The arrival of Major Europe
I think that's cute. It just screamed "Cute!" when I looked at it.
Good work.
Contact Information!
Twitter: @TonyParkeze
Not bad at all (ignoring the blatent plagierism :P) just a few pointers. On the face you have the proportion slightly wrong. The eyes are maybe a fraction big and are too far up the head. Eyes are generally a little over halfway up the face.
Also on the torso a couple of extra lines where put in on the muscle definition that, to me, looked out of place.
Taken 5 mins to show what i mean:
Major Europe
Apart from that very good. I look forward to more of your work.
Thanks for the comments and the help I agree it looks a little less abnormal in your version. I've sort of started work on a little comic already... I hope to improve rapidly! expect more soon!
BTW: what did you use to remove the two lines and elongate the head so seemlessly?
ps: as to any plagerism, they shouldn't have killed off my favorite superhero then And no doubt they won't find anyone half as honourable to replace steve rogers
So here's my replacement!
meh, Tony Stark is better.
Hulk Buster Iron Man ftw!
*note, please dont start a war here of who's better. Iron Man is clearly the best. No contest.
haha but is he as honourable
Steve Rogers is an ideal, tony stark is a bloke in a metal suit, who i might add was being throughly thrashed by ol' stevey, before he surrendered himself
Still I think they were both just trying to do the right thing
Hurray for superheroes would be the obvious conclusion
Also on another note: here's my updated and final version of the original sketch, didn't change much, but i think it looks a little better (maybe i'm just nuts )
Major Europe finished
the Major by night
And here we go: a little teaser, this is from page 2, it's no finished, i need to redo the heads, the feet of the supatroll, add another trollkin etc. etc. but I'm hoping to make ppl intrested
page 2
Ok you've probably all had enough of this sketch by now but... here's the final for the coverpage of League of Heroes # 1
Coverpage LOH 1
I've finished the drawings for two other pages etc. No doubt no ones looking forward to this, but I feel like making it anyway! Just you try and stop me!
Hiya, just made this sketch, I've never really done anything like this before so it's pretty badly drawn... sorry!
But it's a fairly accurate version of my ingame char. Major Europe (guess who he's based on
Anyway I intend to make a small comic called Leauge of Heroes (name of the supergroup i'm in), in all it's crappily drawn glory.
So here he is: Major Europe (and yes ingame he doesn't have the shield)
Major Europe pic