The LoRDs - Conquest of the Liberty Islands
Deportation of the Priest
It was a beautiful sunny day on the once-French islands of Liberty. A crowded market kicks up clouds of dust on the dirt roads, rising and settling in the wretched humidity. Loud voices could be heard from the heart of the market place, a gathering surrounding a handful of speakers, dressed in simple clothing. This land is our home, OUR home! The so-called anti-alien army is a lie! The Vanguard is owned by the Europeans, the very people who have destroyed our lives! We must take the law into your own hands, people. Forget about Buku and his destructive regime; forget about Nasri and his western friends! We must seize our own freedom! Down with Vanguard! Down with Buku! Come on islanders, raise your voices!
Gradually, the shoppers and passer-bys in the market began to chant. It quickly became clear that each person had his own view, some supported Nasri and the Coalition, some supported their leader, General Buku, others empathised with the Vanguard, but most of them just wanted to be free. Freedom and true Liberty! one man screamed before receiving a heavy blow to the jaw and falling into the dirt, unconscious. The attacker was then struck from behind and like pebbles against a pond, rage consumed the rioters in a great rippling effect. Fish stalls were knocked over, mothers and children abandoned their shopping, some joined in the fray, slapping meat on each others faces, clubbing each other with fragile vegetables. All the while, the simple-clothed speakers smiled with each other, another days work well done. Good job Tony, good speech said one of them. Lucas, Bukus police will arrive soon, lets disappear replied Tony but Lucas wouldnt budge. His gaze was fixed at something in the distance; he raises a finger and points through the rioters. Tony, we might have a problem
Beyond the fighting islanders, a man could be seen emerging through the clouds of dust. His head bobbed in and out of view, but it couldnt be mistaken. His white collar and dark, sweeping robes distinguished him as a holy man, but what really marked him, was the silver eye-plate with the crucifix slits. Its the Priest! What the hell is he doing out here? asked Lucas. We gotta warn the boss, shes at the Vampires Villa Tony commanded, and the gang hurried off.
By the time Bukus police arrived on the scene, the market people were all gone. Upturned stalls littered vegetables, meat and seafood across the dirt road, broken benches, covered in blood splayed across the dust. A policeman spotted something far in the distance, a small girl running towards them. They stopped her and demanded what had happened to the market, to which she merely smiled. A preacher came and stopped the fighting; hes on the hill doing magic, the townspeople are all there, please I have to go and get my mama! She wont believe me unless she sees this herself!
The police marched up the hill to find the Priest preaching to the multitude, feeding them free fish from the nearby river. They approached him without hostility. Sorry preacher, but foriegn nationals are currently not allowed on the island, or don't you watch CNN? Youll have to come with us" said the commanding officer and the priest obeyed. The multitude however, followed the police vehicles, walking and running in pursuit.

Vanquishing of Nasfahtu
Alicia had combed the island through in search for the Priest. She found him in police custody, being escorted off the island. We appreciate you coming to help us Reverend said the chief of police. But right now is just not the best time for foreign visitors. When things have died down, please do come back. God knows we need a miracle on this island. My heart stays with you all replied the Priest, as he rose to the air.
Moments later, he was jetting over the ocean at the speed of sound. His mind was unsettled, something was wrong on that island but he couldnt put his mind to it. Thats when he sensed it, something on his tail, and then he was falling. With a loud splash, he hit the water. It was so hot the heat singed his body hairs and stung at his senses. But he remained submerged; something or someone had attacked him. Looking skyward, he could make out a dark blob floating above the waters.
Hunter! screamed Pistol, laughing maniacally. What took you so long? She produced two jet black Uzis and began to spray steel-reinforced bullets into the waters. Below, the Priest constructed a psychic shield around himself and the bullets ricocheted right off. Still protected, he emerged from the water and ascended to Pistols eye level.
Liberty Island said the priest. You have a hand in whats going on there, dont you? What makes you think Im not the sole mastermind, brother? replied Pistol. I am not your brother, demon, said the priest, raising the sword of Leviticus in a threatening pose. Tell me now, what you are doing to these poor people, or I promise you death by the blade
Your father banished me to the netherworld with that same sword, Pious said Pistol, or rather, the demon inside her. I will not fall for the same trick-, in a sudden flash of movement, the Priest had thrust the point of the blade straight through Pistols forehead, so ferociously; it pierced the skull and brain. Her body hovered there, twitching madly, her face contorted in an ugly death mask, eyes paralysed. The sword began emanating a blinding white light and in an instant, the demon called Nasfahtu was gone, vanquished for ever.
As the light dimmed down, the priest solemnly withdrew the blade from Pistols skull and allowed her body to fall. Alicia Barzini-Hunter the priest began to pray. May your soul now rest in peace, and may God look favourably on you on the days of judgement. With a loud splash, the corpse of the long-dead crime lord hit the ocean and sank to its watery grave.

