11 -
Not having ever played with either set, I'm SURE I'm missing a few nice powers of the sets could someone please look over my build choices and see if they are solid power choices, or if I'm misisng something really obvious?
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.401
Level 50 Mutation Defender
Primary Power Set: Storm Summoning
Secondary Power Set: Dark Blast
Power Pool: Flight
Power Pool: Fitness
Ancillary Pool: Power Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Gale Empty(A)
Level 1: Dark Blast Empty(A), Empty(3), Empty(11), Empty(17), Empty(36), Empty(36)
Level 2: Gloom Empty(A), Empty(3), Empty(11), Empty(17), Empty(29), Empty(36)
Level 4: Snow Storm Empty(A), Empty(5), Empty(5)
Level 6: Steamy Mist Empty(A), Empty(7), Empty(7), Empty(15), Empty(40), Empty(40)
Level 8: Moonbeam Empty(A), Empty(9), Empty(9), Empty(15), Empty(34), Empty(39)
Level 10: Freezing Rain Empty(A), Empty(37), Empty(37), Empty(37), Empty(39), Empty(39)
Level 12: Dark Pit Empty(A), Empty(13), Empty(13)
Level 14: Hover Empty(A)
Level 16: Fly Empty(A), Empty(46)
Level 18: Tenebrous Tentacles Empty(A), Empty(19), Empty(19), Empty(23), Empty(25), Empty(27)
Level 20: Night Fall Empty(A), Empty(21), Empty(21), Empty(23), Empty(25), Empty(31)
Level 22: Swift Empty(A)
Level 24: Hurricane Empty(A)
Level 26: Health Empty(A), Empty(27), Empty(29)
Level 28: Torrent Empty(A)
Level 30: Stamina Empty(A), Empty(31), Empty(31)
Level 32: Lightning Storm Empty(A), Empty(33), Empty(33), Empty(33), Empty(34), Empty(34)
Level 35: Life Drain Empty(A), Empty(40), Empty(43), Empty(45), Empty(45), Empty(45)
Level 38: Blackstar Empty(A), Empty(42), Empty(42), Empty(42), Empty(43), Empty(43)
Level 41: Power Build Up Empty(A)
Level 44: Temp Invulnerability Empty(A), Empty(46), Empty(46), Empty(48), Empty(48), Empty(48)
Level 47: Total Focus Empty(A)
Level 49: O2 Boost Empty(A), Empty(50), Empty(50), Empty(50)
Level 1: Brawl Empty(A)
Level 1: Sprint Empty(A)
Level 2: Rest Empty(A)
Level 1: Vigilance
The slotting levels may not be right, but I can adjust that later.. I would like to be a nice support character for our SG, and able do do a bit of PVP.. Saying that, I would still like to do lots of mayham and destruciton in our PvE runs we do often..
Any opinions? -
I'm curious, what do people consider the "Must haves" of this set?
I have been dying to try a /storm - and I have never played a defender (Although I do have 2 controllers @ 50).. I remember playing Dark before, and liking the set becuase of the great -tohit debuffs, (And I liked the effects)
What should I be tryign to slot for general leveling, grouping, team support - and @ 50, if I slot for damage, is that a good idea? Can I get good dps from a defender?
Thanks for the help! -
And I appreciate it! Im wondering if the controller is just not what I'm looking for... I love my Plant/kin for regular grouping, I love the big control, but maybe for pvp I should be looking for something else... I dont know.
Quote:Thank you! I never thought of the debuff on it.Well, Mind is mostly Psi damage (not too heavily resisted), and you have 3 ST attacks and one AoE attack, most of which are better than what you can get in other sets (as other sets damage is leveraged by the fact that they get a pet or two). Levitate can take flying foes out of the air, also.
Don't think about Kin as a BUFF set in PvP. Think of it as a DEBUFF set. Someone has high regen? Hit transfusion and go to town. Someone has only a sliver of a blue bar remaining? Hit Transference and watch them cry. Someone has high damage? FS and Siphon Power STILL reduces their damage, which keeps you alive longer. Siphon Speed slows down running AND recharge. Repel is good for keeping melee types off you.
It's not a perfect combo, mind you. But it's well rounded enough to serve you well against a good deal of foes, especially those lacking mez and KB resist.
Someone in my SG pointed out most melee have KB/hold protection/resist, which would make a controller a sitting duck just about. Have you noticed these problems? I'm not really set on any specific set, and just dont want to spend weeks leveling up to find out that i'm using a horrible PVP set.
For a bit of education what would people consider a "Perfect combo" - I understand there are going to be varying opinions, and thats great, I would like to hear different sides to see some of the differences. I could not find a really up to date guide here, (of course, my Search-fu could have been weak, and I missed it - so if you know of one, please feel free to link it up).
