Finish Arc to give comments?




I was playing two arcs the other day. cant remember the names butthe first was to go up against mother nature and defeat all DE on a large graveyard map.

now, I enjoyed it but felt that the defeat all was a bit unnecessary as you have to scout around before you find mother nature (or she finds you as in my case). I had to run away a few times to recuperate but eventually took her down and finished off all the minions. left my feedback and gave a rating.

Then I played a second map. Nazis making a cyborg out of Hitler's brain. almost no intro text, very little by way of flavour. you fight 5th column in an attempt to destroy hitler's brain... ok. Unfortunately the final fight was (for me) extremely difficult to solo. between bots and an invisible EB that constantly replenished every bot I killed i eventually (after over 20 minutes fighting) gave up and exited.

now, the problem is. I'd love to let teh author of the arc know my experiences, maybe he/she didnt realise that some players would find it tough. I would also like to have rated the arc (when I played it it was rated quite high) to reflect that while I liked it, I found the EB a bit on teh hard side for solo, there should have been a team warning and the lack of intro etc really doesnt help. But, because I quit the arc before finishing, I couldnt leave any feedback or rate it.

so what happens if there is an arc that is so bad that you really really dont want to finish it? Or one that is extremely offensive ? Do you have to slog through to the end or fail in the objective?

(on a side note: should we be reporting farms or does MA allow them? not related to the arcs I'm mentioning above).



Uhh, you can rate and send comments without finishing the storyarc.

Just yesterday I couldnt finish an arc due to a custom group of psi/psi EBs that ripped my poor 50 WP tank apart in 6 seconds flat. Quit arc via the architect options buttom above the minimap and the option to rate and send comments should come up.

Defiant 50: Blonde Justice inv/ss; Lady Aminta emp/elec; Sierra Colt merc/traps; Tess LaCoyle elec/elec (blaster); Powerstorm elec/elec (brute);
Union 50: @Steel Dancer WP/DB; Blast Pulse Fire/Rad (corr); Bitter Twilight Earth/Psi (dom); Compassionate Emp/Psi;
Freedom 50: Incandescent Blaze ElecAm/Fire;



it comes up if you hit the large button in the nav box too.



strange, I used the option to quit arc from the architect options button and it just dropped me back into the AE building with the default contact showing. no mission fail or option to rate etc.

probably just my connection acting up




Not strange - I'm pretty sure that hitting 'Quit Story' in the Architect Options window or 'Quit Task Force' in the team window both just quit the MA arc. Once you've hit the button to quit do not get chance to rate/comment.

AFAIK What they both mean is:

1 - click the 'Architect Options' button that should be just under the compass in the navigation window.

2 - Choose your rating and enter a comment if you want. Click 'Submit Comment' if you do want to send a comment.

3 - Then click 'Quit Story'.

EDIT - OK - Just logged in and checked. 'Quit Story' from the Architect Options window brought up the ratings/comment screen again after I quit - so you can comment/rate after quitting. However I'd probably still be tempted to rate/comment just before quitting - if the options are presented just before you quit why not use them rather than hope that they appear again after quitting?

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