Warshade Newbie




I personally play a tri-form, I use my human form for the buffs most of the time, then I'll switch to dwarf to spam Black Dwarf Mire, or hit it once and then go straight to Nova.

But in certain activities such as Cimeroran wall grinding I rarely go into Nova. Instead I end up spending most of my time in human. The way I go about it is usually using Gravitic Emanation to bunch them up, then eclipsing, double miring, then I'll switch to human and either nuke or hit Gravity well on the closest enemy and using Unchain Essence off his corpse. With my +recharge build I can usually do this for 2/3 of the mobs, the other I will probably spam Dwarf Mire. If I was to play mostly human form this is how I'd do it, it works well on these mobs of ~10 and I think it's faster than using Nova.
Binds help greatly for Warshades, if you still want to use human form mostly this is personally how I'd do it.

Human forms can do massive amounts of damage with powers like Unchain Essence and Quasar and your little fluffy pets of death are great damage, especially when you get multiple ones out. Even if you don't want to spend a lot of time in dwarf I'd advise getting it, Dwarf Mire is great and it can be easily made to stack with itself, + the mez resistance will stop you from needing to carry half a tray of breakfrees where ever you go



Two remarks here - one OT - but I didn't want to double post:

Originally Posted by Jack_Slade View Post
Anyone have a RECENT guide for the primary Human Form WS that doesn't require unlimited influence to pull off and a good guide on human form tactics? I haven't found a WS guide that isn't six issues old..
This isn't just the Kheld forums. People don't write guides anymore. I can remember the day when every second person to hit 50 (being a big deal at the time) celebrated with writing a guide. I did the elec/eng blast guide back in Issue 2 (long deprecated by ED). Go to any AT forum now and you won't find build guides much newer then I11.

I asked a friend who is a prolific guide writer why he stopped. "Too much board drama" he said. "You make a target of yourself and everyone with a different opinion tries to rip you down."

Originally Posted by The_MercsMan View Post
Even if you don't want to spend a lot of time in dwarf I'd advise getting it, Dwarf Mire is great and it can be easily made to stack with itself, + the mez resistance will stop you from needing to carry half a tray of breakfrees where ever you go
I've spent the last couple of weeks grinding Ouroboros badges. Some of the debuff conditions for the badges are pretty nasty. "Enhancements have no effect" or "Character is under debuff" which is the equivalent of doing an entire arc with Vahzilok wasting disease minus the flies. Dwarf, which I otherwise don't use much, has been a godsend. Double Mire has compensated for floored accuracy and gotten me through Rikti Magus fights where inspirations were disabled.

"He may be arrogant, but he happens to be correct" - Ellis
"The server is full of crazies" - New_Dark_Age

Rainbow Arcana / Diamond D: Legion of Freedom - Virtue



Originally Posted by Rainbow Avenger View Post
This isn't just the Kheld forums. People don't write guides anymore. I can remember the day when every second person to hit 50 (being a big deal at the time) celebrated with writing a guide. I did the elec/eng blast guide back in Issue 2 (long deprecated by ED). Go to any AT forum now and you won't find build guides much newer then I11.

I asked a friend who is a prolific guide writer why he stopped. "Too much board drama" he said. "You make a target of yourself and everyone with a different opinion tries to rip you down."
Check my sig for an i16 guide on human-form Warshading.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by The_MercsMan View Post
But in certain activities such as Cimeroran wall grinding I rarely go into Nova. Instead I end up spending most of my time in human. The way I go about it is usually using Gravitic Emanation to bunch them up, then eclipsing, double miring, then I'll switch to human and either nuke or hit Gravity well on the closest enemy and using Unchain Essence off his corpse. With my +recharge build I can usually do this for 2/3 of the mobs, the other I will probably spam Dwarf Mire. If I was to play mostly human form this is how I'd do it, it works well on these mobs of ~10 and I think it's faster than using Nova.
Not to cause an arguement or anything but you used the phrase "I think it's faster" and that begs correction.

I have had quite a bit of practice on the Roman wall and Nova is definately the best form to use (Assuming speed is the goal), and here is why:

I don't really find a need to use any kind of stun because firstly if you are a bit slow they will get in a [Shout] and shrug it off, and secondly because after Eclipse you don't really need anything else since you wont take much damage and can heal it up afterwards anyway.

I use a recharge build too (Perma-Hasten) and Unchain Essence is up every ~60 seconds (Or would be if I had it) and there is no way I would be able to use that on anything other than 1 group in 3 (At most), plus the KB will scatter the mobs to prevent you making the best use of AoE, and might even knock a few over the side.

The way I do it is to target the Surgeon and fly up to to furthest away roman and open with Emination, then Detonation and maybe a single target attack if I still need to finish the Surgeon (Depends if he heals himself just before or just after my first attack). Then I would back up and AoE until the group is dead, before dropping to human for a pet.