Hovering just over a mile away from the battle, the Primogen's vampiric eyes watched the exorcised body of Pistol fall into the ocean. This outcome had not surprised him in the least. His gift of prophecy, though diminished, was not gone entirely. He had foreseen Pistols failure.
He pondered whether or not to pursue the Priest. He decided not to. There was little point. He expected the Priest would return sooner or later. With a flap of his vast wings, the chiropteran behemoth form of the Primogen headed back to the Countess's villa. Romanov's zombie horde had not yet caught up with Pistol, and it would be some time before they discovered her fate. Someone had to report this news to the LoRDs.
As he soared thought the darkness he thought to himself 'Romanov will be pleased.'

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
Farewell CITY of HEROES
The First, the Last, the One.
Union: @ominousvoice2059
The sky burned blood red as the sun set on the Liberty Islands. Romanov stood on the balcony of the Nasri Villa watching the sea churn. A storm was coming to the islands.
Rashme Nasri was sleeping peacefully in her bed. She would not wake until he wished it.
A bony, decaying hand gripped the balustrade. A hulking zombie hauled itself up on to the balcony. Another was perched on the roof like a gargoyle.
The first zombie, Dire Wolf, bowed its head and placed a wet sack on the breakfast table. Massster, was its only attempt at communication.
Romanov opened the sack.
The dead eyes of Alicia Barzini stared back. Her face locked in pain. An angry wound on her forehead.
Romanov picked up the head. Brought it close to his handsome face as if they were about to share one last embrace.
I am sure you welcomed oblivion at the end, Alicia. But I am afraid that death is only the beginning of your service to me.
He closed the damp sackcloth around the fallen crimelords head.
Iron Dragon, the zombie on the roof, opened his mouth with a hiss. The Priessst Livesss.
Romanov contemplated the blood red sky. Then we must be prepared. Go now and tell the LoRDs on the island that the Priest has fled. Tell them to make ready.
Yesss Massster.
Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko
"The Countess already knows." The Primogen's rich otherworldly voice seemed to come from everywhere and yet nowhere. "I have shown her what I have seen."
He rose into Romanov's view, hovering like a spectre. He was no longer in his winged form. The warm rays of the waning sun bathed his marble skin in a vibrant ochre glow. His eyes were hidden behind a pair of dark, round rimmed glasses. His long red leather coat flapped gently in the light breeze. He gave a respectful nod to Romanov.
"The battle was disappointingly short, like watching a toddler tease a rottweiler." he said, his voice still seeming to come from nowhere in particular. "The Priest fled. However I expect we shall see him again. Miss Barzini's last words to him were... unwise."

