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  1. Hello hello men and women folks! I just got back to the game, soooooooooooooooo here's a little something i'm working on at them moment. I don't like the two background figures to much, but it's all about the major... and i'm still working on it.

    It's good to be back and here's the major's new, darker, soldier look: The Rikti War

    The Rikti are going to have hell to pay
  2. Uhhh... wow, that was unexpected! Thanks for all the wonderful comments! I suppose I do have a habit of being unable to see my work as any good, and I doubt that'll change... but what I can change is the faces and the perspective, I agree with the forearms being off and I'd noticed it myself. As for the faces, I've always had trouble with them, but like you said practise makes perfect.
    As for using the PC, I haven't been able to work out how to draw with it, and being lefthanded it's hard to draw a straight line with a righthanded mouse.
    Anyway mainly I just want to thank you all for your comments and help, I'll do my best to improve just for you lot More may be on it's way soon! Time to draw, draw and draw somemore!!!!


    (PS: for Dr.Destiny, We dons have just been promoted to the Blue Square conference south So perhaps you should consider a promotion to the conference of posters )

    pppppps: if anyone would like to colour in one of my pics, i'd love to see it
  3. Hah, that's far from feeble! Compare it to mine and then dare say it's feeble!!!! Good job btw
  4. Hiya,

    Haven't played for awhile and just got back, started drawing again... and if anyone remembers my previous drawings they know to run away now anyway here's the latest piece (black and white, might colour it later): Major Europe in faultline

    (don't forget to click on the magnifying glass to increase the size, otherwise it looks even worse then it really is)
    And for those still intrested: here's a little slideshow

    As usual critism (of the non insulting kind) is appreciated, and since i'm bored it'd be a nice addition to my day

    Just remember, Major Europe is but a crime away...
  5. I completely second that Go Soulasylum!
  6. heheh ... Ok, by popular demand, the Red stalwart will be back in pencil and pixel form very soon
  7. Lol you still have my undying alligiance... though I don't have soul in my name
  8. Jenbot


    :O *opens jaw in shock* wow, that's damn good! I think we should bow to your new machine
  9. grrrrrr stupid edit function!!! here's the updated version of death of a hero, death of a friend . though i'm still really annoyed with the eyes!!! grrrrrrr damn my incompetence!!!
  10. Jenbot

    Crow Blade

    Wow, I'm glad I haven't run into her on Union... it's scare the **** out of me... Nicely made though
  11. Hi again! thanks for the comments political commisar Don't worry, I've left out any Soviet villians in my next sketch... And I might make one of ol' Red beating up a few real wrongdoers!
    Anyway here's my next sketch and I'm quite pleased with it (shows how easily pleased I am ) Death of a hero, death of a friend

    and here's a couple of oldies for the people who think Major Europe doesn't get enough justic done (I apologise for the bad drawing ) beating up trollkins because everyone hates trollkins

    enjoy!!!! as usual all comments are welcome! ohh and as per usual don't forget to zoom in on the pics, otherwise they look superrubbish
  12. congratulations to everyone, there were definatly some amazing things on show (I personaly am a big fan of drdestiny) You all do great work so you definatly deserve many many prizes I hope this'll inspire you to do some more for feb!!!
    Hmmmm I suddenly have the urge to learn how to draw and colour things
    Congratulations to all!!!!!
  13. Hohoho, here's a little closeup of the major and his "buddy" Red Soldier, I'll try to make this my last Major Europe vs The Red Soldier sketch... hope it's ok!
  14. Here's another one, I'm not best pleased with it so this definatly isn't the final version...
    Shock and panic in paragon
  15. wow! that's quite a comment thank you very much!!! as for keeping up the work... I've just started a new sketch will team the insidious Red Soldier with Major Europe's most dangerous archenemy!!! Also I will get around to writting another story All in good time!
    Thanks for the amazingly friendly comments, and I hope to upload more envocative drawings soon... Jenbot out!
  16. thanks for the tip, I sort of tried it in the following picture: major versus red up close and personal!
    Didn't come out brilliant, but then brilliance isn't my forté anyway for those intrested here's an old pic of Major Europe himself that I did ages ago. I was wondering if anyone knew how I'd go about colouring them in a halfdecent fashion??
  17. Well for Stego, seemingly my one fan... here's a pic of our insidious Red Soldier in action, sadly enough it's probably my best drawing so far... and here's a rough, quick sketch of the stalwart Major Europe vs the Red Soldier
    Hope it's all atleast a bit ok, cya folks!
  18. Jenbot

    Full Moon

    Lol, as you were nice enough to view mine, thought I'd return the replying favour
    Really good! I like the whole bowman look
    How did you do it if I might ask???
  19. Right that's it for now, I'll probably be adding a few sketches of Major Europe battling the Red Soldier... And I might add the battle itself as a story this time from Major Europe's point of view
    thanks to all those people crazy enough to actualy waste their time reading it Any and all replies are welcome...
  20. “Why laugh comrade? It could easily happen to you,” I felt like wrecking that already hideous face he wore so proudly. Unfortunately Creed was very specific about not crushing the heads of his lackeys, so perhaps I should just continue with the job, “One day perhaps it will be you who wakes up to find your precious kapitalisticheskij has fallen to lesser men, when that day inevitably comes it will be us who stand at the sidelines and laugh,”

    “D’you ruskies‘re far to melancholic for my taste,” the two chuckle and laugh at me again, as if somehow being Russians means I don’t understand their language. Again I consider removing that smug look from the fashist’s face. “Perhaps I shouldn’t a bought you dat dictionary for Christmas. Keeps coming up with words I ain’t knowin’,” They laugh some more for a few minutes, a piercing noise hurting my keen senses.

