Here comes the major again (as badly as ever)





Haven't played for awhile and just got back, started drawing again... and if anyone remembers my previous drawings they know to run away now anyway here's the latest piece (black and white, might colour it later): Major Europe in faultline

(don't forget to click on the magnifying glass to increase the size, otherwise it looks even worse then it really is)
And for those still intrested: here's a little slideshow

As usual critism (of the non insulting kind) is appreciated, and since i'm bored it'd be a nice addition to my day

Just remember, Major Europe is but a crime away...



Not bad at all , the only thing that seems a little odd is the face. it looks somewhat off



What you have is movement. Throughout the slideshow, it is present and it works.
What you are missing, in my opinion, is perspective. Perspective also entails foreshortening like in the Faultline picture, Major's left arm/fist.
Having said that, his left leg is pretty spot on.

Good stuff Jenbot. Keep at it.



Honestly Jenbot, whats with both you and Anarkki putting both your respective drawings down?,

You know, can have all the technical skill in the world but if a piece of artwork doesn't have that spirit... that little something that shows the artist really got into their work - It'll just look like a bland exercise.
Theres real enthusiasm and love for the genre put into your drawings Jenbot, and thats why I like them.

Mumsy's four-fingered Pawprint of Approval



I've always been a sucker for dramatic cover art
I've been watching your stuff on here for a while now - (really like the Major Europe concept btw )
Although I can't see inside your head, I can see from the drawings you've posted that you have some great compositions in mind with lots going on - exactly the kind of stuff I used to carry around in my head too

I like the Major's form in this, his build looks good, but I have to agree with Voltburn about the face. Faces are tricky, but like everything practice can overcome that, and a few 'tricks' to simplify.

I mostly do things on the PC now, but I've always pencil drawn and still doodle ideas and sketches with a 2B or 4B on cartridge paper - doodle or practice whenever you're in the mood to draw, and don't be too concerned about making a grand masterpiece ... a single figure, a masked head, or even a close up of an enraged frown can be as dramatic as anything, against a blank or shadowed background, and can maybe let you concentrate on improving a specific element, say heads, without worrying about hands and feet, or vice versa - just an example.

Back in prehistoric days there was a book called How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way
I bought that as a kid and it had some very good drawing tips for 'comic-style' drawing. I have no doubt there are more up-to-date guides available now, but I found it very useful at the time, and being so old, it should be cheap or at least available from a library, so see what you think of it.

Obviously there are 'proper' art books that really get into anatomy, proportion, human musculature etc. ...but for making cool comic style drawings those things can wait till later.

Keep up the good work, and have fun doing it!



You know, can have all the technical skill in the world but if a piece of artwork doesn't have that spirit...

[/ QUOTE ]
Somehow I feel indirectly targeted by your comment ML.
While you are correct, some might say that passion and spirit for any type of art englobes those techniques.
Of course, to each their fun so it's up to you really.

To quote the general consensus over at the MT Art&Drawing forums, copy everything in this if you want to get here or here.



No Swissy, I did not mean to insinuate anything negative from your previous post merely point out the enthusiasm in the artwork as an overwhelming positive for me.
Your constuctive critisism has helped others before, has genuinely helped me recently (with regard to pointing out that Kittenz knuckle mistake), and will no doubt help others in the future - please do carry on.

It may have been a tad clumsy I apologise but I assure you It was aimed at the self-deflating tone of the OP not your constructive critisism.



I stand corrected and therefore apologise for the misunderstanding.



i like your work jenbot. for me, the creative process is important and fun, and that feeling of enjoyment in what you're doing shines through.

were i to offer any advice, it would be to draw, draw and then, perhaps, draw. the more you do, the better you get. i'm not a huge fan of the 'how to' books, as i think they teach a style of drawing, rather than actually how to draw. drawing from life is, in my opinion, vital, as it teaches you to look properly. any artist needs an understanding of how things work, how they're put together.

having said all that, we're only doing colouring-in here, and it should be fun, and the major certainly is fun

@Doctor Destiny
...from the Ryman League of posters



Uhhh... wow, that was unexpected! Thanks for all the wonderful comments! I suppose I do have a habit of being unable to see my work as any good, and I doubt that'll change... but what I can change is the faces and the perspective, I agree with the forearms being off and I'd noticed it myself. As for the faces, I've always had trouble with them, but like you said practise makes perfect.
As for using the PC, I haven't been able to work out how to draw with it, and being lefthanded it's hard to draw a straight line with a righthanded mouse.
Anyway mainly I just want to thank you all for your comments and help, I'll do my best to improve just for you lot More may be on it's way soon! Time to draw, draw and draw somemore!!!!


(PS: for Dr.Destiny, We dons have just been promoted to the Blue Square conference south So perhaps you should consider a promotion to the conference of posters )

pppppps: if anyone would like to colour in one of my pics, i'd love to see it



Hello hello men and women folks! I just got back to the game, soooooooooooooooo here's a little something i'm working on at them moment. I don't like the two background figures to much, but it's all about the major... and i'm still working on it.

It's good to be back and here's the major's new, darker, soldier look: The Rikti War

The Rikti are going to have hell to pay