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
Farewell CITY of HEROES
The First, the Last, the One.
Union: @ominousvoice2059
I think we can assign the word unwise to most of her behaviour today, said Romanov calmly.
This is not the first time the Priest has stumbled into my affairs but it shall be the last. The first efforts should be to diffuse the situation before it arrives on our doorstep.
He looked out over the ocean. But if the Militia stick their noses in they will be dealt with.
He spared a seconds thought for the dead Militia leader, Britanic. They will learn there is only one fate for those that oppose me.
He turned and looked at the sleeping woman in the bed. Now, leave here, vampire, and do not return. I will send word to your Countess soon.
Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko
The Primogen had vanished before Romanov had finished his sentence. He was already hurtling toward the Countess' villa.
He arrived within minutes of leaving Romanov. He made his way into the crypt beneath the villa. Waiting for him amongst the stone walls and dusty cobwebs were two men. One was a vampire, one of the Countess's neophytes. The other was one of Pistols former henchmen. The young vampire greeted the Primogen with appropriate reverence. The henchman was chained to the wall. There were several bite marks adorning his wrists and neck. The Primogen gave the slightest of nods, signaling the younger vampire to sink his teeth in once more.
In the hours following Pistols death, the Primogen had ordered Pistols men rounded up and turned. Several had been turned already and were sleeping in various crypts dotted about the Isles. The Primogen himself did not sully himself with such a task. The Countess may sire her own minions, but the Primogen was far far older. His 12,000 year old blood was far too precious and potent to waste on mere foot soldiers.
The young vampire bit into his own wrist and put it to the mouth of the henchman. The Primogen issued a subtle mental command to the henchman, urging him to drink. The young vampire winced slightly as his blood was drawn from him. Satisfied, the Primogen headed deeper into the crypt.
He found the coffin he had chosen for himself. He was unable to bring his sarcophagus from Cap Au Diable. He hated this holiday coffin. It was too small and uncomfortable. Begrudgingly he lay down in its tatty lining. He would not sleep, just relax for an hour or two.
It was too quiet for him. The silence only made the endless voices rushing though his mind seem even louder. Occasionally he would pick out an individual voice among the billions and listen for hours to their thoughts, hopes, dreams and despairs.
He pondered the events of the last night. The way events were unfolding may prove highly entertaining. Pieces were in place, moves being planned. The Primogen was seen as just a pawn, but this pawn would make it to the other side of the board.

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
Farewell CITY of HEROES
The First, the Last, the One.
Union: @ominousvoice2059
The sun was setting over the Liberty Islands, casting the long shadow of the ancient volcano and the ornate Cathedral of Flame over the landscape, including one small, deserted rural graveyard.
Something stirred in the air above the cemetary - a sparking of light, a faint luminous haze that gradually coalesced into a floating sphere of glowing white energy. Ghostly lightning crackled thinly in the air, casting oddly-coloured shadows from the weathered gravestones.
The sphere of energy shifted, and reformed itself into humanoid shape. Light flared, and where the shape had been, there stood a young Peruvian woman, dressed in a loose outfit of white and blue robes. Her ethereal form steadily gained substance as the energy around her was drawn inward.
The disturbed atmosphere subsided. The glow faded. The Starlit Spirit walked the earth again.
She looked around. The day's last light was slowly fading, but she did not need light by which to see the things she was looking for: disturbances, wounds in the balance of the spiritual plane. From the tormented outcries that had drawn her dreaming to this place, wherever it was, she had thought to see such disturbances everywhere, yet all seemed... muted. Perhaps some magic or other was masking the defilements being carried out here?
Her gaze settled on the towering form of the volcano to the west. That, at least, was a place strong with the native spirits of the land. Perhaps they would provide some answers.
Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.
Others watched the intruder as she walked through the gravestones. Flickering eyes darted about, their thoughts echoing in each other's minds.
"A messenger?"
"Not us!!"
"Tell them! Tell them!"
The hissing noises coalesced around trees and headstones, following the errant spirit. Finally one of them, bolder than the others, allowed itself to come into view, taking on the appearance of one of the ancient races of the island, a wizened old man, noble even if he appeared to bent double.
"Are you lost, wanderer?" he asked.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

He felt it. A odd shift. A slight disruption of balance. It was new, different. Not like the fluctuations he had gotten used to on the island.
The ancient vampire known as the Primogen stirred amongst the dank stone and oppressive shadow. This shift was minor, almost impercievable... almost. He considered ignoring it, but prudence and curiosity held sway.
He emerged from the crypt beneath Villa Báthory. He could still sense the resonance. He focused for a moment and pinpointed its origin. He moved with frightening celerity toward this location. He would not be seen. He would not be heard. His presence would remain undetected by anyone or anything.

