2 hour change time
In my opinion I think it's a bad idea. The whole point of creating a character and selecting the powers is to stick with it. I know what you mean, it might make things easier for many people but Power Selection outta be done carefully.
I guess, whichever way you look at it people will have a different view. However, this MIGHT be a good idea for all those first-timers that chose powers based on the names / looks etc.
My question would be what is the problem with respecs covering this issue, if you got a alt to 30 say a couple af days of in game work and you found out blah blah secondary was twice as good as blah secondary you chose what is the problem changing sets, some might say it's not realistic but those who want to do it would probably come up with some reason why it would be feasible.
I think it would be nice if we could re role a charter. Keeping the first costume (minus capes and auras), badges (including badge progress), unlocked costume parts, charter name, and inf. But loosing level and xp, enhancements, salvage, SG affiliation, temporary powers, contagts, and so on.
That way it would be a little easier to re-role old charters if a new power set is made available that fit the charter concept better. It would also allow low level charters to restart more easily if they disliked the power sets they chose. While at the same time discourage high level charters to use the feature too readily.
I have often thrown away a character to rebuild it in another way. Two hours of gametime is not much to lose to tweak your character that little bit to perfection.
not signed.
dont really like this idea.
My ar/elec blaster would have been re-rolled as ar/energy if this was do-able. instead i kept playing (you made your choice!) and now I get almost as much use out of th eelec side as the AR side of him.
I think most people in this thread are misunderstanding the idea.
The suggestion isn't that you have two hours to change your power choice every time you pick a new power.
The suggestion is that you have two hours to repick your power sets within two hours of your character's creation.
And I don't see anything wrong with that bar what could be a lot of development time for a minor QoL issue.
Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.
BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"
I think most people in this thread are misunderstanding the idea.
The suggestion isn't that you have two hours to change your power choice every time you pick a new power.
The suggestion is that you have two hours to repick your power sets within two hours of your character's creation.
And I don't see anything wrong with that bar what could be a lot of development time for a minor QoL issue.
[/ QUOTE ]
i was thinking, every time you made a new character, you have to delete it in order to reroll it.
but what if you could change the characters power, within a limited time of 2 hours.
that way, you don't have to reroll the character but just change it.
it is a one timer, so after this change it's on you.
anything wrong/good about this idea?
[/ QUOTE ]Good thing is you wouldn't have to remake the outfit.
Bad thing is you can just as easily re-roll, most of the costume options actually psuedo-save as long as you don't use the costume interface again. It seems like a waste of resources to make something that is only used once or twice per character and then once you're happy with your choice will never be able to use again for that toon.
I'd like it if you could save costume patterns in the form of a code so that when you roll or re-roll a charcter you can load the code and you get your character set up in an instant or costumise an alt with a similar outfit.
Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
just a small question, what's QoL?
just a small question, what's QoL?
[/ QUOTE ]
Quality of Life.
Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."

i was thinking, every time you made a new character, you have to delete it in order to reroll it.
but what if you could change the characters power, within a limited time of 2 hours.
that way, you don't have to reroll the character but just change it.
it is a one timer, so after this change it's on you.
anything wrong/good about this idea?