Need help with a human warshade build




Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Both sides know the value of the points the other side is making, but both sides are so busy defending their own side that the message is hard to find.

The compromise we need to come to is more about the way we approach each other, so that neither side gets too defensive or offensive.
I think that's pretty much it. We all have the same "end goal" when it comes to making sure inexperienced Khelds get the "best experience" possible from playing their new Kheld... We just go about it in different ways. Neither way is "wrong" per-say... One just relies on exact science (which is great), while the other adapts around one's playstyle in order to refrain from telling another how they should play their own game "if they want to have fun," since "fun" is a very subjective term when it comes to an individual's gaming experience.

That is not to say that using numbers is not useful at all either. I completely see the use for it, and try to build for good results numbers-wise in Mid's no matter WHAT the playstyle is. Obsidian is right in that "some powers are better than others," and I especially agree if it's taken in the context of the particular playstyle of an individual.

For example: If a person is playing a human only, and they ask "which is the better power to choose from when it comes to Gravimetric Snare or Orbiting Death?", I would take into consideration that they're a playing human-only playstyle before I gave advice as to which is the better power. In a human-only situation, it'd be fine to run an Orbiting Death toggle. However, if the same person actually had a tri-form playstyle, I would say that Gravimetric Snare would be the better of the two to choose when it came to that lvl of power pick, because Orbiting Death is of basically no use whatsoever to a tri-former. Some powers are better for some forms of playstyle, while other powers are better for differing forms of playstyle.

If you place a limit on someone (as in "you HAVE to choose this power instead of the other EVERY TIME or you're a n00b!"), then you've begun to limit how they can choose to play their game. Now, I realize that we "sort of" do that already when it comes to Eclipse, Stygian Circle, or Sunless Mire, so that may be a pretty ironic statement... It's fine to *gently* remind someone that their gameplay experience may be a bit more difficult if they don't take a power... It's not fine to belittle them for it. That is not to say any of us have been doing that, but that's just the perspective I'm coming from when advising someone about building a Kheld.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
For example: If a person is playing a human only, and they ask "which is the better power to choose from when it comes to Gravimetric Snare or Orbiting Death?",
"The One"
Ok, I tried to remain the nicer kinder Obsidian but Mr. Hyde crept back out again, because to me this questions is like asking what is the smartest one cell organism, their all dumb as dirt and it's my natural reaction to say so. If given the choice at the level you have to pick one of the powers in the example I would pick Hasten as it opens up as well.

If their asking the question I'll give the answer I feel to be the most benificial to them and phrase it so they remember it, even if they dislike my "format".

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Except if you do that, they won't remember what power you suggested, they'll just remember the nasty attitude in which you said it... Which, I guess, might also be what you want.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Except if you do that, they won't remember what power you suggested, they'll just remember the nasty attitude in which you said it... Which, I guess, might also be what you want.

"The One"
You say this as if it is fact and not your own speculation.

I stated my intent only. You are attempting to state what will happen.

You might be right or you might be wrong, but I don't phrase things in any manner but my own and for people argueing so strongly about allowing each person their own ways I find this strangely ironic.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



No, I'm not stating what "will" happen. No one can do that.

I'm stating what "has" happened.

I find it personally extremely very hard to pay attention to any of your points, legitimate or not, because I'm being overwhelmed by the argumentative, belittling way you come across. Because you "know numbers" shouldn't signify that you are "better" than anyone else, and although I doubt you really think you are, that's how you come across.

Makes it hard to hold a normal conversation/debate with someone like that, because my automatic reaction is to just either argue back, get defensive, provide the "flip-side" viewpoint (whether I agree with it or not), or all of the above. On top of that, putting words in my mouth, or constantly assuming you know what my intentions are (example: "promoting" human form), just further exasperates that.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
No, I'm not stating what "will" happen. No one can do that.

I'm stating what "has" happened.

