Patch Notes - 15 July 2009



Here's a quick bug for you lot:

Crash, crash, crash, crash, crash. I've had more Fatal Errors in two days than I've had in my 4 years of playing.



Removed Mending Mitochondria from Devouring Earth enemy group.

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I'm glad about this. There's no real reason why they'd be available for use in the MA except as another way to create dull, farming/powerlevelling missions.

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I hardly agree. I've seen several missions referring to them as Alian this or that. I still can't see why they can't make a copy of these and RCO and make the copy reward nothing in order to keep them in for us to have fun with.

If this keeps up, people will get fed up with the MA because all the arcs they create are broken constantly due to changes, or worse, they can't do what they want at all anymore.

Personally I had 3 more arcs planned, story outlined etc and... well, not gonan waste another second on making arcs that I wont get off the drawing board because of constant changes.

It's quite obvious why other MMO's don't have something like this, but now when it's in we don't need panic fixes. Either leave it be and accept it's fundamentally flawed, or take the time to rethink it properly. I tired and fed up with quick-and-dirty fixes. Any joy associated with the MA has faded for most of us, hasn't it?

I'd rather see a flawed, abused tool and devs focusing on new content, than continued wasted time and effort on the MA. It's in, it's flawed, people can do their arcs, people can PL. PLers are happy, arc-creators are content but annoyed people don't play their arcs, and some self-righteous do-gooders are totally mad. All good as I see it!



All they need is to take the rep decay away and people might actually spend more casual time PvPing

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I know I would. Even if the points were built up and only shown in character details for a record of how many kills/defeats you've had (or just kills) and nothing else, I'd PvP a lot more.

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I wouldn't! The PvP is fundamentally flawed.
As a newbie, going to BB facing a lvl 50 with sets and a full tray of insps... Never pvp again.
As a newbie going into RV, facing lvl 50s with PVP sets and the diminishing returns and blah blah.
...oh, wait... As a newb... going into any pvp zone finding...noone... ...erhm... Never pvp again!

Could someone PLEASE tell the devs to stop wasting time and resources on a dead D-E-D!! duck!!!



Removed Mending Mitochondria from Devouring Earth enemy group.

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I'm glad about this. There's no real reason why they'd be available for use in the MA except as another way to create dull, farming/powerlevelling missions.

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indeed, and it only took them nearly 3 months to remove them

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!