PvP Drops and the last patch..




So the patch notes say...

If you defeat someone who has recently defeated you, this will no longer restrict you from receiving rewards from the PvP defeat. The PvP reputation timer is now no longer reset from a defeat that doesn't earn reputation.
Does this mean that the Rep timer (and the chance to see a drop) is no longer reset every time you attack someone you recently defeated?

Ie. Now, you can keep fighting and defeating each other and once every 5 minutes the opportunity for a drop occurs?



That's what it sounds like to me.



I haven't gotten one since before the bug where they didn't drop...and before then I had only gotten 2.



I haven't gotten to play since the patch, but i usually get a pvp io for every 1-2 hours i put into active freedom RV pvp. If the patch is really as effective as i hope it is, it will be easier for me to get one becuase farm targets in RV on freedom are abundant and i can sometimes get as many as 8 ppl on the 5 min timer. No moar reseting



0-400 rep and not a single drop. Working as intended? I don't think so.



Originally Posted by Bulldogge View Post
0-400 rep and not a single drop. Working as intended? I don't think so.
Random drops are random. Keep PvPing.



It's close to 1 out of 100 kills for every drop. If you figure it takes about 5-6 mins per kill in Arena thats 500 mins or 8 hours worth of killing.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



not really, i respected my arch/dev blaster and started planting mines and tping villians... withing a day i got 2 drops that ammounted 650mil at the WW house... it was weird though because i didn't really get many kills, i was mainly support and tping into mines...



ya i've been getting them since the patch so I figure their working again. I would also say it's probably one in every 100 i get one too.