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
Farewell CITY of HEROES
The First, the Last, the One.
Union: @ominousvoice2059
"As lost as we all are, upon the endless Path." The Spirit bowed humbly to the one that had manifested. "I dreamed of great wrongs performed upon this land, of innocents twisted from their Path, of parasites feeding an unnatural existence with the lifeblood of others.
"You must have heard the same cries that I did." She gestured toward the volcano. "I entreat your leave to walk this land and seek out the abominations. The balance must be preserved."
Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.
The old man sighed, as if he had heard the statement before.
"You have not come upon our islands before?" he said, more of a statement than a question. "Our ways are old and our customs can appear both quaint and terrifying to those unfamiliar with them. I am custodian of this resting place and I assure you, no desecration has occurred here."
He waved his hand in a welcoming gesture, making sure that he was positioned between the spirit and the volcano. "But if you wish to seek out some imagined misdemeanour, please look. You will find nothing but rested souls here, grateful that this generation has returned to the old ways."
He smiled, leaning on one of the knarled trees that were dotted about the cemetary.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

Elizabeth Walked towards the living room of Villa Palm. She had a task suitable for the Primogen. As she didn't sensed him in the crypt he could be anywhere though.
Trusting that his mental abilities are at least a bit like he claimed she threw a random commanding thought for him to meet her. He should be able to hear.
- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!

"You have perceived nothing out of the ordinary?" The Spirit paused. It was true, there seemed to be no anguish in this cemetary, no outrage - the mood was more curious, perhaps a little apprehensive. "If you are certain... then as you say, I will satisfy my curiosity and then leave you in peace." Perhaps I will find what I am looking for further from the sight of these custodians... closer to where the living are gathered.
She took one last look up at the volcano, before turning to face the direction of what she sensed to be the nearest city and... something else? It was incredibly faint, almost imperceptible, but something had changed since her arrival.
Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.
Her voice punched through the cacophany of voices in his head like a jackhammer. The Countess was summoning him. No doubt to deliver a tongue lashing over his actions. Still, it would provide a suitable opportunity to deliver a lashing of his own. He had always been aware of her machinations regarding him. Indeed, he was even a little disappointed at the vulgarity of it all. The strange resonance he felt would have to wait.
He headed back to the villa, still maintaining his obsfucation. No-one would know he was there unless he wished it.
"Good evening Countess." he said, as he stepped into the Countess' view.

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
Farewell CITY of HEROES
The First, the Last, the One.
Union: @ominousvoice2059
"And a good evening to you..", she replied. I need to speak with you. "Take a seat..." Elizabeth waved towards an empty chair and took a bottle from the cabinet. Filling two glasses with blood she gave one to the Primogen.
Pulling a chair close she sat down. And moved her hand to tell him to be quiet for the moment.
"I am not in the mood to go into a discussion here, so I won't. Just be informed that not all the LoRD's plans are known in detail too any of the lower ranks. Safety is crucial. As such... you will not interpret commands in youre own way anymore but follow them to the letter. If there is any doubt, you're mental abilities will always make sure you able to ask me for guidance in the matter. Are we clear on that!"
- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!

The Primogen leaned over to sit. As he did so, he telekinetically pulled the chair under him. He paused for a moment, peering at his glass, allowing the delicate sanguine aroma to play on his nostrils. He took a sip and savoured its taste before swallowing.
"Did you ever consider why?" He fixed his gaze upon the Countess. "Did you consider why I did what I did? I am not a puppet, Countess. Quite frankly I'm a little insulted you chose to treat me as such. I lived more than long enough to know when I'm being played.
"I know I am valuable to you. I'm valuable to a lot of people. I'm aware of that. I'm also aware that you want to keep me close in order to exploit my knowledge and abilities. Prudent. I would expect nothing less of you. But I would also expect you to recognise that I am not a fool. No doubt you've done your research. There isn't much to find is there. That fact alone should give hint as to what I can do. What you know of me is what I want you to know. I was playing puppetmaster while your ancestors were still herding goats.
"I affiliate myself with you out of choice, not obligation. I'm quite content to be member of the Court. I'm quite happy to assist you in whatever you wish. I am even willing to tolerate Romanov's indignation. However, if I feel I'm being treated unfairly or if detect the faintest whiff of deceit, I will simply pull the same trick I've pulled for millennia and drop off the face of the earth, taking my knowledge and my power with me. I suspect you wouldn't want to risk that. So if I am to be of service to you I ask that you be a little more honest with me."
He leaned back in his chair, taking another sip of his glass. Again he let the crimson liquid settle on his pallette, enjoying its flavour.