Thanks Controllers, your knowledge is appreciated. -
Quote:Is mind a high DPS Set also?Mind Control is a solid set right now, seeing as Levitate works on almost anyone now with enough KB enhancements. Mind/Storm, Mind/Rad, Mind/Thermal too maybe, would all be solid choices. As for fire, the same secondaries go. I'm not so sure about Fires Effectiveness anymore due to how AoE-centric it is, however.
I know Plant / Fire are supposed to be, but not sure of the others.
Kinetics are GREAT Pve, but I dont think they would be as good in pvp because you have to get close enough to get the buff from FC/Trans/etc, correct? -
Hi all. I'm looking to make a pvp character, I thought about blasters and such, but to be honest, I feel much more comfortable with a controller (I have a 50 Plant/Kin). I hear that Fire is the most damaging primary (I would like something that can drop another player fairly quickly, I understand I am not blaster/scrapper, but I am willing to trade some damage for the roots/kb/holds that the controller offers)
So.. Would you agree that Fire is the most damaging primary, and if so, what would be the best secondary -- I am initially thinking /storm because i can use a few quick casting knockbacks when the stealthers jump out and try to stab me. It also offers quite a few slows and stealth built in with the mist...
Anyone have any suggestions? What would everyone reccomend? -
Enoch, I'm working on an archery/Mental build right now also, so hopefully you will not mind my asking a few questions about your posted builds to help me understand a few more things.
On my first "Run" at the build, I noticed I didn't really take any of the mental powers except concentration, psychic scream, and sudual. Are these other powers really worth taking? I'm planning on using this as a bit of everything I would like to have a build to PVP with, and one to farm with using 2 different builds (if this is even possible)
Also, I notice you use a lot of the same set's (Positrons Blast) do those effects stack? For instance if you have 3 complete positrons sets on your build, does the set bonus's stack 3x?
Thanks! -
Quote:I saw Kruunch's build in action yesterday, and I must say... WOW...Which is why I told the person who posted his build after mine that you don't want to totally ignore Ranged Defense.
Having said that, running about at about 20% or so Ranged defense seems to have taken care of most stuff I face (TFs and full group MAs) in that melee damage is always the more immediate concern (I don't think I've fact planted once with this build due to ranged damage yet).
I immediately dropped the Dark/Shield scrapper I was working on, and started a spines/fire. -
Here is how I would initially take the powers, I'm REALLY not sure about the epic powers, I just took fire because I noticed it had more AE, and I figured AE damage would be good for holding aggro against multiple bad guys.
What are the glaring holes on this one?
Level 48 Mutation Tanker
Primary Power Set: Shield Defense
Secondary Power Set: Super Strength
Power Pool: Flight
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Fighting
Ancillary Pool: Pyre Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Battle Agility Empty(A)
Level 1: Jab Empty(A)
Level 2: True Grit Empty(A)
Level 4: Punch Empty(A)
Level 6: Hover Empty(A)
Level 8: Active Defense Empty(A)
Level 10: Taunt Empty(A)
Level 12: Against All Odds Empty(A)
Level 14: Fly Empty(A)
Level 16: Phalanx Fighting Empty(A)
Level 18: Hand Clap Empty(A)
Level 20: Swift Empty(A)
Level 22: Health Empty(A)
Level 24: Stamina Empty(A)
Level 26: Shield Charge Empty(A)
Level 28: Boxing Empty(A)
Level 30: Tough Empty(A)
Level 32: One with the Shield Empty(A)
Level 35: Weave Empty(A)
Level 38: Foot Stomp Empty(A)
Level 41: Char Empty(A)
Level 44: Melt Armor Empty(A)
Level 47: Fire Ball Empty(A)
Level 49: Rage Empty(A)
Level 1: Brawl Empty(A)
Level 1: Sprint Empty(A)
Level 2: Rest Empty(A)
Level 1: Gauntlet -
Ok guys, I played a while when the game came out, just started back a few months ago, and have been asking around my SG for temps and such for my characters. I would love to learn what to put in a template, how to make them, things to look out for, etc.
Does anyone know of a "Template guide for dummies" thread around here? I Looked in the guide section and saw some good stuff, but nothing that goes into pretty basic detail on the thought process on creating your first template (as oppsoed to finding someone elses and just using it). For instance, I want to try a shield / ?? tanker (going with SS for now) but I have so many qustions, and I dont really know the answers.
I think I'm going to play with the hero designer first, and post different templates and my thoughts behind them, and see what people think - after I get corrected and straightened out move to the next part, I'm talking basic power selection, them moving on to how to slot powers, then on to which sets to use and why.
Before I did all this, I wanted to see if something like this existed already.
Hopefully it will be a very informative thread to any other noobs coming into the game wondering the same things.
So, Hello and thanks in advance for the help!