And if we really had to pvp..?




Okay, I play my warshade for like six months now. I invested two billions influence on her, she is perfect!! I love the nukes, the perma eclipse, the ranged defense soft cap...

..but... when I step into the arena... I can do nothing but lose. Not only arena, pvp zones too, my ranged def softcap is meaningless in pvp, I dont have burst, eclipse is a joke against players, mire? comments...

I wanted to make a second build more pvp focused, I know it's horrible to pvp as an warshade but still... I want her to not be so laughable...

Anyone has any idea of an warshade pvp build? I saw some with presence pool for the fear, some that ignored nova form and got dwarf just for the healing. No extracted essence, well any sucessful pvp warshade out there?!

The post above was made by a brutally honest person. It may contain sarcasm, dark humour, offensive language and typos! Don't lose your time trying to correct my spelling, english is not even my primary language...
My first guide, i15 plant/thorn dominator! Check it. NOW!



I'm definitely not a PvPer, but I can "somewhat" advise you on it... I would think for a warshade, the only way you could be successful in PvP would be to make a tri-former that was *equally* as good across the board in all three forms. I realize this would be very hard, due to limited slotting, but that's the only way I could imagine you could survive very long in a "one on one" situation without any dead bodies laying around...

Peacebringers have actually proved to be much better at PvP than WSs are... However, I'm sure the "teaming rule" for WSs also applies in this situation... If you're teamed with a well-balanced team, I'm sure that would greatly improve your effectiveness and surviveability for an "en masse" battle royale... One on one though...Good luck. Dwarf simply doesn't possess the damage to take a PvP'er down. Nova has the damage, but not the surviveability against a hardcore PvP toon. Human form has a couple of good holds, but even Eclipse would not do much for you, since you're trying to not only pull it off against just ONE player, but a moving target.

Your best bet in PvP as a WS is to team with someone else and act as his "backup" in nova form. You could possibly start by taunting the player in dwarf form to keep him rooted for a few seconds, switch to human for Gravity Well, have your friend engage him, and while he's engaging him, switch to nova form and blast away.

Also worth noting in a PvP situation is the length of time it takes for a Kheld to switch forms. That alone may kill you in certain situations.

"The One"



As somebody who actually has done some pvp with my WS, and not just posting speculation.

The holds are worthless, 2 seconds long 4 if your slotted for hold which detracts from your few spike damage sources.

I have never been killed changing forms so that theory is out the window in my opinion.

Eclipse IS very useful as you can find groups of mobs to mire eclipse and pet up with all over the zones.

Your main job is to annoy things either in squid form or by reducing their range with taunt in dwarf form and generaly harrassing other players until they decide they have had enough and break off playing smack the squishy to devote a few seconds of concentrated effort to kill your dwarf.

In my opinion there is no "good" pvp build for WS, I just wanted to take the time to point out another of Aliens posts to be not only speculative but wrong.

Good day.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
The holds are worthless, 2 seconds long 4 if your slotted for hold which detracts from your few spike damage sources.
Slot for damage?

Eclipse IS very useful as you can find groups of mobs to mire eclipse and pet up with all over the zones.
The OP mentioned "Arena," though - I don't know if they try zone PVP or not. With arena, a 'shade would (I'd imagine) be more at a disadvantage given the mire, pet, and other mechanics. Given that you have no guarantee the enemy will stick around - and it's best to assume they won't - your experience would be more like trying to get death-buffs from Croatoa ghosts. And forget about pets. Of course, some of the zone potential also depends on "Which zone."

This is generally why PBs seem preferred over WS - the buffs are completely self contained, the biggest threat being recharge debuffs.

The other issue when it comes to 'shades also affects both Khelds in Dwarf - Travel suppression completely nullifying teleport in PVP. Castle initially tried just lowering the range, and found it'd lower the range of *every* attack a character had - so for the time being we have Telestuck. For a PB, not as big a deal - they can fly. For a 'shade, you *must* invest in another travel power. (Or go with nova and hope you don't have enough -fly stacked on you to bring you down.)

There's quite a bit stacked against a 'shade in PVP. That said, Square One finally got into a routine with my MM when I fought him, finally managing to reliably (well, somewhat) teleport me out of my pets and kill me before they reached Bodyguard range. How that'd work now, post I13 (and post PVP TP defense IO, which I'd imagine any MM who dedicates themselves to PVP would strive for) I can't honestly say.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
As somebody who actually has done some pvp with my WS, and not just posting speculation.

