Villain artwork





Finished artwork

Step by step

Well with Broadband acting up lately I decided to revisit a few things I'd been doing. This artwork is from a much larger (Unfinished) piece of work which involves a character named Decimate the Daemon knight, the praetorian alter ego of Legislate the White Knight. Decimate has been knocking about for awhile and is basically a combination of my main hero (Legislate) and my main villain (Malakai.) He's a bogeyman sort of character who kills alternate versions of himself which is also helped by the fact that he's the strongest version of himself.

The picture was started with a standard pencil sketch and loosely inked before being scanning into the computer. The colours were tidied up and shading added. The effects such as the rain, background and the Pompoms of Doom were added last.



Nice, may i ask what you used to ink this? Did you do the colours and shading on the computer? If so what program did you use.

I'm very interested in trying things like this myself Any tips would be much appreciated.




That is quite nice. Well done



Nice, may i ask what you used to ink this? Did you do the colours and shading on the computer? If so what program did you use.

[/ QUOTE ]

The black inks are done by hand using a brush and pen ink. The actual colouring was completed on the computer and anything from Ulead to photoshop can be used depending on what level of detail you want to go into.
The above picture is only simply shaded, light sources are used to darken the colours. If I wanted a more realistic finish ( as opposed to a comic style) then I could have gone into greater detail, though having two light sources is a pain so it's easier to keep it simple



Wow nice art work. I liked ink stage more, as you can see everything clearly. Also coloring is quite good, i am very clumsy when it comes to computer coloring. It still feels odd after years of hand painting.

Keep up the good work, mate.