New MA terminology.
Ego Arc:
An Arc with players own toon in. Particularly used in the context of making that toon very powerful and dialouge that insinuated or even blantantly shouts how much more powerful that toon is than the player. Also used in the context of the toon being crowbarred into the story for no good reason.
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I call these Mary Sues myself.
Don't get me wrong, there's nothing bad about featuring one of your characters in a story (I certainly have!) but I've run into a number where the inserted character is so overpowered and full of awesome, they dwarf the player in comparison.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

Mary Sues are at least slightly more inconspcious than ego arcs! But they are a related phenomenon, for sure.
ragequit so far with me has been from minions being overpowered and mastermind powers showing up in minions for no obvious reason other than "ooh, looky!"
@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.
Time to start a compendium of new MA terminology I think:
Entering a mission , then quitting giving 1 star, in order to deliberately torpedo the mission or the author.
Often in the first mission, but can happen anywhere. Tends to occur when faced with things like "Rescue 20 hostages" or "Find 30 clues", but can occur with overpowered minions, orebanga maps, or unballanced enemies etc.
Ego Arc:
An Arc with players own toon in. Particularly used in the context of making that toon very powerful and dialouge that insinuated or even blantantly shouts how much more powerful that toon is than the player. Also used in the context of the toon being crowbarred into the story for no good reason.
Marmite Arc:
Love/Hate. You give it 1 star or 5. the Arcs that have such conflicting veiws nobody knows what its like.
Anybody picked up any other new phrases?