PVP High Damage controller




Hi all. I'm looking to make a pvp character, I thought about blasters and such, but to be honest, I feel much more comfortable with a controller (I have a 50 Plant/Kin). I hear that Fire is the most damaging primary (I would like something that can drop another player fairly quickly, I understand I am not blaster/scrapper, but I am willing to trade some damage for the roots/kb/holds that the controller offers)

So.. Would you agree that Fire is the most damaging primary, and if so, what would be the best secondary -- I am initially thinking /storm because i can use a few quick casting knockbacks when the stealthers jump out and try to stab me. It also offers quite a few slows and stealth built in with the mist...

Anyone have any suggestions? What would everyone reccomend?



Mind Control is a solid set right now, seeing as Levitate works on almost anyone now with enough KB enhancements. Mind/Storm, Mind/Rad, Mind/Thermal too maybe, would all be solid choices. As for fire, the same secondaries go. I'm not so sure about Fires Effectiveness anymore due to how AoE-centric it is, however.

@Mazzo Grave
Webmaster Grave, Virtueverse!
Energy/Energy Blaster Guide
Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
you *******!!!!



Originally Posted by Black_Marrow View Post
Mind Control is a solid set right now, seeing as Levitate works on almost anyone now with enough KB enhancements. Mind/Storm, Mind/Rad, Mind/Thermal too maybe, would all be solid choices. As for fire, the same secondaries go. I'm not so sure about Fires Effectiveness anymore due to how AoE-centric it is, however.
Is mind a high DPS Set also?

I know Plant / Fire are supposed to be, but not sure of the others.

Kinetics are GREAT Pve, but I dont think they would be as good in pvp because you have to get close enough to get the buff from FC/Trans/etc, correct?



Originally Posted by Caedor View Post
Is mind a high DPS Set also?

I know Plant / Fire are supposed to be, but not sure of the others.

Kinetics are GREAT Pve, but I dont think they would be as good in pvp because you have to get close enough to get the buff from FC/Trans/etc, correct?
Well, Mind is mostly Psi damage (not too heavily resisted), and you have 3 ST attacks and one AoE attack, most of which are better than what you can get in other sets (as other sets damage is leveraged by the fact that they get a pet or two). Levitate can take flying foes out of the air, also.

Don't think about Kin as a BUFF set in PvP. Think of it as a DEBUFF set. Someone has high regen? Hit transfusion and go to town. Someone has only a sliver of a blue bar remaining? Hit Transference and watch them cry. Someone has high damage? FS and Siphon Power STILL reduces their damage, which keeps you alive longer. Siphon Speed slows down running AND recharge. Repel is good for keeping melee types off you.

It's not a perfect combo, mind you. But it's well rounded enough to serve you well against a good deal of foes, especially those lacking mez and KB resist.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Well, Mind is mostly Psi damage (not too heavily resisted), and you have 3 ST attacks and one AoE attack, most of which are better than what you can get in other sets (as other sets damage is leveraged by the fact that they get a pet or two). Levitate can take flying foes out of the air, also.

Don't think about Kin as a BUFF set in PvP. Think of it as a DEBUFF set. Someone has high regen? Hit transfusion and go to town. Someone has only a sliver of a blue bar remaining? Hit Transference and watch them cry. Someone has high damage? FS and Siphon Power STILL reduces their damage, which keeps you alive longer. Siphon Speed slows down running AND recharge. Repel is good for keeping melee types off you.

It's not a perfect combo, mind you. But it's well rounded enough to serve you well against a good deal of foes, especially those lacking mez and KB resist.
Thank you! I never thought of the debuff on it.

Someone in my SG pointed out most melee have KB/hold protection/resist, which would make a controller a sitting duck just about. Have you noticed these problems? I'm not really set on any specific set, and just dont want to spend weeks leveling up to find out that i'm using a horrible PVP set.

For a bit of education what would people consider a "Perfect combo" - I understand there are going to be varying opinions, and thats great, I would like to hear different sides to see some of the differences. I could not find a really up to date guide here, (of course, my Search-fu could have been weak, and I missed it - so if you know of one, please feel free to link it up).