I find it personally extremely very hard to pay attention to any of your points, legitimate or not, because I'm being overwhelmed by the argumentative, belittling way you come across. Because you "know numbers" shouldn't signify that you are "better" than anyone else, and although I doubt you really think you are, that's how you come across.

Makes it hard to hold a normal conversation/debate with someone like that, because my automatic reaction is to just either argue back, get defensive, provide the "flip-side" viewpoint (whether I agree with it or not), or all of the above. On top of that, putting words in my mouth, or constantly assuming you know what my intentions are (example: "promoting" human form), just further exasperates that.

"The One"
Pot, meet kettle. Did you know your black?

Your more passive agressive but just as annoying to me.

I don't care about your "Kheld cred". How long you have been playing them, how many set bonuses you have nor how awesome you look on video.

This all started "for me" when you made a vague claim that human form builds perform as well or nearly as well as Tri-Forms, a statement I believe to be wrong and showed why I believed it to be wrong. Not to stroke my own ego but because I believe such statements need to be verified so that new Khelds can make informed decisions on how to build if their desire is to make a numericaly superior build.

At that point you made a statement along the lines that my method of determining performance was flawed due to the possibility of playstyle factors.

Then I wanted to know what playstyles could do to overcome such a large numerical difference if both players were equally skilled on the two types of builds.

Then things changed to what people enjoy and that I was rude and obnoxious because I was berrating people for playstyle (something I do not believe I actually did unless you concider bringing up alternate opinions and statistics to provide evidence of my views as berrating).

Then several threads later you informed people that when things get really tough you switch to an IO'ed Tri-Form build, and that you were playing Human only as a form of a chalange build. Which I thought interesting since your original claim was human only did the same job as Tri-Form well enough that neither was superior to the other.

So honestly, which is it? For the knowledge of the people new to Kheldians, If you had to select one build only to cover all situations what would it be?

My beligerant attitude and snarky manner all stemmed from the inability to provide this simple answer to the people interested in starting their first Kheldian with the intent to be as good as they can be.

I have no problem with people not playing to the max, I have no problem with people making concept toons, I have a BIG problem with an entire forum being unable to add honestly and truthfully that human form is fine but you will be at a slight (or not so slight depending on build) statistical disadvantage in playing Human Only, assuming they take equal time to master both types of playstyle. And in my experience this disclaimer is almost never added into posts answering the "what way do I build my Kheldian" questions when the advice given is to go human.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
Pot, meet kettle. Did you know your black?

Your more passive agressive but just as annoying to me.

I don't care about your "Kheld cred". How long you have been playing them, how many set bonuses you have nor how awesome you look on video.

This all started "for me" when you made a vague claim that human form builds perform as well or nearly as well as Tri-Forms, a statement I believe to be wrong and showed why I believed it to be wrong. Not to stroke my own ego but because I believe such statements need to be verified so that new Khelds can make informed decisions on how to build if their desire is to make a numericaly superior build.

At that point you made a statement along the lines that my method of determining performance was flawed due to the possibility of playstyle factors.

Then I wanted to know what playstyles could do to overcome such a large numerical difference if both players were equally skilled on the two types of builds.

Then things changed to what people enjoy and that I was rude and obnoxious because I was berrating people for playstyle (something I do not believe I actually did unless you concider bringing up alternate opinions and statistics to provide evidence of my views as berrating).

Then several threads later you informed people that when things get really tough you switch to an IO'ed Tri-Form build, and that you were playing Human only as a form of a chalange build. Which I thought interesting since your original claim was human only did the same job as Tri-Form well enough that neither was superior to the other.

So honestly, which is it? For the knowledge of the people new to Kheldians, If you had to select one build only to cover all situations what would it be?

My beligerant attitude and snarky manner all stemmed from the inability to provide this simple answer to the people interested in starting their first Kheldian with the intent to be as good as they can be.

I have no problem with people not playing to the max, I have no problem with people making concept toons, I have a BIG problem with an entire forum being unable to add honestly and truthfully that human form is fine but you will be at a slight (or not so slight depending on build) statistical disadvantage in playing Human Only, assuming they take equal time to master both types of playstyle. And in my experience this disclaimer is almost never added into posts answering the "what way do I build my Kheldian" questions when the advice given is to go human.
If you have to say it was "vague," then it wasn't actually a "claim." If you can point me to a post where I actually DID make a claim, please do so, or forever hold your peace, because that's what I'm maintaining.

And, no one should have to add a "disclaimer" to every friggin' post they make, because *one person* seems to read too much into what they say every single post they put up. I'm certainly not going to, because I don't need to.

Advice is given based on what the person asked for. If they say "I want to make a human only, because I tried tri-form, and I want to go the opposite direction," that's what I do. I give them advice on a human form build. If they say "I'd like to make a tri-form" then I tailor my advice to that. I don't personally feel the need to tell every single person who visits this section of the forums "You really should play tri-form," because it's not up to me to decide for them how they should play.

I'm here to give advice built around how people have stated they are having the most fun. Period.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



And this is exactly why I'll continue to say it. Because if the disclaimer isn't put in they might not be aware of it. Or somebody reading the post who is also interested in the information being talked about might not be aware of it either.

Tons of posts I have read but not entered into contain advice that is relivant to me, and I would want to know (and I'm not alone I believe) things like "If you build this way you will have alot of fun but overall you will be losing in some area."

If they want to build one particular way the disclaimer will not deter them but it will (possibly) inform them and or the other people reading along.

I do not see the harm in providing all the facts when a question is asked. Unless of course your attempting to sway people to one thing or another, in which case giving them all the facts might not be benificial to your cause (and I'm NOT saying it's your intention), it's just the only reason I can figure to not relate pertinant facts such as this other than not wanting to do the extra typing.

And just because I found it finaly, this is why I keep stating your making a claim, it's not direct but it would lead people to believe human is the equal of Tri-Form in my opinion and I believe this is missleading as it might give them the idea "they" will automaticly be able to do what you do.

Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
I've found that numbers on paper and actual battle-numbers, depending on the type of enemy you fight and what powers they have are quite different. I've found when soloing 8-man mobs that my human form is waaay more likely to survive and continue to put out numbers than my nova form is, therefore making the human form numbers higher in the long run, because the nova form winds up dying after a very short period of time. That, and the fact that there are only 4 attacks compared to the 6 or 7 I have in human form....ehhh... On top of that, there's no form switch time in human form--you just keep going with no stop... Numbers on paper aside... It's a no-brainer to me. I'd rather stay alive and continue to put out numbers. Don't get me wrong... I love nova form.... But, only in a situation where I have full and complete team support... If there's a controller holding the whole mob, yeah, nova is going to be the obvious choice... But, if I'm by myself taking on an 8-man mob with no help/no support? The form that's the most survivable AND puts out a heck of a lot of damage? Human form all the way. Dwarf may be more survivable, but it doesn't compare to my human form damage. Therefore, human form wins the "balanced" (survivability/damage output) equasion.

That said, I can't WAIT until i16 is released and I can scale mobs, so I can actually show videos of both in action, so you can see what I'm talking about.

"The One"
If your talking pre-Eclipse I'll buy it but after Eclipse the survivability factor isn't an issue and the damage Squid puts out even including shape shifting time far surpasses what human can do in most situations on "most" builds with even a tiny bit of recharge built in.

I believe you when you say it works best for you but this post would lead people to think human would outperform Tri-Forms on the majority of builds and I do not believe this is the case for most players skilled enough to run both types equally well.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



That quote, taken in the proper context, refers to only MY situation. There is a vast difference between referring to your *own* situation and stating that *everyone* will be more surviveable in human form.

