Why can't I enter some missions?
Ok, so you have clicked on one of the numerous blue panels, found the mission you want to play and clicked 'play' (or in the case of testing your own mission you have found your own mission in "My Local Stories" opened the tab and clicked 'test'). After that you have turned to the contact hologram only to find it has stayed exactly the same as the weird green thing. Just want to make clear exactly what you're doing to get a better idea of what's wrong.
If the above is correct, one of two things could be possibly wrong. 1) The arc actually uses the green contact hologram for some crazy reason (doesn't explain your arc though) or 2) The universal explanation of 'bug'. I suggest you make a bug report/petition a GM for help.

Bad Voodoo by @Beyond Reach. Arc ID #373659. Level 20-24. Mr. Bocor has fallen victim to a group of hooded vigilantes who have been plaguing Port Oakes, interfering with illegal operations and pacifying villain's powers. He demands that revenge is taken on these miscreants and his powers are returned! You look like just the villain for the job. Challenging.
You have encountered this bug:
Current status is that any arcs that suffer from this problem will still go invalid but are not flagged as invalid anymore so the only way for the author to find out if they are still valid is to check them regularily by trying to start them.
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Ok, so you have clicked on one of the numerous blue panels, found the mission you want to play and clicked 'play' (or in the case of testing your own mission you have found your own mission in "My Local Stories" opened the tab and clicked 'test').
[/ QUOTE ]
Insert the "are you sure" messagebox here. Clicking "cancel" will return to the Architect window, clicking "accept" closes the Architect window.
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After that you have turned to the contact hologram only to find it has stayed exactly the same as the weird green thing.
[/ QUOTE ]
Not only that, but the game also doesn't put me into TF mode (as can be seen by the team window). It doesn't launch the arc at all.
It seems that I actually encountered the bug Ashuora linked to, the only difference being that I created AND tried to play the mission arc on the same non-English server, but with the client set to English, apparently with a similar result.
Let's hope the devs will fix this quickly. Thanks for your help!
Hi everyone,
while browsing the mission list in Architect Entertainment I found that I couldn't activate some missions. For some reason the game just closes the Architect window when I click on "accept" but doesn't load the contact.
At first I thougth that those missions were ones that had been invalidated by one of the patches. But:
The same now even happens when I try to test my own brand new mission! When I click on "accept", the contact hologram doesn't change and I can't test my own mission.
The mission editor doesn't show any errors, though. Any hints on how I could enter the missions? Thanks!