Resistance debuffs and cap question




Confusing as it is I think I get the "resistance resists resistible resistance debuffs" concept but I am wondering what the end resistance would be if you are over the cap.

For instance if my MM has 83% resistance to all damage capped to 75% resistance and gets a 20% resistance debuff (resistable resistance already taken into account) would I end up on 55% (coming down from cap) to all or 63% resistance (coming down from non capped figure)?

In other words could it be worth while slotting for 83% vs debuffs or just aiming for 75%?



I've read that 10 times and i'm still confused ha



63% I think, the cap only applies to actually resisting damage & debuffs. The Total is what debuffs are removed from AFAIK.

Not sure if the Resistance cap is also the Resistance Debuff Resistance cap but I'd guess that it is (so in your 20% debuff example above the original figure would have been 26.66%).



Thanks Carnifax. Ill aim for 83% then. With BG mode I should be on a practical resistance of about 93% to all damage which could be fun. If it is lowered to 63% then still works out at about 90% which is still pretty decent for a support toon.

"I've read that 10 times and i'm still confused ha"

Hay dont blame me Im just qouting wiki:

"Resistance to resistance debuffs follow the formula

NewResistance = OriginalResistance + DebuffAmount - [(DebuffAmount × OriginalResistance) / 100%]
In other words, resistance resists resistible resistance debuffs"



I was with you all the way up to 'Confusing'.

@Sweet Chilli



Lol, well Im guessing then you no longer play the game or follow the mechanics.

As Carfanix can tell you it was a pretty straight forward question.



You guess wrong then noob!

I know what you mean but I don't worry about daft stuff like that.

@Sweet Chilli



You guess wrong then noob!

I know what you mean but I don't worry about daft stuff like that.

[/ QUOTE ]

What? Never! You are just bored and trolling on a thread that was already answered.

Also if you dont bother with things like this why on earth are you posting?

Idk would have thought you may have mellowed and grown up in the three years I was away, clearly not.



No - I still find it highly amusing to make the uptight ones with no sense of humour cry...

@Sweet Chilli



No - I still find it highly amusing to make the uptight ones with no sense of humour cry...

[/ QUOTE ]

And I was going to say you were coming over as having an ever ready stuck somewhere tight as you keep on going. WoW dried up my tier glands years ago.

As for the noob bit... 83% res in pvp, cors Im an noob wouldnt have to be asking questions if I wasnt.

You keep going on about teh old pvp. Well if we cant have it in game we may aswell make do with the forums.