BARUMaKAHIIMAGATA! QP&X: Scuffle Gazebo...

Chaos Creator



2D10 can roll anywhere from double 1's =2 to double 10's=20

Really we're making it up as we go.

I place my wallet on the grid to summon Ka-Ching the Money elemental. His special effect when he comes into play is he bribes all the other monsters to do nothing for 2 turns.



*Stink Monster accepts bribe and does nothing*

Curse you Chaos!

*Spits on the grid*

I summon a spit elemental! It shoots 2d20 loogies every turn.



I use ZORBONA KING OF APATHETIC WOMBATS to sacrifice Thor, Romen God of utentils, and convert his life points into 8D4 Vortex Tokens.

*Rolls dice*

23 TOKENS! I cash in my tokens to summon THE GAY SARLACC!



I'm allowed to jump in mid-game, right?

Okay! I toss three Earthen Slinkies into the air and play Saz'kk, Devourer of Trinkets- and i got him in before the slinkies landed, so he can cast multi-condiment spells on his first turn!
I feed Saz'kk an enchanted nose ring from my deck to let him cast WHIRLING WHIRLIGIG WHMAYHEM! Each player must uproot three of their already enplanted pieces from their jigsaw matrices and rotate them out of place! HA!



Noo I only have one piece out

I roll 2D10 to determine my next move


I place 3 paper clips and a ball of twine on the grid to summon Lhurignoffy the Winged Phantom

I then equip Lhurignoff, with a +13 ring of luck before sending my King of stuff 2 squares tro the left on the grid.



I summon SQUIRT THE WONDER CLAM and bestow 2 scrolls of enduring squeezey-cheeks on him. I place a blue M&M one space ahead on the grid.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



HA HA! You just happened to summon squirt the wonder clam on top of the same space as the GAY SARLACC! Squirt falls in and is Fabulously digested for

*rolls dice*

7463 years!



Uses Scarlet Shellfish Spell to rez Squirt, who is given 2 minutes of invul...uses free jump to advance 3 spaces on grid. Sprays Acid Clam Juice of Nekktor on Gay Sarlacc. *sticks tongue out at Mr. Squid when his back is turned*

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Places 3 sheep and a sewing machine on the board, summoning Gorf, the Wombat god of Chocolate.
Gorf uses Divine Sunflower Seed and sacrifices Squirt the Wonder Clam to resurrect this thread



My Ubergeek uses his NERD!!!!! ability, turning Gorf into Ganaondorf, and Brings squirt the wonder clam and turns him into Squirt the incredibly delicious soft drink!



Ganaondorf uses his new Barf Rainbows power on Ubergeek, turning him into MECHAGe3K



Originally Posted by Mr_Squid View Post

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
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