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
Farewell CITY of HEROES
The First, the Last, the One.
Union: @ominousvoice2059
Elizabeth pondered on his words for a moment... " You know I had considered... after I learned that you only turned 8 of them. That was not an unreasonable act to do. But the accusation against you was already made. And I can't loose face against the other LoRD's."
She stood up and walked to wards the large glass doors in the room. Looking at the night-sky... "Romanov is an important spill in this scheme here. It may be best if you're out of his neighborhood for a while so things can cool down. How much have you seen of these islands? Do you know the mountains to the east?"
- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!

The Primogen peered over Elizabeth's shoulder, looking out across the island. His eyes saw through darkness as easily as light. He stared at a tree situated almost a mile away. He could see the tiny movements of leaves as they rustled in the faint breeze. He could see a small nest wedged between the branches. He saw the mosquitoes buzzing amongst the foliage.
He had traveled the islands extensively since he arrived. He knew them as intimately as the locals. In fact it was because of the locals that his orientation was so frighteningly acute. He had plucked information from their unguarded minds, their voices amongst the billions that rushed through his head.
"Yes, I know them." He swilled the blood in his glass, ensuring the cells remained sprightly among the plasma.

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
Farewell CITY of HEROES
The First, the Last, the One.
Union: @ominousvoice2059
Leaving the custodian to his domain, the Starlit Spirit took flight and soared in the direction of Liberty City, skimming low over the landscape as she watched the spirit plane for signs of disturbance. A half-remembered instinct prompted her to land before drawing too close to the city itself; it would not help to alarm the local people by flying into their midst.
Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.
"The people in that area aren't in league with either Buku or the UFC. I understand that these 'mountain people' are proud and stubborn. If they descide to join either side when we can't use it, they could become a problem."
Elizabeth turned around looking at the Primogen. "We need them on our side without them knowing what and who we are. Without them being turned to vampires! That will be youre task."
She emptied her chalice... "If they can't be controlled... kill them all without leaving suspicion to me or any of the LoRD's."
- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!

The Primogen's pale eyes peeked over the top of his glasses. He almost scoffed at the inference that he would waste his blood on them or that he would anything less than invisible. The people of the mountains were as the Countess stated - proud and stubborn. He focused for a moment, concentrating on their voices. He could sway their beliefs and bend their wills. That wouldn't be difficult. But to what end?
"What would you have them do? I can have them fall in line but some sort of direction will be needed."

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
Farewell CITY of HEROES
The First, the Last, the One.
Union: @ominousvoice2059
"Start with learning who they listen too and what they think of how it goes in the islands. Report to me afterwards. We may have use of a faction like theirs, plans are still being formed.", Elizabeth answeres... already slightly bored with the whole subject.
"I will be in my crypt... regeneration is needed."
With that she turneed around and walked towards the stairs down visible tired.
- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!

The Eastern Mountains - Liberty Isles
He could not enter the village openly. 12 millenia as a drinker of blood had taken their toll on his appearance. He was exceptionally tall, with an alabaster complexion and hair just as pallid. The Primogen remembered his hair used to be a rich black, back in the days when he was known as Jarekan'khemma the diviner in Lythanna. He could not remember when it changed. Those ancient memories that were the only things that escaped him. He still remembered many details of his mortal life, but it was the little things that he failed to recall. He could not remember changing so much. The memory of his transformation into the first vampire would be forever burned into his mind, but for many years after he still regarded himself as human. But time moved ever on and Jarekan'khemma the diviner slowly diminished. He could not remember Jarekan'khemma becoming The Primogen. Was there ever a turning point? It was a question he had asked himself for thousands of years.
He had set himself up in a small cave situated in a cliff face overlooking the village. It was unreachable by any normal means, but the Primogen was not a normal being. The caves position provided optimal visual, aural and psychic surveillance.
He had been monitoring the gossip of the village for two days now. The overall mood seemed apprehensious, but jovial. The village had a population of approximately 1100 people, and the Primogen could hear every one. One of the village elders was celebrating his 63rd birthday. There was a huge party and everyone in the village was invited to join the festivities. He could smell the multitude of food being cooked an prepared. Even after 12 thousand years he still salivated at the scent of good food. The pleasure of tasting it would forever be denied to him.
As he watched the village, he felt a sudden affinity with a communications satellite. Always watching, never taking part. The thought made him chuckle.
Occasionally he would whisper telepathically to people in their own voice, guiding their thoughts. He had a little fun with it, affecting simple trivial decisions like what colour dress someone might wear, or what they wanted to eat. He would do this with everyone, getting them used to his manipulation. Preparing them for when their decisions might affect the LoRDs.