Thanks Controllers, your knowledge is appreciated.



To be honest, you ARE a sitting duck just by virtue of being an easy kill. A Stalker can AS you, and if you don't react quick enough, can kill you in the next blow. Also, many Stalkers have a ranged, damage hold from their Patron pool which, if they open up with it while hidden, will not only do a load of damage, but leave you helpless for the follow up (kinda Over-Powered as neither mez nor ranged damage is supposed to be their forte). A Widow can probably deflect most of your attacks, then hit you hard. Dominators can be frustrating if they get a jump on you.

However, your main prey will be Corruptors and Masterminds. ESPECIALLY if you open with Mass Confuse. You can also use Repel to cause huge amounts of havoc, as most MM pets dont have good KB resist. Brutes can ALSO be easy if you don't get close to them. Bring some mez protection because most of the time they WILL have a ranged attack that WILL stun you.

PvP is all about striking first while the opponent is distracted. I'll use my experiences tonight as an example.

I tried solong in RV... didn't work at ALL. 3 stalkers, one dom, and... yeah. So i joined a team of heroes, and I found that as long as the Stalkers didn't try to come after me first, I could easily hit them while they were exposed (after they tried to AS a teammate), and finish them off if they didn't hibernate or run. Dealing with the Dom was simply a matter of who saw who first. Of course, then she'd cry for help and I'd get AS'd, so i stopped going after the Dom until her HP or end bar were low.

The best thing for me to do was sit, wait until a stalker tried to attack me, then my teammates would gang up on them. The stalkers tried hitting all at once, but that just let me use Fulcrum shift or Mass Confusion, and the tides would turn.

Then we found a group of vills that consisted of a corr, 2 MMs (thugs and bots) and another Stalker who apparently doesn't use Hide. Did I mention how FUN it is to use Mass Confusion on MMs? The group piratically killed themselves! Using TK to shove half of the MM's protection away probably cheesed him off to no end... Of course, then i used Fulcrum shift and took out the MMs themselves.

Another item of note: "all" PvPers take Superspeed. And combat jumping. Especially melee types. So, you should get flight so you can play keep-away. Of course, then they'll bring a jetpack... Bad move. One hit of Levitate and they'll fall to their near-deaths. Gravity is also great for this: wormhole and Lift will negate even Hover's Fly magnitude, allowing you to turn the most fearsome foe into street pizza. Also, if you DO meet another flier, kill their end bar. You can't use a flight power without endurance!

Mind/Kin isn't a -great- combo for PvP. Your kills won't be terribly quick, and you only have limited mitigation against various foes, and simply by virtue of being a squishy means you'll be at the top of the villains' hit-list. However, it allows you to be a HUGE disturbance if no one is paying attention to you. Repel, TK, Confuse/Mass Confuse, Transference... these things will TOTALLY disrupt an enemy if they're fighting someone else... however, they stop doing you much good once someone comes gunning for you.

To be honest, most of your mezzes will be nerfed hard (base duration is only 4 seconds in PvP, and most people will have resist, which cuts down the time they're affected). Slot them as attacks. This basically makes you a weak blaster with a touch of mez and some defender effects that don't work as well as you're used to. But you can make it work!

Power suggestions: Tactics, maybe some stealth (both the power pool and a stealth IO). IR from Kinetics might save a pool power choice. Hasten, especially if you take any long-recharge powers. Mass Hyp and Total Dom won't do you any favors unless you run into NPCs in the zone. TK shuts off after a short time, yet is still an end hog. It's a decent panic button but if you're deciding between that and something that seems more useful, go for the other choice.

Phew, that was long winded, sorry!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Phew, that was long winded, sorry!
And I appreciate it! Im wondering if the controller is just not what I'm looking for... I love my Plant/kin for regular grouping, I love the big control, but maybe for pvp I should be looking for something else... I dont know.



I think you will be very happy with fire/mind/stone combined with thermal.

Thermal is a great pvp set (self heal/great -recovery/-resist & -def) combined with stone for more -def, mind for lev/dom/mezmer, and fire for damage and concept.

I am PL in RL.

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