The holds are worthless, 2 seconds long 4 if your slotted for hold which detracts from your few spike damage sources.

I have never been killed changing forms so that theory is out the window in my opinion.

Eclipse IS very useful as you can find groups of mobs to mire eclipse and pet up with all over the zones.

Your main job is to annoy things either in squid form or by reducing their range with taunt in dwarf form and generaly harrassing other players until they decide they have had enough and break off playing smack the squishy to devote a few seconds of concentrated effort to kill your dwarf.

In my opinion there is no "good" pvp build for WS, I just wanted to take the time to point out another of Aliens posts to be not only speculative but wrong.

Good day.
This is exactly the sort of post that proves that you're basically out to just attack me personally, and not really contribute much to these forums other than argumentative posts.

I HAVE done PvP with my WS. I HAVE been killed switching forms. I HAVE been killed in all three forms. I HAVE had some "wins." Eclipse is NOT very useful when you're playing ONE ON ONE (as I stated before-again, just repeating myself, because you seem to be too thick-skulled and dense for reading comprehension). So, that's speaking from experience, and not speculation, as your misinformed and ignorant opinion seems to tell you I am speaking from. I just don't consider myself a "PvPer," because I don't do it "often," and therefore admitted it right from the start.

You don't know me. You don't know my experience. You don't know how many hours I've put into the game. You don't even know the extent of my knowledge of games in general, much less CoX. So, you can take all your "speculation" about me as a player (because that's all it really is--SPECULATION) and go f**k yourself with it.

Maybe that'll relax you a little bit. Sounds like that's what you need.

"The One"



Originally Posted by AlienTwo View Post
This is exactly the sort of post that proves that you're basically out to just attack me personally, and not really contribute much to these forums other than argumentative posts.

I HAVE done PvP with my WS. I HAVE been killed switching forms. I HAVE been killed in all three forms. I HAVE had some "wins." Eclipse is NOT very useful when you're playing ONE ON ONE (as I stated before-again, just repeating myself, because you seem to be too thick-skulled and dense for reading comprehension). So, that's speaking from experience, and not speculation, as your misinformed and ignorant opinion seems to tell you I am speaking from. I just don't consider myself a "PvPer," because I don't do it "often," and therefore admitted it right from the start.

You don't know me. You don't know my experience. You don't know how many hours I've put into the game. You don't even know the extent of my knowledge of games in general, much less CoX. So, you can take all your "speculation" about me as a player (because that's all it really is--SPECULATION) and go f**k yourself with it.

Maybe that'll relax you a little bit. Sounds like that's what you need.

"The One"
Heh actually I am relaxed and having fun. And I do have alot of speculation about you, most unrelated to CoH or games. out to attack you personaly? Not overly, but I won't pass up a chance to take a shot when I think your wrong, and hugely so. which seems to be often.

Oh and Jeez man your taking this sooo seriously. Maybe you need to relax and step back a little.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.




Just try to take a shot at me when you know I'm wrong. Not just when you think I am. In this case, as with all other cases where you've assumed something about someone you know nothing about, I've disproved you yet again. Maybe you'll clue in sometime as to just how wrong you are about me.

Then again.... Probably not.


"The One"



Originally Posted by AlienTwo View Post

Just try to take a shot at me when you know I'm wrong. Not just when you think I am. In this case, as with all other cases where you've assumed something about someone you know nothing about, I've disproved you yet again. Maybe you'll clue in sometime as to just how wrong you are about me.

Then again.... Probably not.


"The One"
Alright, fair enough (Ignoring the whole arrogant "disproved you again" jab, and not going into the whole "to disprove you actually need verifiable proof" thing.) but this leaves me in somewhat of an impossible situation.

As such, to prove you wrong I need to show proof, something quantifiable that can be evaluated by everyone, and each and everytime I have attempted to do so you have thrown out without any stated reason why, any statistics that might prove you wrong.

Each time I have attempted to make a point either with or without using statistics you have ignored any points made, not just their accuracy but avoided responding to them in any way at all.

This makes it impossible to do anything at all but agree with whatever your saying because anything else will simply be ignored, trivialized or thrown out with a anecdotal story that does nothing but waylay people from the point I was just attempting to make.