Especially considering the fact that I've since stated that general Kheldian inexperience plays a huge factor in whether or not certain builds and numbers work. I'll state it again: If one can't properly play a Kheld, how are they going to match up to the ridiculous variables of "if you're in this situation and you use these power exactly at this second and change forms exactly at this moment and then switch back exactly at this time and only taken in the context of when you're soloing a map mapped for 1 in a continuous rolling attack chain of 3 minutes, while traveling at this speed and using these reflex times, etc. etc.... You'll get these numbers"?

I certainly can't predict what a person will do in-game. So, I don't pretent to know if someone playing MY already setted-out WS could actually perform the same way I could. Which, of course, I've also, again, already. stated. before.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



I am aware that was your intention, my only point was that it could easily be taken as both an advocation for "noobs" to take human only before their ready and an indication that "all" human builds would perform at the same type level as your build is indicated to perform at.

And I believe this a dangerous place to take a reader of the forums without also explaining the downsides to avoiding the forms.

So I am infact still wondering what your objection is to you or anyone else putting that sort of disclaimer in. Because I'll be honest it seems to bother you alot when I do exactly that.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
...I have a BIG problem with an entire forum being unable to add honestly and truthfully that human form is fine but you will be at a slight (or not so slight depending on build) statistical disadvantage in playing Human Only, assuming they take equal time to master both types of playstyle. And in my experience this disclaimer is almost never added into posts answering the "what way do I build my Kheldian" questions when the advice given is to go human.
I don't remember anyone actually recommending a Human-only build unless the person seeking advice is specifically looking for a Human-only build, or has stated that they mean to take Dwarf (and Dwarf only) as a "Break Free" tool. Then again, I may be senile, or just very good at mentally ignoring that which makes no sense to me...

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
I am aware that was your intention, my only point was that it could easily be taken as both an advocation for "noobs" to take human only before their ready and an indication that "all" human builds would perform at the same type level as your build is indicated to perform at.

And I believe this a dangerous place to take a reader of the forums without also explaining the downsides to avoiding the forms.

So I am infact still wondering what your objection is to you or anyone else putting that sort of disclaimer in. Because I'll be honest it seems to bother you alot when I do exactly that.
I think that if a person reads a post like the one you quoted before they will likely read more than one to make sure this information is correct. Take me for example I'm a new kheldian, hell I'm even a new player. I did my research on the forums and found that the best way seemed to go tri form first and maybe at some point try on all human form.

You seem under estimate us ''noobs''. If we read the forums we will likely try to get info from as many people as possible. If a person spend more than 30 minutes on the boards they will find out that tri-form is the strongest of the builds but that a all-human could perform really well given the proper build and enh sets.

One thing that is not helping the comunity is seeing you both getting back at each other for some subtilities. You both have very valid points and I find that AlienOne as always been very helpful to anyone around here, where you Obsidian on the other hand you stand out as a rude person.. In the end what people remembers is that Alien is helpful and you are rude so likely that people will follow AlienOne's advice before yours. That's just my 2 scents i have been back to the game for about 1 month and been following the forums and thats how I feel about it.




Part of what we're seeing in this thread, and others, is the paradigm shift that has hit CoX with the release of the "real numbers" in the game. For over 4 years, we were operating pretty blind...we could see some powers out-performing others, or some tactics working better, but we had no idea exactly how much better. Or more accurately, no one outside of Arcanaville and a few other mathematics geniuses out there had any idea ;D. For the average player, it was all about the "feel" of things. I remember when I first came to the Kheld boards, someone greeted me with something like: "congratulations! after all your hard work to get to lvl 50, you can now have FUN as a kheldian!" (it took me over 500 hours to get to lvl 50...on a scrapper...). I can say, without hesitation, that kheldians are the most fun AT to play (for me) in the game, they "feel" good. Now, with the numbers being revealed, we can see just how good a double-mired eclipsed dark nova really was/is, and how lucky we were to be able to do that with just SOs...but the shift is taking place everywhere. Every board is talking numbers now, and not surprisingly, it has spread to here, the home of FUN! (tm). Not that numbers aren't no...math is good, stay in school...there's just no sense of adventure to it. There's no "omg, I did X Y Z on my WS last night, it was awesomesauce!" because all we see is 300% this, 180% that, 85% thisthat. The stories are gone....gone, from our EPIC! ATs....

