Snow Leopard Tests!




A few hours ago I installed Snow Leopard, so I ran some tests with CoH:

I tried the Live client first. It's quite a bit laggier in certain areas in Snow Leopard, but otherwise behaves just like it did in Leopard. It works, though, and performs well enough until Issue 16 comes out.

The Training Room client is a newer version of Cider than the Live client, and it shows. Performance is much smoother, and aside from fixes for a bugs I reported in the Issue 16 Open Beta forums, I'm eager to see this one go Live.

As for Snow Leopard itself, it's a very smooth install, but scary at one or two moments if you aren't paying attention and didn't expect a sudden reboot.

Also as an aside, if you're thinking of booting Snow Leopard on a non-Apple computer:

1. I don't condone downloading hacked versions of Snow Leopard to accomplish this, and it'll likely be broken by Apple at the first software update.

2. If you use a Chameleon related EFI boot device, I haven't yet seen any definite postings about it working with Snow Leopard.

3. EFI-X doesn't support Snow Leopard at all currently, and when they do, it'll only be with their latest product, meaning everyone who bought version 1 has to come up with $230 to upgrade. Contrary to rumors, there is no trade-in program.

Manga @ Triumph
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Anybody having longer load times after the snow leopard upgrade? The only difference I've found so far is that my load times went through the roof right after I upgraded. Curious to see if it's just me.



I installed it this weekend and it hasn't gotten any better. I can't find any reason for it either, memory and cpu both aren't pegged. I did open a support case and also did a clean install of CoH today but no luck. Load times are anywhere from 1 to 2 mins now



Weird, I just timed mine, and it's about 35-40 seconds from first double-click (that includes the time it takes for the Updater to launch and to click past the agreement).

Is anything else besides CoH launching slower? You might have startup items or extensions that aren't compatible with Snow Leopard running.

Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
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I think he means his zoning times have increased.

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Originally Posted by macskull View Post
I think he means his zoning times have increased.
Yes, thank you. I should have been more clear. The initial load time is fine it's the zoning that is horrible now.



Just tested:

I'm getting 30-45 seconds into zones (45 sec from Oroborous into Atlas Park, 35 seconds Atlas to Steel) on Live and Test both, and 15 seconds into Oroborous.

It's a little longer than it was, but not hugely. Did you check to see if you have red spikes on your Netgraph (use /netgraph 1 in game)? That would indicate connection issues, which would slow down zone loads significantly.

Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
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Originally Posted by CuppaManga View Post
Just tested:

I'm getting 30-45 seconds into zones (45 sec from Oroborous into Atlas Park, 35 seconds Atlas to Steel) on Live and Test both, and 15 seconds into Oroborous.

It's a little longer than it was, but not hugely. Did you check to see if you have red spikes on your Netgraph (use /netgraph 1 in game)? That would indicate connection issues, which would slow down zone loads significantly.
I did run netgraph today and it looks good, no spikes or dropped packets. Load times are roughly a minute today so slightly better but still not good especially when it was a lot faster before. Support has been no help yet, only suggestion was 'try windowed mode'.



Originally Posted by RubiconX View Post
I did run netgraph today and it looks good, no spikes or dropped packets. Load times are roughly a minute today so slightly better but still not good especially when it was a lot faster before. Support has been no help yet, only suggestion was 'try windowed mode'.
How much RAM do you have?

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Originally Posted by SaintNicster View Post
How much RAM do you have?
4GB, so I should be ok there.



No problems in Snow Leopard so far, had it for about a week and a half (developer here). No crashes, no reboots, and I can confirm the test client is a great deal better than the current client.

Getting load times (game/zone) from anywhere between 10 and 20 seconds. Good stuff. Makes me a happy mac man.

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I'm glad to see this working for others so I know it's not the update itself. Just to update my issue, I've tried just about everything I can think of. I went in game and messed with graphic settings, resolution, etc and most I can squeeze out is a second or two difference. I also did a restart and then went through and killed every process not essential, didn't make a bit of difference. Also watched activity monitor and found that it never even takes up all the RAM and CPU is hardly hit.

When I go to zone it sits on the 'City of X' screen for the majority of the load, then once it gets to the screen with the zone name on it the load will take about 10-15 seconds. During the time it's stuck on the 'City of X' screen it's like the system just takes a nap, CPU about goes to nothing and same with network traffic.

