Offline MA editor
Thanks for this mate
I can write my dialogs now in work so that will save me great time.
Yeah I was going to do this, but then I found a program you can download - It's very handy - was about to post about it and here it is! Excellent tool!
Thanks for sharing.
Looking good, but the bugs look too severe at the moment. I'll wait for those to get fixed.
Please fight My Brute:
Mission Architect 54161 - Michael Mundano, Megan Malloney and the Secret Senate.
Mission Architect 91838 - Constantinople Jones' Family Secret. A One Mission Story arc.
Looking good, but the bugs look too severe at the moment. I'll wait for those to get fixed.
[/ QUOTE ]
The Offline Editor or Issue 14?
"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon
Myopic Aardvark on Twitter
Both. Tried the editor, it is of great help with the text, but mobs and maps are sometimes messed up.
In the Beta forum I (and a few others) had the idea of making an editro to write missions outside of CoX.
well, I got as far as making a usable, if somewhat cumbersome, javascript based web form and planned on using a hidden div to generate output (then I got distracted by something shiney)
Not sure if this has been posted here already but in case it hasnt here's one if found on the US forums. havent tesetd it fully but from what I have tried it looks to be what I would LIKE to have created but fell waaay short in the talent department:
its completely offline, a self contained exe. great for those of us with a laptop and a long commute to and from work
the link was taken from this thread: