Spiderlings and Disruptors
1.) Only Masterminds can control their pets directly, everyone else just hasthem follow them around 3/4th braindead (MM pets were already half braindead).
2.) Yes, the build is generally reffered to as a Crabbermind build. The build focuses on +Recharge trying to get the pets perma, while taking groups buffs and the AoEs, but not focusing on them as much. Its a form of survivability, however, even with the Disrupters on Perma, the spiderlings will still genrally die before the power is done recharging. It's still a viable road to take however, so dont count it out entirely.
I personally believe that Crab Spiders can offer way more than just pets, so I usually suggest that people who want them, take them, but use them only when needed. It's a choice you have to make, considering all of the other amazing build options you have as a crab.
@Mazzo Grave

Webmaster Grave, Virtueverse!
Energy/Energy Blaster Guide
It's funny because there is no information on crabberminds anywhere. If you google 'crabbermind' it pull up this page at the top of the list.
While the spidery robots don't take orders, I've found them to be remarkably intelligent for autonomous pets. They usually stick with you, attack what needs to be attacked, and don't aggro things beyond a certain radius (unlike pets in other games).
2) With their long recharge times, are you able to summon them enough to make them part of the way you kill everything?
They are definately a large part of my crab's arsenal, but so are my non-pet attacks. Venom Grenade, Suppression, Frag Grenade my Patron's Cone Immob and a few single-target attacks (Longfang, Channelgun and Gloom).
I tried a petless build and felt that it did not perform quite as well in terms of damage or survivability. It wasn't a huge difference and I didn't get hard numbers for kills per hour, but it felt noticable.
I have some questions about the soldier's summoning powers.
1) Are these pets controllable like mastermind pets?
2) With their long recharge times, are you able to summon them enough to make them part of the way you kill everything?