laying claim...




The familiar flicker of TV's followed by static, only for the skull and cog logo to flicker onto screen, normally a sign of chaos to come. However those who kept track of Edwards broadcast would have noted that they all took place in the early hours of the morning, this one was the middle of the day, perhaps hoping to get more attention.

Edward appeared on screen with a smile.

"Don't run in fear just yet Paragon, this is an information broadcast, not one where I announce my genuis plans for causing the fun."

Edward held up a paper with the article about the number of dead villains killed by a high calibre rifle (see Infinitrons pre-plot prep post).

"Now I know what your thinking, why are you holding up that article oh wonderful Doctor Mechano, what is it that you wish to tell you know who did this acts?"

Edward gave a wide grin, "Why yes I do, it was me...let that sink in for a moment, " he paused for a moment, "right lets may be asking yourself why I did this, it's simple, it is to show that nobody is safe from true justice, while I am in exile in the Rogue Isles I can still get to the scum of Paragon City and instead of sending them to that cardboard Prison known as the Zig, I gave them the ultimate justice."

"Let it be known Paragon, let all quake in their boots for justice will always be served and the penalty for killing the innocent is always going to be death, no smarmy lawyer can save you from the wrath of the Almighty, no legal system can protect you from an avenging Angel of in fear criminal elements of in fear..."

The broadcast cut off suddenly, returning to normal daytime TV.

Meanwhile Edward leaned back and smiled in his chair.

((yes I have talked with Infinitron (it is his plot after all) about doing this))

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Meanwhile in Steel Canyon...
The figure of Joseph Infinus slumped back into his chair, still staring at the screen. Laying the newspaper carefully back on his desk, he stroked his chin.
"Well, that was... unexpected" he muttered "it will make my work over the next few days easier" he continued to himself.
With that he turned back to his desk and the reports and blueprints that were organised neatly all over it.
Picking one file up, he turned to a large display on the wall and announced "Open file 212, display blueprint and photos", as he did the image of a warehouse in Independence Port flickered up.



2:21pm, Unity Vigil Tower

Eientei had been resting in his room in the Tower having completed his latest assignment against The Council when Edward made his little "information" broadcast.

"Have you finally snapped, Edward?" he said aloud to himself, "You cannot claim to dispense justice, when you don't seem to understand justice in the first place. BODI, I probably don't need to ask if you're tracing the source, but could you inform me if you locate anything?"




Operative Seven finished going through the police and forensics reports for the murders. The conclusion was obvious, Mechano was not the murderer. That said, he could have hired someone... It was worth investigating. She began running records to determine whether any known assassins were operating in the city with the right MO.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.