Kin/Arch vs Kin/Ice for Solo farming
Depends on the Lts., high lethal resistance = bad for Rain of Arrows, with Ice giving you -recharge = more personal safety. Kinetics is a hard set to "farm" solo with on a Defender, one mez and you're down.

I am wondering which build to take assuming that I am just planning to do solo farm on level 52 Lts.
The thing that will give you trouble is surviving the Alpha. None of the defender APPs have a defense based armor. You can avoid slotting AoE defense if you are programming your own farm but you'll need ranged defense (fairly easy to come by in sets available to Kin/Arch) and melee defense (not very easy to come by with sets available to Kin/Arch)
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
I was playing around with a Kin/Ice concept on Mid's and discovered that with Siphon Power x2 + Fulcrum Shift (8 foes) + Blizzard, my defender would be maxing out the dmg on Blizzard which is around 2250 (guesstimate since I don't recall the actual value and can't look it up at work). This is assuming that Mid's is correct and Blizzard is truly buffed by Siphon Power and Fulcrum Shift's +DMG. Can anyone confirm? If yes, then the hasten+siphon speed +recharge could get Blizzard back in 126 seconds (IO slotting only, so this could be improved) which is a very attractive Tier 9 power that could be up for nearly every large farm battle (since they tend to last a couple of minutes excluding those with great dps teams).
I think I'm going to try this build and see if it works in game as I think it does in concept. If anyone already knows the answer regarding Blizzard's dmg being buffed (or not buffed) by the Kin's powers, please reply. Thanks all.
Regarding the original post, I feel ICE has a unique dmg type and therefore would be better, however, I do concede that if you can pick your farms, then you can address the 'resist lethal' challenges /archery must contest.
Siphon Power and Fulcrum do boost Blizzard's damage.
I was playing around with a Kin/Ice concept on Mid's and discovered that with Siphon Power x2 + Fulcrum Shift (8 foes) + Blizzard, my defender would be maxing out the dmg on Blizzard which is around 2250 (guesstimate since I don't recall the actual value and can't look it up at work). This is assuming that Mid's is correct and Blizzard is truly buffed by Siphon Power and Fulcrum Shift's +DMG. Can anyone confirm? If yes, then the hasten+siphon speed +recharge could get Blizzard back in 126 seconds (IO slotting only, so this could be improved) which is a very attractive Tier 9 power that could be up for nearly every large farm battle (since they tend to last a couple of minutes excluding those with great dps teams).
I think I'm going to try this build and see if it works in game as I think it does in concept. If anyone already knows the answer regarding Blizzard's dmg being buffed (or not buffed) by the Kin's powers, please reply. Thanks all. Regarding the original post, I feel ICE has a unique dmg type and therefore would be better, however, I do concede that if you can pick your farms, then you can address the 'resist lethal' challenges /archery must contest. |
You'll have to put a dam/slow from a slow set (cheap) or a microfilament (expensive) in Frost Breath, Ice Storm, and Blizzard to achieve 145.5% -run speed to -153.2% respectively and use all 3 powers to get a large enough -run speed to keep +4 bosses in the blizzard for all of it's duration.
Aim>Frost Breath>Transfusion>Fulcrum>Blizzard (detoggles Epic armor)>CaB>Ice Storm>Transfusion>Transference (retoggle Epic armor) is the sequence I have found to work quite well.
You'll need some hefty defense set bonuses to survive the alpha. I've found that it works much better as a defender/tank Duo.
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
The thing that will give you trouble is surviving the Alpha. None of the defender APPs have a defense based armor. You can avoid slotting AoE defense if you are programming your own farm but you'll need ranged defense (fairly easy to come by in sets available to Kin/Arch) and melee defense (not very easy to come by with sets available to Kin/Arch)
So the mobs are doing a fifth of their normal damage output to you, and you can heal for massive amounts every few seconds, so it's not a worry.
The only worry is the mez. And, as they said, if you're programming your own farm, you can avoid that easily. With Fulcrum/Rain you'll kill stuff fast enough generally that surviving isn't really an issue most of the time. Especially if you go the Dark or Psi epic - Oppressive GLoom can provide loads of mitigation for a fairly small price, and Mass Hypnosis is like a Get Out of Harm's Way Free card for a kinetic.
psst...put the spawn to sleep....
Freedom Server:
Cold Storage lvl 50 Ice/Eng Blaptroller
Land Mass lvl 50 Stone/Fire Tanker
The Alpha isn't a problem at all on a Kinetic - you open with Fulcrum Shift, which lowers mob damage output by 25% (to 75% damage taken) then you factor in your epic armor for 45-50% further resistance (down to 37% damage taken) and this is further reduced by any defense powers you have, such as leadership, combat jumping, or if you took the fighting pool, tough and weave (probably another 10% or so damage reduction, closer to 20% with the fighting pool)
So the mobs are doing a fifth of their normal damage output to you, and you can heal for massive amounts every few seconds, so it's not a worry. The only worry is the mez. And, as they said, if you're programming your own farm, you can avoid that easily. With Fulcrum/Rain you'll kill stuff fast enough generally that surviving isn't really an issue most of the time. Especially if you go the Dark or Psi epic - Oppressive GLoom can provide loads of mitigation for a fairly small price, and Mass Hypnosis is like a Get Out of Harm's Way Free card for a kinetic. |
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
Kin/Ice is crazy fun.. and crazy damage.. With a solid ST chain and the 2 rain powers you are able to handle a multitude of problems.. I skipped the holds and went with a Defense based build with fighting..
Havnt played to much Arch but Kin/Ice seems kinda slow at farming unless you want to herd and pop Blizz
Thank you for the responses from those who have played a Kin/Ice...I definitely feel the dmg buffed Blizzard would be good times on a 2 minutes cycle basis. Since I'm more of a team oriented player, I'd most likely play this toon on teams and therefore allow tanks or other's to gather the mob into a nice tight mass. Teaming with multiple archetypes/powersets could produce many synergies that would allow one to avoid the alpha, build up the siphon powers+fulcrum shift goodness and drop a maxed out Blizzard on a potentially slowed, debuffed mob. <drools>
I am wondering which build to take assuming that I am just planning to do solo farm on level 52 Lts.
Opinion is heresy.