Gaussian's Chance for Build Up




I've been considering adding a slot to Bright Nova on my PB for a Gaussian's Chance for Build Up. Was hoping it would stand a better chance to proc since it's in a toggle.

But I'm not sure if a) it would fire that often and b)the number of times it might fire was worth devoting a slot to it in a slot-starved build where the two forms are emphasized and only the human-form stun, seekers and heals are used.

Opinions? Advice?

Thanks in advance for your help.



I have that and the to-hit + to-hit/end reduction gaussians in my Nova. It seems to have a chance to fire every 10 seconds. It's real nice when it and my procs fire at the same time. Also have 2 zephyr's and a common end recovery. 6 slotting nova form is worth it in my opinion.




Havent shoved one into a Kheld before but i have put one into Tactics. It tends to fire fairly randomly, but there have been times when it fired twice in a row which gave a really nice boost. Yes it does stack with itself, but it happens very rarely.

Anywho, if you can find a way to fit it in without taking the slot from a power that really needs it you might as well do so.

Then, perhaps your butt cheeks will relinquish their grip on your chin." -The_Zekiran



What it amounts to if I remember correctly (pretty sure) is a 2.5% global damage bonus in squid form over the long haul. Decide for yourself if you think this is worth the slot it takes.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



If that's the case OF, that's actually a pretty good buff for just one slot. Considering a couple of melee IO sets, for example, provide a 2.5% or 3% damage buff once you slot four of them, an overall 2.5% average damage buff for that one Gaussian seems like a pretty good return on a one-slot investment.



This looks as good a thread as any to dive into for my first post in the Warshade section, I have been on the EU forums for a while but haven't done too many posts. Anyway I am a Warshade player at heart and have a few thousand hours racked up on my Tri-former.

So hello

On topic: From memory I think Obsidian_Force is correct that it works out as a 2.5% damage bonus, but you have to remember that a lot of that damage potential is wasted because it will go off out of combat and won't proc at all when you aren't in Nova, so overall isn't quite as good as a full 2.5% damage bonus.

I would also say that a 2.5% damage bonus is next to worthless, you may as well pop one small red every 10 minutes to get a similar average damage bonus, and reds drop much more frequently than that.

I would also say never 6 slot the form (Unless going for DEF builds) because no matter what you put into it you will never get as good a return from your slotting investment as putting those slots to use in some of the powers. The biggest complaint about Kheldians is slot-starvation, slotting anything that wont kill the enemy of save your life isn't of great value imho. I would only ever use the first slot in Nova, and would go for either a fly speed IO or a fly/end Hami-O if you have the money.

The only other time I would advise more slots in Nova is if you have endurance issues, but you really shouldn't.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



I'm also not a huge fan of over slotting squid form (I normaly use 2-3 slots) but I do find the sudden damage spikes from the proc to be well worth the investment of the extra slot to put this in (particularly if you play the character regularly and end up facing alot of AV's where your spamming squid blasts a few million times). The fact it will check for proc immediately when you shift to squid form alone would be enough to make me slot this totaly ignoring the other "check every 10 seconds" it does.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Slotting it in a toggle that you toggle on and off constantly does nothing to circumvent the "every 10 seconds" rule. Techncally it checks every time a toggle refreshes, but every time it has a chance to go off it's forcefully suppressed and prevented from activating for ten seconds. This suppression is global; meaning no matter how much you toggle the power, you still only get a chance every ten seconds.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
Slotting it in a toggle that you toggle on and off constantly does nothing to circumvent the "every 10 seconds" rule. Techncally it checks every time a toggle refreshes, but every time it has a chance to go off it's forcefully suppressed and prevented from activating for ten seconds. This suppression is global; meaning no matter how much you toggle the power, you still only get a chance every ten seconds.
Pretty sure nobody was saying anything about constantly toggling this power on and off to make it proc. What I like about it is the fact when I do switch to squid form it will make that check right away and check for proc every 10 seconds thereafter.

If you switch forms semi-regularly this is an excellent proc to have imho.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



This is interesting, I had thought a proc would only activate if it was in a power that was turned on, with the exception being Auto powers which are always on. Is this incorrect?

The proc will "re-roll" the 'chance for' every 10 seconds when in form?!? That is not so bad at all!



It fires so rarely and randomly its not really worth it unless youre going for the set bonus.



And I will again dissagree. A global 2.5% damage boost while in squid form (thats total damage you do in that form over all the time your in it) from one slot is not something insignificant.

People will not think twice about slotting 3-5 slots of a set to get a 2.5%-3% damage bonus from ToD or Makos Bite or Obliteration.

