City of Cute...




Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
YES! MUCH better, Caemgen!


(*gives Caemgen an antihistomene*)

Huggles from Amerikatt???

((Dies happy))



i cant wait until my lease ends so i can get a kitten of my own

not enough space right now



Oh ya can we get two cuties ive been wondering how you would make Rainbow Jester look.



Originally Posted by The_Fish View Post
Oh ..... My .......

*Faints from Cuteness*

Thank you SOOOOO much for the Cute Fish Psy

Pleased you like it

Also... just a small apology to those on the queue that are still on the queue... work has kinda got on top of me and what free time I've had has mostly been spent doing some different art work for tshirts on my red bubble store... but will hopefully have two new members of staff in 1-2 weeks time so hopefully I can relax some more and get back to cute-i-fying the universe.



im very patient so take your time Psygon

and besides im sure the cute Arb is gonna be well worth the wait



Oh i was wondering were you have been



Originally Posted by Psygon View Post
Pleased you like it

Also... just a small apology to those on the queue that are still on the queue... work has kinda got on top of me and what free time I've had has mostly been spent doing some different art work for tshirts on my red bubble store... but will hopefully have two new members of staff in 1-2 weeks time so hopefully I can relax some more and get back to cute-i-fying the universe.
take all the time you need Psy. You've been so generous and made so many awesomesauce Cutes for us all in your free time that there's no need to rush. It is pretty hard to wait for one's cutified character, but I'm sure everyone is more than willing to wait.

@Hericane @Hericane2
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Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!



For one weekend only you all get a Naga in a Pumpkin.



Originally Posted by Psygon View Post
I dunno if it's ok to put this here or not...

I've entered a contest: and am looking for some votes to stand a chance of winning $2000... so if you fancy helping me out please gimme a vote
Asking with no bribery, so I think your fine.

Yours is definitely one of the cutest designs, a girl over my shoulder squeeded.

"Revelation" about two slots previous to yours looks tight too. But definitely not cute.

Sure, freakishly stylized cartoon child! Never give up!
Strike Force
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MArc #123195 - Ch6 1.1 - Under White Plains
MArc #202989 - Ch6 1.2 - The Summoning Dark



Originally Posted by Motorheart View Post
Could you possibly? Motorheart is the name. There's a bit of lousy editing, and what's red is meant to be black, if you can. If not, that's perfectly fine.

Thank you!
When asking for arts... it might be a good idea to provide a non-color-distorted screenshot. Just saying.



Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post
When asking for arts... it might be a good idea to provide a non-color-distorted screenshot. Just saying.
Even if you did want it colored like that, a shot that cleary shows off the face and costume would probably help. The colors kind of bleed over all the details of the screenshot.

And to keep this a bit on track:

How the hell can only 42% of those who voted have loved Psygon's contest entry?? Are those people insane? Was there a conspiracy involved? I say we hunt down that 58% and beat them withn with cuteness until they see the error of their ways!!!



Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post
When asking for arts... it might be a good idea to provide a non-color-distorted screenshot. Just saying.
I was trying to make it a little clearer and it wouldn't do anything helpful. This was the only way I could figure out how to make it easier.

But yeah, I'll try not to in the future.



Best way to take character screenies are in the Icon/Facemaker screens, or the Mission Architect Character Generator.

YOu won't get a screenshot file from pressing PrtScr but you WILL get the image copied to the clipboard. You just then need to open Paint or Photoshop, open a new document, and paste it in.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



So any new cutey art coming soon?



Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
Only 42% of 55 voters loved Miss Psygon's yummirific work? I call ballot box fraud and demand a recount!

While I obviously agree with you I can't help but wonder what you're doing up so late... If you're staying up past your nap time again it'll mean no milk and catnip for you!!



*looks at watch*

Still at the back of the line for the cute ray...



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
While I obviously agree with you I can't help but wonder what you're doing up so late... If you're staying up past your nap time again it'll mean no milk and catnip for you!!
This gross injustice kept me awake!

At least I haz teh baconz I kanz nom!

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
"(Katt-Girl) obviously reads a lot of encyclopedias" -- Kiken
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I Support Nerd Flirting and Even More Nerd Flirting!



Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
This gross injustice kept me awake!

At least I haz teh baconz I kanz nom!
Well it would be cruel and unusual punishment to deny you bacon... And I suppose I really must allow you the milk to wash the bacon down with... And... and.. I suppose bacon is best when wrapped around catnip... (at least for you...)

*sigh fine, fine... I suppose you can always take a catnap later if you get tired.



thank you if you were in the 42% that did vote


Been so busy, not played any games for almost 2 weeks... hardly done any artwork either! Been having house renovations, working flat out and had some bad news with my husbands dad in hospital with a broken hip! First time I've logged in here like forever... if only days had 52 hours in them!

Fortunatly after this weekend where we have to put on our overalls and pick up some paintbrushes the renovations will be done... and since I've worked so much extra the last few weeks I'm getting some days off so (whoop) I may actually finish some cutes

also, our new renovated kitchen will hopefully feature some framed cutes so... once they are done I may take some pictures to show em off :P