Issue 14 Feedback: Mission Architect




My view:

PvP changes. Ok, well hope some guy who cares about PvP loves those. I don't care about them. So no opinion there.

I love being able to create my own missions. The editor is still a bit buggy but it is an excellent piece of work. Sure there are neat things missing but it is a very good start.

One of thing that bugs me is that it is hard to make playable Custom mobs. Making killer mobs is easy, making playable ones is not. That could use some tweaking.

Most obvious problem is the search engine. Right now there more then 100000 ID's and the search engine simply is not up to the task to help us find missions that are to our liking. Plenty of good suggestions has been made to improve the search engine. One of those would be that the search engine is made capable for more advanced text searches. The other part is that we need more categories to search for. To name a few: level range, humor, canon, story, team, eb, av, challenge and even farm.

Another big problem is the farming. While farming has always been there, it was more or less confined to PI and Ourobouros. One of the things happening now is that new players get bombarded with PL farms. Giving a very bad first impression of this game. And try to tell a player to 'grind' his way up to 50 the normal way after he is getting used to the highway? another farming problem is the market problems and the influx of inexperienced players at high levels.

One thing this issue did for me is give me a whole new game to play. Creating, testing, criticizing helping and getting new challenges for old and new toons. I am happy with Issue 14 but I agree that this can become a very bad thing for the game as well.



Rule number one of a Search Engine;
Include 'The' as a searchable term. This is Silly.
Rule two; Add categories.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.