Exactly how is a 1 slotted 2.5% global damage boost in your main damaging form a waste?

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.




On topic: From memory I think Obsidian_Force is correct that it works out as a 2.5% damage bonus, but you have to remember that a lot of that damage potential is wasted because it will go off out of combat and won't proc at all when you aren't in Nova, so overall isn't quite as good as a full 2.5% damage bonus.

I would also say that a 2.5% damage bonus is next to worthless, you may as well pop one small red every 10 minutes to get a similar average damage bonus, and reds drop much more frequently than that.

I am also a mainly a Warshade player, infact it is my main and the character I use almost every day. 2000+ hours on it and a few thousand more hours on 5 other kheldians.

That is a 2.5% global damage boost to damage inflicted while in squid form. None of that potential is wasted at all. It is exactly as good as a 2.5% global damage boost while in squid form.

I would'nt say a 2.5% is worthless any more that I would say a 3% def global bonus is worthless and yet people will pay 20 million+ for that single IO.

Ignoring all that, there is still that not as infrequent as some people like to think damage spike this proc provides.

I seriously do not know what other people are doing with their squids. Do they not solo? to where the improved damage your not getting from mooching bonuses from 7 other people on the team might matter? Do they never fight EB/AV's where their best bet is to stay outta melee and damage is at a premium? I dont know about anyone else but I like when my 166 damage blast hits for 240'ish for a couple cycles of attacks.

I run herostats I have compaired with and without the proc. The difference over a night of play is huge and anyone who can't differentiate much larger numbers from much smaller numbers needs to rethink their advice.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



It isnt a global 2.5% bonus.



Originally Posted by Airborne_Ninja View Post
It isnt a global 2.5% bonus.
That's right it's not actually a 2.5% global damage bonus.

However, if you do the math regarding how often it procs, how much it *does* boost damage in Nova form, and how much that works out to be *over time*, it is equivalent to a 2.5% damage bonus. From a single slot, as opposed to two, three or four slots for a set io global damage bonus.

Is it worth it? That's up to the player to decide. I'd think, in long combats, it would be.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2
I would'nt say a 2.5% is worthless any more that I would say a 3% def global bonus is worthless and yet people will pay 20 million+ for that single IO.

Ignoring all that, there is still that not as infrequent as some people like to think damage spike this proc provides.

I seriously do not know what other people are doing with their squids. Do they not solo? to where the improved damage your not getting from mooching bonuses from 7 other people on the team might matter? Do they never fight EB/AV's where their best bet is to stay outta melee and damage is at a premium? I dont know about anyone else but I like when my 166 damage blast hits for 240'ish for a couple cycles of attacks.
A 5% chance to proc is roughly once every 3 minutes, and thats rounding in favour of the proc, in a team an AV might only last 3 minutes so from that proc you might be getting 100 extra damage over that whole time. While 100 damage is nothing to be sniffed at I wouldn't say it is the best use of the slot, thats all I was saying.

Though comparing it to the 3% defence IO which would cut incoming damage by 6% and can add up to a 50% survivability increase if it is that last push to the softcap is wrong.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2
I run herostats I have compaired with and without the proc. The difference over a night of play is huge and anyone who can't differentiate much larger numbers from much smaller numbers needs to rethink their advice.
I think you overplay the hugeness of that really, I can see on a lucky night it will proc on an AoE attack most of the time and would add up to a fair amount, but on average it shouldn't make a great deal of difference and I maintain that 2.5% average damage isn't much, especially considering that it isn't 2.5% of the total, its 2.5% of the base, which will be about ~1% extra total damage for a well slotted build.

Overall yes it is a useful IO, but I think there are better uses for slots. A damage proc in one of the Nova ST attacks would add much more to your overall damage output, not to mention a proc in the AoE attacks.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Well since I already have sufficient acc/dam/recharge/end reduction and a proc on each attack I find the use of the Build Up proc well worth the investment of one slot.

I might be overestimating the usefulness of said proc on the average build, but you are most certainly minimizing it to all builds.

If I play for a night and do around 20,000 points of damage in squid form to me the 2.5% increase is well worth it. I will not argue that other slotting or a damage proc might not be as good. I have not done the math on that. What I "DO" know is that in situations where you cannot mire and must rely on squid damage the procs improve my damage regularly to the point I can nearly 2 shot groups of mobs with my AOE's.

If the arguement was if it is the wisest use of slots I wouldn't have bothered getting into it, but as always the golden nugget of wrong was thrown in (it will not proc often enough to be of use) and this is not only oblivious it is just plain incorrect. And that will draw out my trollish tendencies every time.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.