I can't think there is any way a Warshade could be faster without using Nova (Accounting for slotting of course), because after Eclipse it is all about damage, and Nova causes the most damage outside of the odd few powers like Unchain Essence that cannot be used every spawn.

I worked it out somewhere in another thread but I am pretty sure that without accounting for misses it only takes ~12 seconds to clear up to 15 minions and 1 lt (The AoE cap being 16). The Roman groups usually only have 1 lt and 9 minions so almost always fall in that time, you can add 3 seconds on to that if they are +1's or +2's, but again you will be taking time off that considering the pets. After the mob is down you can add in a few seconds for Stygian Circle, back to Nova and move on.

I know those times seem a bit fast, but I summon a pet every 3 spawns on average and that is including stopping to target a Surgeon and line up (I hardly race along at farming speed), and the pets recharge every ~65 seconds so it does work out about that.

Edit: If you can use Unchain Essence 2 out of every 3 mobs that sounds like you are taking ~40 seconds to kill a group, which is about half the speed it can be done in Nova.
Originally Posted by The_MercsMan View Post
Even if you don't want to spend a lot of time in dwarf I'd advise getting it, Dwarf Mire is great and it can be easily made to stack with itself, + the mez resistance will stop you from needing to carry half a tray of breakfrees where ever you go
Pre-i13 (I think it was 13?) I had Black Dwarf, but slotted it mainly for recharge bonus' and tanking, as soon as Black Dwarf Mire was changed I did a respec to get more slots in it and have never looked back, Black Dwarf Mire is the new PSW

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
plus the KB will scatter the mobs to prevent you making the best use of AoE, and might even knock a few over the side.
I don't believe you have a complete understanding of Unchain Essence. Using it will not KB more than 1 (maybe 2) enemies in the group (if that), unless the entire group cons grey to you. It has a "chance" to KB, just like all the other attacks. It's not like Quasar.

On top of that, you're fighting Romans. How often do you see them flying back on any attack other than Nova attacks?

In fact, even using Dark Detonation on them only winds up knocking them down most of the time, not back.

I have proof of all my statements on video, if you'd like to see it, so you don't think I'm pulling some random statements out my butt, as some might think.


I just went on Test Server and timed myself with my human form on a few of the mobs up at the top of the wall in Cimerora....

My fastest time was 11 seconds.

And Unchain Essence didn't KB a single foe. in fact, it didn't even knock them down.

And Quasar isn't even in my build.

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
I don't believe you have a complete understanding of Unchain Essence. Using it will not KB more than 1 (maybe 2) enemies in the group (if that), unless the entire group cons grey to you. It has a "chance" to KB, just like all the other attacks. It's not like Quasar.
Yeah you are right, I haven't used Unchain Essence for a long time so actually had to look at mids for the numbers, I assumed the chance to KB was 100% since it didn't mention otherwise.

It is a power I will be respeccing into for i16 though.

Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
I have proof of all my statements on video, if you'd like to see it, so you don't think I'm pulling some random statements out my butt, as some might think.


I just went on Test Server and timed myself with my human form on a few of the mobs up at the top of the wall in Cimerora....

My fastest time was 11 seconds.

And Unchain Essence didn't KB a single foe. in fact, it didn't even knock them down.

And Quasar isn't even in my build.
I have learned to trust you when you say things like this so I believe what you say, and that is about what I would have guessed a good human time is with a few pets (I assume you had pets out?), I tend to ignore the pets when doing my calculations, but remember one glorious time when me and 3 pets wiped out the Romans in the first attack (I assume their chance to build up proc had gone off on some nearby wanderers we killed before attacking the spawn).

In general though I would think in this particular case Nova is still going to be faster since damage is all this is about really.

Edit: Tomorrow if I get time before I go out I will check out the proper maths (Exluding pets) for both human only and Nova using similar slotting. They won't be far apart though, human isn't bad, its just not Nova

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Yeah, I had 1 pet out at the time on that mob, and had built up "momentum"... Previous mob was around 21 or 22 seconds, and it had a boss in it. Only ran across one +2 con mob during that test, and that one took me 47 seconds. I'm sure I could take that time down significantly though, if I tried harder at it.

"The One"

Don't take this stuff as claims that "human is better".... Just trying to clarify capabilities of powers (i.e. Unchain Essence) and clear up some possible misconceptions on what can and can't be done in human form.

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Only ran across one +2 con mob during that test, and that one took me 47 seconds. I'm sure I could take that time down significantly though, if I tried harder at it.
Romans are the worst mobs when they start to outlevel you, going up against +2's my accuracy starts dropping dramatically.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post