Please play Mission Arc #315880




Hi all. I just posted my new arc. It starts out as a bit of tongue in cheek against random missions, then it gets serious. There are five missions, with custom bosses (though standard group minions). The final mission is completely custom. It is solo-friendly.

Please, let me know what you think. Feedback is greatly appreciated.




My advice is, go to the MA Stories & Lore forum, and use the Announce Your Creation thread. Then start a thread for your arc, including the title and a description of it. (Really, just putting the ID number up asking people to play is not the best way to build interest.)

After that, look at the various reviewer threads and see what criteria they use (Some you have to play their arcs, others will only do humor, etc.) If your arc fits what they want to play, ask them to put it in their queue. Then wait.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



Originally Posted by Justice Blues View Post
My advice is, go to the MA Stories & Lore forum, and use the Announce Your Creation thread. Then start a thread for your arc, including the title and a description of it. (Really, just putting the ID number up asking people to play is not the best way to build interest.)

After that, look at the various reviewer threads and see what criteria they use (Some you have to play their arcs, others will only do humor, etc.) If your arc fits what they want to play, ask them to put it in their queue. Then wait.
What he said. I would emphasize the adding a title and description to your post over there. Tell us how many missions it has, are there any bosses or whatever, is it better for low or high levels... Might be a good idea to browse such threads, see how they did it, then post yours there.

And really, the more you can make it sound exciting, funny or whatever it is, the better.