the value of testing..
If someone is using Wingdings, they want the reader to see Wingdings. Therefore, Firefox does not know better.
In the interest of fairness, I'll admit that most of my reactions to problems are Firefox not knowing better:
A: "I installed a media plug-in yesterday, but it's not there now"
Me: "Firefox doesn't know any better"
B: "My cookies aren't being saved properly"
Me: "Firefox doesn't know any better"
C: "My monitor's gaussed to crap and back"
Me: "Firefox, man. It doesn't know any better"
Me: "Frikkin' Firefox"
So I may not be entirely unbiased.
BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.
In the general case, you would be correct that displaying a different font would be the browser not knowing better.
But in the case of webdings and similar fonts, Firefox apparently knows better than the author, because the author doesn't know jack.
BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.