I REMEMBER when LordX first started bamfing around in here, all wide-eyed and full of makes me a lil sad to think the next generation of khelds might not be like that...



Originally Posted by Guardien View Post
but the shift is taking place everywhere. Every board is talking numbers now, and not surprisingly, it has spread to here, the home of FUN! (tm). Not that numbers aren't no...math is good, stay in school...there's just no sense of adventure to it. There's no "omg, I did X Y Z on my WS last night, it was awesomesauce!" because all we see is 300% this, 180% that, 85% thisthat. The stories are gone....gone, from our EPIC! ATs....

I REMEMBER when LordX first started bamfing around in here, all wide-eyed and full of makes me a lil sad to think the next generation of khelds might not be like that...
I'll be honest I'm not really going to miss the giggles and such, i'm not a silly person and have a low tolerance to it, I don't even like "family guy". I think your very correct about the change happening and it makes me sad to see the Kheldian forum the main if not only one ressistant to talking about the numbers.

Originally Posted by CaptainQC View Post
One thing that is not helping the comunity is seeing you both getting back at each other for some subtilities. You both have very valid points and I find that AlienOne as always been very helpful to anyone around here, where you Obsidian on the other hand you stand out as a rude person.. In the end what people remembers is that Alien is helpful and you are rude so likely that people will follow AlienOne's advice before yours. That's just my 2 scents i have been back to the game for about 1 month and been following the forums and thats how I feel about it.
I agree totaly and I take almost full responcibility for it. I'm not nice, I am rude and in some cases condocending. It's my nature and I accept that i'll never be anyones choice for prom queen. I'm even ok with them taking Aliens advice before mine, as it's a free country.

What I'm not Ok with is when points I bring up are ignored because the answers that are true aren't liked. I LOVE to be proven wrong, it's the times I actually learn something new and I truely enjoy that, but when actually relivant questions and points are bypassed (and this happens OFTEN) I do get more rude and irritable.

I respect what you said (and you said it well) and I believe you are correct with only one exception. Asking the questions nobody else asks and running the points nobody else is willing to talk about IS usefull even if it is unwelcome due to the way it's posted.

I have said it before, I really don't care about being liked. What I do care about is that the facts (no matter what they are or who is right) get brought to light by debate and explaination for the purpose of giving everyone (even the "lazy" forum browsers) the insight they need to make fully informed decisions on how to play and build their Kheldian.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by Guardien View Post
There's no "omg, I did X Y Z on my WS last night, it was awesomesauce!" because all we see is 300% this, 180% that, 85% thisthat. The stories are gone....gone, from our EPIC! ATs....
This is what I hate the most... There is no more "GUYS! HOLY CRAP! I pulled off this and this and this on an STF the other night with my Kheld!" without someone coming on afterwards and accusing you of either thinking you're "teh l337-ness," or stating "I could have done it better, because in a 'perfect world' on paper, the numbers say my playstyle guarantees a 400% increase in efficiency."


Ah, well...

..."next generation" and all that, I guess.

I still like to share my accomplishment with my Khelds though... They truly ARE "epic."

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Aside from the comment about not liking Family Guy (How can anyone not love that show?!?!?!) I have to agree with Obsidian again, I was never really a big fan of all the stories that ended up on this board because they were just far too "look at me!" and I have never been that way. Plus I was never sure just how much of each story was missed out of exaggerated.

I would much rather you explain how you took a spawn down in x seconds using y tactic and z build, so everyone can replicate and try and improve on what you have just done. You can still use the poetic licence and do it in a story telling way if that is your thing.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Aside from the comment about not liking Family Guy (How can anyone not love that show?!?!?!) I have to agree with Obsidian again, I was never really a big fan of all the stories that ended up on this board because they were just far too "look at me!" and I have never been that way. Plus I was never sure just how much of each story was missed out of exaggerated.