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
Farewell CITY of HEROES
The First, the Last, the One.
Union: @ominousvoice2059
((Evidence of the LoRDs machinations is now trickling into the public domain. Players with characters who may be interested in the story behind these news reports can drop me a OOC PM. IC reactions to the news stories can be added to this thread. Thanks to @Rhino for the design work on these stories
International Exclusive by Gene Ericson
DANGEROUS dictator General Buku is in possession of advanced weaponry as tensions between his forces and Vanguard on the Liberty Islands grow, the Inquirer can reveal today.
There has been a growing unease between Bukus regime and the Vanguard outpost sited there as part of the efforts to protect earth from the Rikti invaders.
And the news that Buku is now in possession of these weapons is feared to be the spark needed to ignite the powder keg.
A reliable source has leaked information about the weapons deal, which is believed to involve a manufacturing company, based in the Etoile Isles or even Paragon City.
The weapons are believed to be in advance of those possessed by Vanguard themselves. The shipment includes anti-personal weaponry designed specifically to combat metahumans, as well as fliers, heavies, missile launchers and superior assault weapons.
Retired General Mason Mayflower III, a veteran of the first Rikti War, said: If this information is true, Buku has enough firepower to start a war and certainly enough to take on the small Vanguard base on those islands. And its the islands that is his best weapon as their location and geography mean he could hold out against a superior force for a long time with just a fraction of the weapons he is believed to have.
Ominous rumblings have also been felt from one of the islands two volcanoes Piton des Enfer, one of the worlds most active, adding the tension.
Vanguard is reported to be nervous following the revelation. However, they have they issued a statement aimed at calming the brewing storm.
The Liberty Islands base commander, Sebastian Adebisi, said: Vanguard have had a presence on Liberty Islands for many years since the first Rikti War. We have enjoyed cooperation and friendship with the local people and have the utmost respect for General Buku who has shown himself to be most knowledgeable about the threat posed to our planet by the Rikti.
But how long will this cooperation and friendship last? The world holds its breath and waits.
International Exclusive by Gene Ericson
A BLOCKADE has been set up around the Liberty Islands Vanguard base after hostilities broke out with General Bukus regime.
As reported earlier this week, Buku received shipment of a large quantity of advanced weaponry.
And in recent days that weaponry has been turned on the brave defenders of our planet.
Buku has expelled all media from the Liberty Islands, but the Inquirer has received reports of a Vanguard helicopter being shot from the sky over the Indian Ocean. There are also unconfirmed reports that a unit of six Vanguard operatives are being held in the islands capital Liberty City.
Long range scans reveal that a blockade of fliers marked with the Liberty Islands yellow fish eagle symbol has been established around the Vanguard base on Black Rock Island. All attempts at communication have been jammed.
Vanguard has yet to issue a statement and it is believed there is a reluctance to spark an international incident if there is any chance of a diplomatic solution.
Disturbing reports before the media blackout suggested a rapid plan to boost the islands fortunes with Buku pushing through plans for munitions factories, military bases, research labs, geothermal plants and temples dedicated to the Islands resurgent spiritual faith.
Meanwhile, the Inquirer has obtained an exclusive message from Hatem Nasri and his daughter Rashme of the United Freedom Coalition (UFC).
It reads: The United Freedom Coalition in no way condone the recent actions by General Buku against our friends and protectors Vanguard. Although the situation is regrettable, we urge Vanguard and the rest of the world to show restraint. A dwindling minority supports Buku and any show of force could be devastating to the simple, peace loving people of our islands.
Please help us resolve this crisis through peaceful means and assist out nation in becoming a worthy part of the international community.
Hatem Nasri, 58, is a former captain in Bukus Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) who established the UFC as the Islands only viable opposition party.
He and his daughter, Rashme, 30, have become figureheads of the growing movement to finally bring freedom and democracy to the troubled island nation.
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