I also tested my connection, on ATT uverse fiber, and I'm consistently getting what I should be and it seems very stable. I'm just about out of ideas at this point, any suggestions would be appreciated. There is the hope that the I16 client somehow fixes this for me but I have my doubts



Put Snow Leopard on my machines this weekend and it's a positive in my case. The Mac client had been crashing intermittently during loading on my 10.5 iMac since I've been playing on it. I've upped the memory to 4 GB and tried a host of different graphics settings to see if they helped. They didn't. Installing 10.6 did help and lowered the amount of loading page crashes noticeably.

Too many alts to list.



Just a quick update and also to see if I can get some help. I'm still having the long zoning times, hasn't changed a bit. After working with CoH support, who told me that I16 would fix it, I've gotten nowhere HOWEVER I think I may have found the problem.

When doing a trace route to the CoH servers, per support so give them that one, a very odd thing occurs (see below):

3 * * *
4 ( 5.177 ms 4.833 ms 14.743 ms
5 * * *
6 ( 4.053 ms ( 3.694 ms ( 3.700 ms
7 ( 11.483 ms 10.989 ms 11.504 ms
8 ( 10.891 ms 10.528 ms 12.250 ms
9 * ( 12.089 ms 11.743 ms
10 ( 44.913 ms 52.383 ms 54.076 ms
11 ( 41.928 ms 59.568 ms 41.663 ms
12 ( 48.510 ms 48.880 ms 49.398 ms

The part to note is hop 6, it hangs before that then (just like my loading screen) BLAMO moves on and shoots those 3 replies for hop 6. The very odd thing is it's purely OS X based. What I mean is that if I do the same trace from my XP box, from the router, or even from my XP VM inside of OS X I do not get that!

Oddly enough I also don't have the load times in XP either. So what is causing this within OS X and specifically what caused it with the Snow Leopard update. Also to note is that once past the zone screens I get no lag or any issues until I go to zone again then I cry.

Things I've tried so far:
-disabled all startup items
-quit all no essential processes
-tried different tcp/ip settings, manual dhcp full allow on the router etc
-tried both wireless and wired connections
-checked the console logs (though there's a ton of them so if I know specifically where to look that may help)

Any suggestions? I'm determined to fix this issue but I must say it is driving me insane



Is your Windows XP computer wireless or wired? And the Mac?

Log in and type /netgraph 1 - are you getting red or yellow lines? If so you may be suffering from the network issue that a lot of people are experiencing tonight.

Also, the new Mac client hasn't published yet, the one you're using is still the same from Issue 15 (no it doesn't mean you're using Issue 15, just that Cider hasn't been updated). A couple of critical issues with the new client (still on the training room) delayed its publish.

Manga @ Triumph
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Originally Posted by CuppaManga View Post
Is your Windows XP computer wireless or wired? And the Mac?

Log in and type /netgraph 1 - are you getting red or yellow lines? If so you may be suffering from the network issue that a lot of people are experiencing tonight.

Also, the new Mac client hasn't published yet, the one you're using is still the same from Issue 15 (no it doesn't mean you're using Issue 15, just that Cider hasn't been updated). A couple of critical issues with the new client (still on the training room) delayed its publish.
I have wired and wireless for the XP PCs and both work fine, I tried my macbook pro wired and wireless as well. No lag spikes or dropped packets in game either, netgraph is as clean as it can be. Very odd issue but I have ATT working on it as well since the hop in question is theirs. Maybe the new client will help too.



Originally Posted by RubiconX View Post
I have wired and wireless for the XP PCs and both work fine, I tried my macbook pro wired and wireless as well. No lag spikes or dropped packets in game either, netgraph is as clean as it can be. Very odd issue but I have ATT working on it as well since the hop in question is theirs. Maybe the new client will help too.
What's also weird there is I think CaptainMoodswing also has ATT and is having similar zone load issues (only with disconnects too).

Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
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Originally Posted by CuppaManga View Post
What's also weird there is I think CaptainMoodswing also has ATT and is having similar zone load issues (only with disconnects too).
After 2+ hours with ATT support I got nowhere. They did ask if others with ATT were having the issue though.

I also ruled out the issue is with any of my settings, caches and a user issue. Also did a reinstall of snow leopard and no luck there either. I has to be something to do with the OS since my XP machines can trace out fine and have no issue but what that the problem is I have no idea. Thinking of calling Apple support and seeing what they say....probably that it's ATT's problem



Originally Posted by CuppaManga View Post
It's definitely a connection issue. Are you using the wireless that comes with your AT&T modem or your own? Or is the Windows PC or Mac directly connected?
Either, it makes no difference. I can run the XP vm right from my macbook pro seconds after having the issue in OS X and no issues at all. I did try going wired but no change. Strange thing happened last night, I was suddenly getting some random 'normal' zone times. It was wonderful, hopefully it keeps up. Nothing was changed either to bring about this.