I would much rather you explain how you took a spawn down in x seconds using y tactic and z build, so everyone can replicate and try and improve on what you have just done. You can still use the poetic licence and do it in a story telling way if that is your thing.
Except that you wouldn't really know if the "taking a spawn down in x seconds using y tactic and z build" was being missed out or exaggerated as well, unless you have the money (and the respecs) to just switch to that build yourself on the fly, along with the same exact team setup (and that's assuming the team you setup has the same skills as the one in "question"). No one is going to be able to exactly "replicate" a situation. You can say on paper that "it's not possible for a team to take on 500 freak LTs at once, because the numbers would be too overwhelming for the team"....

....Until you actually see a team defying those odds.

I'm not advocating some sort of Disney-feel good "anything is possible if you just believe," but at the same time, there is no way to tell for SURE in any situation with a full team setup (there are so many combinations) that "x and y" are going to happen "every time," because the random numbers in this game are so unreliable.

There are just toooooo many variables to tell for sure. You can scream "nuh uh!" all you want, but it's seriously true. Yes, you can come up with some numbers you THINK would work in a "perfect world," but once the enemies they're fighting against changes, or the team makeup changes, or the environment they're in changes, or even how sleepy the player is at the time changes... Your originally stated numbers go out the door.

In actuality, I would think a statement containing numbers on how "exactly" someone would perform if they had "z" build would have to have a MUCH longer "disclaimer" than would a simple statement of "this is what I think you'll have fun with--work with it, and let the community know what you changed and why."

In truth, I much prefer someone coming on and saying "holy crap! We were about to fight Lanaru the Mad on the Faathim the Kind TF, and the tank DC'd right as we were about to go in to fight him, so I went in and tanked myself with my Kheld, and we beat him anyway!"

MUCH prefer that.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
In truth, I much prefer someone coming on and saying "holy crap! We were about to fight Lanaru the Mad on the Faathim the Kind TF, and the tank DC'd right as we were about to go in to fight him, so I went in and tanked myself with my Kheld, and we beat him anyway!"

MUCH prefer that.

"The One"
In all honesty, a story like that would interest me more than a numbers-post, but that's quite possibly because I'm already using Mid's and already know what sort of numbers I'd want from my characters. I think what Obsidian wants to encourage is more people using Mid's and figuring out what numbers they want, especially in accordance with their preferred playstyle, and in my book, that isn't wrong at all.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



I agree. Numbers are fine, and other parts of the forums - most notably the Scrapper Forum - have used numbers to great advantage and had some fascinating discussions. That is awesome.

BUT - and there's always a but - you'll also notice that the Scrapper Forum is also famous for anecdotes and not a little bragging (justifiably so - I'm fairly proud of my battered and bloodied scrapper card, myself). The key thing to note here is that when someone makes a post in the Scrapper Forum about some unbelievable accomplishment the response isn't "vids or it didn't happen" - it's "way to go, man!" When someone asks for advice about ways to play a concept or unusual build, no one demands that they admit they're playing a substandard build in the context of "helping."

This is why the Scrapper Forum has such a great repuation. This is why players of other archetypes (including Kheldians) go to Scrappers for help. I'm not saying we're perfect over there, by any stretch. But when two scrappers disagree and can't come to terms, they LET. IT. GO. and agree to disagree. IMO we could use more of that in this forum.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
...But when two scrappers disagree and can't come to terms, they LET. IT. GO. and agree to disagree. IMO we could use more of that in this forum.
:blink: :blink: :blink:

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
In all honesty, a story like that would interest me more than a numbers-post, but that's quite possibly because I'm already using Mid's and already know what sort of numbers I'd want from my characters. I think what Obsidian wants to encourage is more people using Mid's and figuring out what numbers they want, especially in accordance with their preferred playstyle, and in my book, that isn't wrong at all.
And I could agree with that wholeheartedly. There isn't a build anymore that I put together without already having tried out several combinations of that build in Mid's. And I'd encourage others to do the same. In fact, when someone asks for help on these forums, what we all do (whether we're numbers guys or not) is wind up posting a Mid's build for them to check out, which, in fact, FORCES them to use Mid's if they want to actually visually see what we're talking about.

