Custom Critter Powers




So..... when are we gonna see kheldian powersets as customisable toons?

working on a set of 3 arcs, 1st is complete but need PB powerset for other 2

@Infurnus Mech

My honoured bretheren. We come together, to unite as one, against those that are damned, we show no mercy, for we have none, our enemies shall fall, as we uprise, to claim our fate, now and forever, we'll be together, in love and hate - Jason "Shyboy" Arnold



Believe the devs said ages ago that the HEATs and VEATs AIs were too complex to make work right in the MA.

However... you have oodles of options available now you can re-skin NPCs. AV wise ya can use Arakhn (council nictus), Sunstorm (PPD pb), Requiem (council/5th nictus), Romulus (longbow ws - lower lvl range) as well as the Boss rank Nictus and PPD foes. Note the Nictus Bosses cannot be reskinned but the AVs and PPD can be.

Just a few ideas

Also for completeness - VEAT wise theres Arbiter Sands (arachnos both high and low lvl) amongst a few Bane bosses and EBs.



Yeah, but it's pretty pitiful really.
Why is it too complex? VEATs especially shouldnt be complex at all! They're no different from any other AT, really!
And PBs work fine in the PPD and suchnot, so why not the HEATs?

Another problem is; Why no Traps? Its really, really annoying always having to use Devices =/

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



now... when you say re-skin.... you saying i could say add sunstorm in and change how he completely looks so i can add my pb in on his frame or only his colours like most npc's?

@Infurnus Mech

My honoured bretheren. We come together, to unite as one, against those that are damned, we show no mercy, for we have none, our enemies shall fall, as we uprise, to claim our fate, now and forever, we'll be together, in love and hate - Jason "Shyboy" Arnold



Colours alas only. But his AI is unique as uses the PPD Quantum AI but better. He will switch forms basically and use lightform and the nuke.

But if ya creative can make it look way different. Its best option given the limited capability of the MA to do what ya after.

For reference a mate of mine used Arakhn very well. Storywise could say ya pb is working with PPD or its earlier in his career before going it on his own. Just an idea.



unfortunately i need a female pb without forms, tbh i dont see how that'd be hard to AI as its the same as any other set, they could even limit the powers choosable to 9 a side if they had to...

@Infurnus Mech

My honoured bretheren. We come together, to unite as one, against those that are damned, we show no mercy, for we have none, our enemies shall fall, as we uprise, to claim our fate, now and forever, we'll be together, in love and hate - Jason "Shyboy" Arnold



Closest is Arakhn as shes a female nictus without forms, but a ws sadly.



thanks, but its gotta be a pb and i gotta be able to load a custom cossie.... cmon devs, pull through! even if its just minion pb cop powers!

@Infurnus Mech

My honoured bretheren. We come together, to unite as one, against those that are damned, we show no mercy, for we have none, our enemies shall fall, as we uprise, to claim our fate, now and forever, we'll be together, in love and hate - Jason "Shyboy" Arnold