If you make any claims at all in a public forum you have to be willing and able to back them up, and be willing to admit when you cannot (and I'm not refering to this thread, this was for me just an attempt to break your cool teflon attitude).

You "Seem" to reguard yourself as one of the top human only build players and I will not dispute that, I will not even make a claim to be one of the best Tri-Formers, but I dare say I have as much experience on my tri as you do with your human only, I run the numbers relentlessly and spend the majority of my playtime on my Kheld. I have also played a WS up to 40 using human only and to suggest I do not know what I am talking about in reguards to damage taken and delivered and the various styles used and what works best for each seems not just arrogant but obtuse.

You do not want Tri-Formers to be the "one ring to rule them all" I get that, but I also get that "most" players are interested in whatever build will work best in " the most" situations and I intend to make sure they get that information no matter what it might be, even if it is Human form only, and I will doggedly track down the statistics and numbers and do the in the field tests to make sure i'm not just throwing stuff out there.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Just stepping in here to answer the OP's question without getting sidetracked by all the forum PvP.

The short answer is... you can't.

The long answer isn't changed a bit, you still can't. Whereas a Peacebringer is a solid AT in PvP (they were always hard to kill but prior to I13 lacked the burst damage to take down most competent targets), the very thing that makes Warshades floating blobs of destruction in PvE makes them worthless in PvP - their dependence on multiple enemies and dead bodies to drive their powers is their Achilles heel. Now, of course you could spec a Warshade into a build that only takes powers that would be useful in PvP but you won't get far by doing so. Outside of Nova form a Warshade has little appreciable damage in PvP, so once you factor in Nova form you're like a Blaster, but with less HP, less resistance, no reliable damage/tohit buff, and no reliable self-heals.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Hover blast in Nova. Use the temp fly pack to switch to human for buffs/heals.



Sadly macskull is correct, you can spec a Warshade with powers that don't rely on lot of mobs or dead enemies, but you just won't be very good afterwards.

All the good powers a Warshade has are pretty useless in pvp. You can't even rely on the teleport foe > gravity well trick anymore so hit and run away to stay alive is about the best you can hope for, but I find that so boring.

I have tried PvP in Dwarf, Nova and Human, Dwarf can take the hits (Or some at least) but can't do the damage, Nova can do the damage but can't take the hits, and human is neither here nor there. The form changes are not fast enough so by the time to swap say from Nova to Dwarf after someone tries to fight back it is too late.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Sadly macskull is correct, you can spec a Warshade with powers that don't rely on lot of mobs or dead enemies, but you just won't be very good afterwards.

All the good powers a Warshade has are pretty useless in pvp. You can't even rely on the teleport foe > gravity well trick anymore so hit and run away to stay alive is about the best you can hope for, but I find that so boring.

I have tried PvP in Dwarf, Nova and Human, Dwarf can take the hits (Or some at least) but can't do the damage, Nova can do the damage but can't take the hits, and human is neither here nor there. The form changes are not fast enough so by the time to swap say from Nova to Dwarf after someone tries to fight back it is too late.
This makes me sad, a bit. I find PVP to be kind of fun. I do die a lot on my shade but I go there to badge really. I don't mind getting killed in the zones and I try and fight back whenever I can but I really just want the rep badges.

I am not a leave me alone, I am badge hunting kind of person. I know the risks involved and will play along. Kill me and I come back for more. I don't broadcast what I am doing. I die, get my heavy and go to die again. Almost have that heavy badge. The rep badge just may well elude me though because I just cant kill enough to make a dent. I get lucky once in a while and I am having fun but I just don't know if I can get good enough for that 400 number.

Badging in a PvP zone?

If you are treasure hunting on a battlefield wearing an enemy uniform, there is a high probability that you will be attacked.

This is an enjoy-the-ride game. "50" is only a number, not the goal of the game. - Noxilicious



ill start by talking about PB's

ive been on the receiving end of a therm/pb combo..and the PB stayed in nova form doing sick damage firing only the 2 single target attacks iirc (they were first in a casual 2v2 tourney approx 10 teams)

WS's dont have the 2 human heals nor Build-up...

If i were to try a WS, i'd plan on staying in Nova form at max for recharge and make use of the PvP IO's for the global range increase's.. i.e. 3 of the hold pvp io's give 10% global range increase and 2 of the Target AoE pvp io's give 7.5% global range increase.

i havent tried this, but its where i'd start..

perma jump is ---> /up 1