My point is, that shouldn't be to the detriment of a new Kheld player feeling comfortable enough in this section of the forums to post an accomplishment that felt "epic" to them, no matter the build, form, or playstyle.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Except that you wouldn't really know if the "taking a spawn down in x seconds using y tactic and z build" was being missed out or exaggerated as well, unless you have the money (and the respecs) to just switch to that build yourself on the fly, along with the same exact team setup (and that's assuming the team you setup has the same skills as the one in "question"). No one is going to be able to exactly "replicate" a situation. You can say on paper that "it's not possible for a team to take on 500 freak LTs at once, because the numbers would be too overwhelming for the team"....
The problem I have is that video's bore me (After over 1000 hours watching my Warshade I don't really want to spend much time watching someone elses) and are too hard to really see what is going on, and stories are too hard to believe, or at least to know exactly what is meant.

The thing that I would really like to know (And this would be the same if I was new) is what attack chain did you use to destroy that spawn? Did it take you 4 AoE's to down all the minions, or did they drop in 3 and the 4th dropped all the LT's as well?

This is the important stuff to know because not only does it prove you are not exagerating, but it IS something you can replicate as long as you know what the enemy was.

Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
....Until you actually see a team defying those odds.
Yes it is possible to defy the odds, but I think most of us pretty much know whereabouts the extremes of performance are, and I have read a fair few stories that just sounded too awesome.

Equally I have read some that sounded fairly weak, and knowing exactly what was done would allow me to help.

Going back to the oft-mentioned scrapper forums there are all sorts of stories about soloing missions and AV's, but most of them also describe the attack chain, and exactly how long it took. I have seen people pretty much reverse engineer a build (At least damage/recharge slotting and global recharge) just from the story.

I actually think it is even more important with the amount of roles Kheldians can fill, every time I read a story about someone dropping to Dwarf the first thing I wonder is if that was the best tactical choice, was there a scrapper about who could take most of the aggro while that person stayed causing damage? Was their Nova well slotted so the team was missing out on a load of damage when they dwarfed up? Was the team even in danger in the first place? The way I look at it is that a rez takes someone 10 seconds to get back to full health and endurance, but dropping to dwarf and taking aggro to prevent that death could add more than 10 seconds to the fight duration, depending who you are saving or how much damage you are bringing.

I guess I am just a details person, they really make a story feel real to me.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
too hard to really see what is going on, and stories are too hard to believe
That's why I film mine in HD. And, if you've got the video and 7 witnesses to prove it... I don't see how someone couldn't believe it happened. I mean, that's how cases are won in court, anyway... :P

Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
The thing that I would really like to know (And this would be the same if I was new) is what attack chain did you use to destroy that spawn? Did it take you 4 AoE's to down all the minions, or did they drop in 3 and the 4th dropped all the LT's as well?

This is the important stuff to know because not only does it prove you are not exagerating, but it IS something you can replicate as long as you know what the enemy was.
All information which could have been gleaned from watching the video.

But, to each his own, I guess...

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
That's why I film mine in HD. And, if you've got the video and 7 witnesses to prove it... I don't see how someone couldn't believe it happened. I mean, that's how cases are won in court, anyway... :P

All information which could have been gleaned from watching the video.

But, to each his own, I guess...

"The One"
I know you are the one I am arguing with but I don't really direct any of that at you, or anyone in particular, it is more a general comment.

The only thing I don't like about your videos is that I really don't pay enough attention when watching them to get the information I need. With a story full of numbers I can run the maths easier.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post