    “Just keep your dull cow eyes open bezdel'nik, and don’t open your mouth unless it’s for something useful. Your all so busy counting your dollars… you can’t even do a man’s work.” Not that I qualify skulking around some god-forgotten rusty bucket a man’s work. But Creed offered me information in return, the information for something that I have been seeking for twenty years. The power to reform a strong Russia, a strong communist beacon of light in the pseudo-fashist’s new world. It seems years ago that I was created to counter the kapitalist’s own pathetic superhumans…

    Years ago, at the height of the cold war
    Far from anywhere vaguely inhabited, in the depths of Siberia.

    I screamed in agony, the horror of what they were doing. The pain never seemed to cease and yet I could not slip into unconsciousness. The needles throughout my body throbbed under my skin as they released their unimaginable contents. Every muscle in my body burned as their green fluid blazed through my pumped veins, but that was not the cause of the pain. Before my eyes and without sedation they had opened up my ribcage as if it were merely a gate on hinges. I could clearly see that which is inside of every human, splayed open. The liquid rushing through my bloodstream finally reached my heart making it race faster and faster as the pain grew. But I had been informed what it would be like, what would happen. I had not been forced into this procedure, rather I had welcomed it, volunteered for it!

    Everything was going well, the fluid was increasing every muscle, making me stronger, more agile and also more intelligent. It served another vital role, as it created a new organ that would produce more of the liquid on its own, namely it was keeping me alive through the pain that would kill a lesser man. I am no lesser man though, I am Russian and a proud member of the Union.

    At last the final most crucial moments arrive as a careful scientist brings in the new source of the great powers I will soon possess: a biological nuclear reactor. It will imbue me with the power to unleash devastating amounts of Soviet energy upon our foolish enemies. As the doctors carefully attach it to my reformed body and close up my chest the power feels almost impossible to sustain. It rushes through my nerves like pure lighting until it reaches out through the nerve endings in my hands and unleashes itself upon the unsuspecting doctors. Pure red energy pours forth from my arms in more and more powerful bursts until I can finally control it. Of course the poor doctors and scientists died in service of their country, they will long be remembered as heroes. Though it is a shame, after all only they knew the secrets of how to create people such as I have now become. But I shall make up for this loss in battle against the enemies of our socialist union.

    Back in the present
    A cargo ship not far from the coast of Independence Port

    The ships’ captain whimpers slightly as I throw him on the floor before me. “Comrade all I require is the location of the medical crates. Give them to me, and you will survive,” He stiffens, but holds his nerve.

    “Hey ruskie, perhaps you should leave this to real bad guys. You and your sort ain’t ever really been good at this kinda thing,” Again the fools laugh. But I recall it was I who kill the guards, I who located the captain and I who defeated those pesky longbow agents.

    “Hmmm perhaps you’re right. You could be instrumental in helping the captains tongue loosen,” I smile, the gromila doesn’t even know what I’m about to do. I grab hold of him with one hand, pouring twenty-two thousand volts through him. All that is left is a tiny carbon doll. His friend screams and drops his gun in terror. I help him leave the ship quickly, throwing him to the cold relentless sea. Soon after the captains tongue loosens, he gives me the ships manifest, sobbing all the while.

    “Wh… wh… who are… you?” the bumbling fool asks. “I… pseudo-fashist pig, I am Red Soldier. I am the Soviet Union embodied!”

    Five minutes later I leave with the five crates of medicine. Creed had best have the information I asked for, where Arachnos keeps his most prized technology. Technology I will use to rebuild that which was destroyed by ignorant fools.

    When I arrive he gives me more then I expect, not just the warehouse but information about my nemesis. The nemesis of all communists: Major Europe is in Paragon… and he will suffer before I am done!

    Creed never asks about the two lackeys, he recognizes they were dogs and deserved only death. Soon my torture will be over, this entire fachist nation will be over!
  21. Here's a picture of my new villain: Red Soldier
    and his ingame picture: Red Soldier ingame

    Next post will have a little Red Soldier story... not well written, but a story all the same
  22. :^O!!!!! Great work yet again You don't happen to give lessons do you?
  23. Ok you've probably all had enough of this sketch by now but... here's the final for the coverpage of League of Heroes # 1

    Coverpage LOH 1

    I've finished the drawings for two other pages etc. No doubt no ones looking forward to this, but I feel like making it anyway! Just you try and stop me!
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    the creativity needed to get around the engine's limitations is always impressive, and not everyone is confident enough in their drawing to undertake a hand drawn comic.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I agree, but lack of confidence has never stopped me (since i've never had any anyway) and my results are terrible (see: the arrival of major europe)...
    so I definatly like your style, it looks great, it lends itself well to the story and of course it seems familiar but different. still eagerly awaiting the next page
  25. And here we go: a little teaser, this is from page 2, it's no finished, i need to redo the heads, the feet of the supatroll, add another trollkin etc. etc. but I'm hoping to make ppl intrested

    page 2