Shield Charge Damage Numbers
Shield Charge is actually a pseudopet that has a 400% (+300%) damage cap. That means after full fury and enhancements you're pretty much done. Sucks, I know.
Same with Lightning Rod, I was the first to find this out back in 2007 right when Issue 7 was released. (Also effects burn)
Ah, I see. Thanks for the info, at least I know now it's intentional.
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
I've been running a pair of DM/SD brutes lately for grins and giggles. One of the most enjoyable parts of the pair is simultaneously popping SD and then SC in a large crowd. It was during these times that I noticed an odd behavior with Shield Charge. After a certain point in damage bonus, each Brute was hitting the same damage on SC as the other.
At level 50, with fully saturated Soul Drain and AAO, and running at about 90% Fury, both Brutes were doing the same damage (in this case 480). It struck me as odd, because that's not anywhere near the damage cap (only around 300%), and there's no way both Brutes have the same damage bonus going at all times (given Fury's nature). And even in situations when an outside damage bonus would occur on top of the 300%(FS, Assault, etc.), there was always the same damage of 480. During this time, all other attacks would see increased damage when Shield Charge did not.
So, is there a different damage cap applied to SC? Is there something I'm not taking into account? Am I seeing things? What's the deal?
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.