Ni and Libby




I picked up this delightful pack of female/female couple poses, and they just need a little tweaking to get them to work with Ni and Libby (because they differ in height).

Nitoichi and Liberty Girl - Together

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And another one.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
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Not bad, i really like the first pose.

The only thing i could possible nitpick on, would be in those poses it's pretty obvious they have almost identical faces. Aside the skintone they could be twins.

Maybe they are, i dunno. Just thought i'd mention it.



Interesting comment. Actually, they don't. The bone structure is fairly different. Libby's face is rounder and a bit older; Ni has a very narrow face with an odd jaw shape that makes her look like a psycho when she smiles. I guess they both have a few characteristics in common like high cheekbones. They also both have the same skin MAT (IIRC), though the eye colours are obviously different, and so is the hair (in structure as well as colour).

I dunno, maybe appearance really is only skin deep.

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Even they look like a bit i don't think they are identical twins.

I liked pictures, simple and clean. Funny thing Libby's breasts don't look that bad on those pictures. Maybe pose and light was making her look weird on the last one of her solo pictures.



Interesting comment. Actually, they don't. The bone structure is fairly different. Libby's face is rounder and a bit older; Ni has a very narrow face with an odd jaw shape that makes her look like a psycho when she smiles. I guess they both have a few characteristics in common like high cheekbones. They also both have the same skin MAT (IIRC), though the eye colours are obviously different, and so is the hair (in structure as well as colour).

I dunno, maybe appearance really is only skin deep.

[/ QUOTE ]
All this description on paper is boring. I would like to be able to tell all of those things just by looking at the picture.

Oh, and: bubble, pop:
Actually, they do (look alike).

Both noses and mouths look very similar which adds to the them being twin like.

Make one smile, smirk, make a psycho face,... anything!
Either they look bored or they have had too much botox.

It's getting better though. Composition and lighting makes for some nicer pictures with a better ambiance.



These slipped under my radar, and then when I found the post I forgot to make time to respond - so apologies for that but now I just have to say THANKS!! I like 'em! Libby looks good without the belt and shoulder armour - which I bet would be awkward to replicate in Daz. I know that the last few times I doodled her I dropped the belt and shoulder pads because they cluttered things up.

And she's been working out, obviously After all that Up-N-Away junk food, she probably had too

Thanks Birdy!



Belt... maybe, shoulder pads... oh the pain!

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I think Libby seems to look better than Ni. Not sure why, but something just seems to click better.
The stuff is sitll good, great even. But I do agree that the face are quite similar.
Practice makes perfect, and your churning these out a healthy rate =]

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Of course... there is the possibility that they're similar because I was aiming to have them look something like their in-game counterparts and, well, there aren't that many faces in CoX. :s

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