Slotting a Night Widow...
I slotted both for max defence, TT: maneuvers for some end reduction as well.
- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom
My Katana/Inv Guide
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein
In Combat Def, 1-2 Def- Eventually, I intend to put LOTG Rech and Def here so as well as the rech bonus I get 10% regen.
In Maneuvers, 1 Def at most, end redx not doesn;t really use any end at all (I intened to put an LOTG rech in here only)
In Foresight, 2 Def - Again, I intend to eventually put LOTG + Recharge and Def in here.
Most of the NW secondary is good out the box, requiring just 1-2 slots. Other than Mind Link & Elude, the only other one I'm giving more then 1-2 slots to is leadership as I want the set bonuses off Gaussians.
It depends; if you're aiming to have softcapped defense, you'll want to at least 3-slot TT:M, CT and Foresight; every little helps when it comes to getting to 45%.
I have my Widow slotted with 3 in TT:M , 4 in Foresight and 3 in CT, but all of those include the LOTG rech boost (Widow's my lets-get-silly-with-Inf toon).
If you want to throw tons of slots into PPPs or get and slot more attacks, you can probably skimp a bit on slotting for max Defense, especially if you run Hasten or find another way to get perma Mind Link - you hardly need to be slotted for Def at all with ML up all the time, though if you don't overstack it you may find the lack of Def debuff resistance gets you faceplanted from time to time (against Romans, for example). Then again, there's always Elude for that; I got it to throw slots in :P
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How would you slot Maneuvers, CT: Defensive, and Foresight?
The numbers on all three are rather low. As they only gain a maximum benefit of about 60% from Enhancements as well, the returns are rather low. Would it be a bad idea to, for example, not put more than the initial slot into Maneuvers?
How do other people tend to slot their NW's secondary powersets' powers?