Where Do Enemies Enter on Base Raids?




I have never taken part in a raid before. I am currently building my base to be raid ready for when raids hopefully return. I just wanted to know if the people raiding your base enter through the raid teleporter or do they enter through your secret entrance. This obviously effects where I put my vault,defenses etc.. Thanks.



Actually, you have to have 8 rooms, where you set Dimensional Anchors. They are found under the Items of Power Tab when placing Items in the Base Editor.

The enemies can spawn at any of these 8 points throughout your Base.

This is my understanding of how it works, maybe a Vet Raider will chime in.

But, the Cathedral of Pain Mish in the mission computer can't be launched unless you have 8 rooms, and 8 Dimensional Anchors set. And you must have the Raid Teleporter.

The CoP Mish has been offline due to an exploit, and you get your Item of Power from that Mish. That is what you are supposed to be protecting. Along with all the other stuff that could be destroyed in your Base, lol.

I too look forward to Raiding, and hope it comes back.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



How was that not helpful?

It described exactly where attackers arrive. Which was the question.


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Originally Posted by Black_Strike View Post
But, the Cathedral of Pain Mish in the mission computer can't be launched unless you have 8 rooms, and 8 Dimensional Anchors set. And you must have the Raid Teleporter.
Six. You only need six dimensional anchors. You'll have more than 6 rooms, because not all rooms can hold an anchor.

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For a tactical guide to base raiding, you may want to take a look at Warface's guide.

He wrote it in the old forums, and I don't think he's cleaned it up for the new formats here.... but there's still some really good info. He has all kinds of nifty strategy advice.

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thanks guys(or gals). So the best strategy is to spread out the control rooms that house the dimensional anchors. Each control room should branch off of a stronghold filled with defenses. That way the attackers really need to pay for each anchor. I have another quick question while we are at it. Do the attackers physically have to enter your vault and retrieve the IoP or when 5 anchors are down does it just go to them without them entering the vault?