**Saturday 9-12-09** Numina TF




Mission: Soul of the Woodsman
Location:Founders Falls

Date & Time: Saturday, September 12th @ 9:00PM Est.

Level Range: 35-40

Villains: Freakshow, Crey, Nemesis, Circle of Thorns, Devouring Earth

  1. Large portion of the TF is hunting for enemy groups in different zones, there is 16.
  2. Badge: Numina's Compatriot.

Current Team Roster:
1. DG: lvl 50 BS/SD Scrapper "Prince Alucard"
2. MB: lvl 50 BA/INV Tank "Teal Tabby" (Yes I want the TT pwnage)
3. Paragon: Arch/MM Blaster "Paragon's Greed"

4. Matt: TBA
5. Turg: TBA
Alt AKA Joe: Scrapper (maybe)

This is a single event/task force I am trying to host this upcoming Saturday, I didn't see anything going on this day so I posted it. If you dont know who I am I mostly play my tanks with the freedom horde on Mondays(General Gintoki and Death'Dealer). I would love to get this last Task force done with my scrapper to get the accolade. So if you want to join me please sign up and we will see if we can get enough to come.



I should be able to bring my scrapper, put me down as a maybe just incase i am still working on my new house.



Sure.. I'll bring MB or Tabby.



I'll be there, though I'm not sure on what. Meh, I'll bring Paragon's Greed (Archery/MM Blaster).



You can put me down, hopefully I will be back in time. I am going out of town but she be back before this starts. I am not sure what I will bring yet.



kewl. we looking good so far. hopefully some more can show up. come on people join me in some fun. we got Teal Tabby, an awesome tank who loves to pwn



Sorry General, I would love to come, but I'm tied up with a static team on Saturday night at that time. Hope you all have fun though


PS: If you still have room, make sure to give a shout out in the chat channel. There tends to be a lot of lurkers in the channel that don't like to sign up, but they will often join at the last minute

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



I tested my internet and was wondering if this is good speeds.



Well here's mine and I rarely have any trouble with it.



Originally Posted by Gen_Gintoki View Post

I tested my internet and was wondering if this is good speeds.
Here are a few of mine for comparison. I did both short and long distance tests:



ok kewl so i am in a good ball park then. ty for the replies



Yeah you are, now if only qwest would get some faster speeds where i live.



Originally Posted by Alt_AKA_Joe View Post
Well here's mine and I rarely have any trouble with it.

Originally Posted by Alt_AKA_Joe View Post
Yeah you are, now if only qwest would get some faster speeds where i live.
That's crazy. Mine only gets that bad if I go 3000 miles across the ocean:

Try Washington DC. They seem to always give the fastest results.. even if you don't live there. lol



I live in the boonies, can't get any better than this. I had cable before and it was actually worse than the dsl i have now.



Hey Gen,

Not sure if you have updated the roster with everyone that wanted to go but if you have a spot open I would like to bring my Willpower/Energy tank Kid-Gold to this TF. If not just throw me down as an ALT. Global is @Silverx



Yay for Cox.... I'm almost certain this "test" is bogus, though. They are trying to sell a product, afterall.



I have the 7mbps service as that is the fastest available to me, so mine is at least somewhat accurate.



Originally Posted by Paragon View Post

Yay for Cox.... I'm almost certain this "test" is bogus, though. They are trying to sell a product, afterall.
The problem with this test is that anybody can set up a speedtest server. For all you know, the Download speed you are getting from that location is actually just a limitation of the server's upload speed that you are connecting to. Your actual speed might be much higher, so it's good to try several sources.



Hey Gen, you can take me off of maybe, I will be home and up. Switch my toon out to Joe Glow Emp/Rad Blast Defender.



DeathGod57: [Prince Alucard] can someone pass a msg for me. about tonights numina. i posted it but my brother's wife had some complications from her cancer treatment and has been rushed to the hospital. i am going there now. signed on to tell everyone

Looks like Gen won't be here to run this, but we can still give it a go if everyone's still up for it.



Sorry to hear that Gen.

I'm down for doing this tonight and again when Gen gets a chance.



  • Paragon's Greed (Archery/Mental Manipulation Blaster)
  • Varpuliskova (Ice Blast/Ice Manipulation Blaster)
  • Toxic Bray (Fire Control/Kinetics Controller)
  • Mute Merc (Dual Blades/Willpower Scrapper)
  • Spectra Kitty (Illusion Control/Radiation Emission Controller)
  • drogoh (Radiation Emission/Ice Blast Defender)
  • El Mismo (Invulnerability/Super Strength Tanker)
  • Luke Fluxy (Katana/Regeneration Scrapper)
Time: 1:38:58
Deaths: 15 (half in one room)

Goo, MB, and Turg were no shows...



Yep, sorry guys. I was just telling you all in the channel that I just now got home from a 4 course fondue dinner. I didn't realize it would take so long... I mean.. it's just dipping stuff and eating it.. right? haha. Well it was sooo good, but I'm still sorry I wasn't able to make it tonight. I hate being a "no-show". lol

Gen, sorry to hear about your situation. I hope things are going well this evening. We'll see you soon.