Kat/WP or DB/WP: a good "My First Scrapper"?
Well first DB is not a gimp set, far from it. But for a good first Scrapper Kat/Wp is the way to go. With Kat you get DA which helps you a lot, not that willpower needs it . It is a good way to learn how to play Scrappers and gives nothing up at the top end of builds.
So I'm toying with the idea of finally making my first scrapper. How is Kat/WP? I want it to be a concept character, but I also want it to be strong.
Money, as always, isn't an object. I'm also contemplating DB/WP, but I heard that DB/ is a gimp set. |
As to the original topic, Kat/WP is a very strong performer. It'll give you strong ST damage, decent AoE damage, high survivability (even in common IOs, my Kat/WP is capable of incredible feats of tankery and scrapperlock), and excellent playability. DB/WP will do pretty much the same in all of those categories. The only difference is that DB/* provides survivability with the Sweep combo (which is crazy awesome) whereas Kat/* does it by spamming the crap out of DA. The DB/* option will hurt your DPS less, but it's not as effective against single targets. They're both utter monsters though.
WP is definitely the "turn it on and forget about it" secondary of the Scrapper options and the simplest to learn.
As to the primary choices, both will do amazing things once they are maxed out but for the player that is new to scrappers I would give the edge to Katana.
Kat/WP will be a little bit easier to play for a someone new to scrappers as you won't have to sort out the combos that DB requires you to learn in order to maximize it's effectiveness.
Katana also helps your survivability early on with quick access to Divine Avalanche.
(but IMO DB's animations do look cooler)
Agreed with all of the above.
Go find Nihiliis post on DB vs stuff....
or BD/WP-so easy a macro could do it.
And watch a couple of vids just in case you had any lingering doubts about BD.
Now that you know they can rip AVs to shreds quite handily you can pick whichever weapon looks cooler to you.
Really thats basically all you have to worry about. Since you said inf was no object, go to the character generator and take a look at what looks cooler to you, Dual Blades or Katana. Theres nothing one or the other has that you cant slot around with enough inf, so its a matter of which you prefer the look of.
To me BD feels more accrobatic and a little faster than Katana, though both look way cool.
With my DB/WP char I do notice my health drops faster than my BS/WP because DB doesnt have parry (Broadswords version of Divine Avalanche).
I dont have tons of Inf so to me that made my BS/WP a bit more fun to play, but now in jonesing for the look and feel of BD!
Since you have the inf to slot IOs to make up for it, it wont be an issue to you.
Its easier to softcap Katana when you take into account DA, but I have seen builds that ignore DA because they want a more optimal attack chain.
Umbral, Werner and several others can provide the optimal Katana chain.
With BD its Blinding Feint- Attack Vitals (Ablating Strike, Vengeful Slice, Sweeping Strike)
Feel The Burn
I believe the "optimal" Katana chain with using DA is
Freedom Server:
Cold Storage lvl 50 Ice/Eng Blaptroller
Land Mass lvl 50 Stone/Fire Tanker
Agreeing with everyone. Katana/Willpower is an excellent first scrapper. Dual Blades isn't at all gimp, but is perhaps a little less straightforward and a little less solid while leveling. But since you're experienced with the game itself, you could pretty much take any primary and secondary and do very well with it. There are no gimp combos on scrappers.
Yeah, DA-GC-GD-GC-DA-GC-SD-GC is pretty much the optimal double-stacked DA chain, though it technically drops the double stack for a fraction of a second. I remove one or two Gambler's Cuts on the fly if and when necessary to keep my defenses up. Not sure you'll need a double-stacked DA chain for Willpower, though.
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
So I'm toying with the idea of finally making my first scrapper. How is Kat/WP? I want it to be a concept character, but I also want it to be strong.
Money, as always, isn't an object.
I'm also contemplating DB/WP, but I heard that DB/ is a gimp set.