomfiture of others. what you laud as "snark and style" is really naught but small-minded meaness. all you have exposed is your own unwarranted prejudice. i've met many people such as you in my life, eran. you're all too common, you who eat and breathe negativity because you have nothing positive to offer. you who seek to provoke and undermine others to feed your own pitiable need for some sense of superiority. i've realized that it's generally a waste of energy to engage such as you at all. it's better to simply smile and walk away. would that there were a "global ignore" on forums... |
Personally for you: Nope.
I say again, since you missed it the first time, "I just enjoy exposing stupidity. There could be a correlation as to why I have a tendency to follow you in posting..." Or in plainer speech; I mock ignorance. You tend to be ignorant. So, I wind up mocking you.
Oh, and to enlighten your ignorance, since that's generally my goal via the barbs, there is a "global ignore" feature on the boards.

However, ifn' you are so thin-skinned that you need the boards software (and the game chat software) to ignore me, I guess I really should stop kicking the puppy. He's not learning anything. *shrug* Have fun, Hercuies!
Game: @Eran Rist, @Is Errant
I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.
aww...look at the pointy little teeth. isn't that adorable! (gives pet troll a troll biscuit).
oh, and thank you for the 'global ignore' information, Err. it's the first useful thing i've ever seen you offer, and i'll be sure to apply it forthwith!
Glad to see efforts to keep RP on Infinity alive. No need to have to move to an "RP Server" if you are otherwise happy here. It doesn't need to have the MOST RP as long as it has ENOUGH RP.
I AM breaking format a tad, but that is because these two groups are not yet RP heavy but are RP friendly and might become RPers, and one is not MY group but a friends group (on which I have some alts).
I am good friends with people from Paragon Broadcasting Service and have some alts in there myself. Anyone who knows about knows about them. I'd have my main there if it weren't the fact I already had my own SG before I became affiliated with them (I'm a DJ there right now)
They are hero side
Concept: Basically the SG base is "the Avenue" with shops (including a magic shop), a restaurant, a dance club, and a movie theater. Ask Jules or Nelks (or me, Vis Viva, I have alts there) to show you the forklift...Nelks is a NUT
There is no RP night at this time. They are not a PURELY an RP group at this time, but many will RP with you if you like.
Contact: Basically I am telling you about them because they are RP friendly they are NOT my group but they won't mind me mentioning them If you want to contact their leadership, however, about anything contact @Jules or @Nelks or @Vis Viva (I'll forward the info to them).
I run Legion of Valor: Infinity
It is hero side
Concept: The basic idea is that the base is a Museum of Science, Industry, (and Superheroing). It has been stripped to totally rebuild it. The new ROOMS are all there, and all the stuff to be a functional base (porters, med-stuff..things like that) are there but the RP stuff has not been put back yet. Actually the hydroelectric plant is back..hey I need power. Nelks is the "architect" and is a bit busy right now. Viva's lab has stuff in it. The story THAT is there Vis Viva is having trouble with the permits (and some funding regulations allowing him to KEEP stuff in the building) so right now is only a clearing house for other museums.
There is no RP night, at this time,
Contact: Basically I am telling about this because I am RP friendly. The membership of the group is fairly light right now, but I will start to actively recruit more people when the base is done, or almost done (Nelks is a perfectionist) contact @Vis Viva if you want to talk to the leadership.
Professionally certified pessimism expert
Statesman is someone who shouldn't rap ever, even if he's trying to help people out. -IolitePhoenix
Check out my Infinity toons at the Vis Viva family web page.
Name: Shadow Dragon University for Gifted Villains
Hero or Villain side:Villain
Concept: An X-Men style twist for the villains of the world. Players are ranked from Freshman, Sophmore, Junior, Senior, and then they can opt to become Professors. Players will need their costumes in addition to a school uniform. It's not a specific uniform, just presentable clothing to appear "normal". But we all know, no one is ever truely "normal", are they?
Most Active RP Night / Scheduled Night: Friday and Saturday nights
Leadership Global Names: Rial13
Coalition Partners: None (Yet)
Website: None (Yet)
I say again, since you missed it the first time, "I just enjoy exposing stupidity. There could be a correlation as to why I have a tendency to follow you in posting..." Or in plainer speech; I mock ignorance. You tend to be ignorant. So, I wind up mocking you.
Oh, and to enlighten your ignorance, since that's generally my goal via the barbs, there is a "global ignore" feature on the boards. ![]() |
Epic WIN! ^_^
Roleplay on the Infinity tends to be a hidden creature. Please use this thread if your Roleplaying SG is recruiting. To discuss Infinity roleplaying in general, please use this thread.
Hero or Villain side:
Most Active RP Night / Scheduled Night:
Leadership Global Names:
Coalition Partners: