The Cadre: Baptisms
Nadja Romanov
Canteen, Female Block, The Zig - Now
Nadja Romanov sat alone with a tray of less than appetising food on the red-topped table in front of her. The substances filling the moulded compartments in the tray were varying shades of green, gray and brown. None really approximated what she considered food. The drone and clatter of the other prisoners washed over her, but her senses were always alert to the subtle changes that signalled a brewing tension or rivalry was about to boil over into violence.
She was wearing an orange prison issue jumpsuit, but the way shed rolled the sleeves and cinched it at the waist made it appear like a designer original on her perfect frame. Her bodys only imperfection was the missing tip from the ring finger on her left hand. Even stripped of make up, she was strikingly beautiful. Almost unnaturally so. Her raven black hair framed the Romany princess lines of her face that has been perfected by her fathers royal genes. Her pale blue eyes complimented her dusky skin like two flawless jewels set in bronze.
She prodded the food with a white plastic fork, knowing that the lost looking girl clutching her tray as if it was a shield was going to approach before the girl herself did.
The girl looked at the empty table and then at Nadja. Theres nowhere else to sit
do you mind?
Nadia looked at the girl. She was pale with darkness behind her eyes that suggested that something had died inside. They keep telling me its a free country, she said with just a hint of Romanian beneath an English accent.
The girl sat. This was her first day and she wasnt hungry enough to eat the stuff that had been slopped into her tray. So why is nobody sitting my us?
Were the new fish, said Nadja. Nobody wants to make a move until the big fish have decided if they want to eat us or throw us back.
The girl laughed to hide her fear. You dont look like a fish, lady.
Nadja held her gaze for a moment. Oh no, Im a shark, she said with a half smile.
Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko
Alfred Leshii hung limply from the wall to his cell. His feet still bore the majority of his unnatural weight, but they did so with a wilt that was further cemented by the fact they were immersed in water. The cell's lighting was dimmed, just enough to see but not enough that he would be comfortable. He blinked inhuman, pale eyes as the IV in his arm was replaced by a mechanical arm. The scant nutrients provided just being enough to support life not nurture it. He smiled weakly as the waldo retracted, noting the fear in his keepers' eyes.
Third Degree
Ziggursky Canteen, Male Section - Now
Elsewhere in a similar canteen on the mens side of the Zig, The Ferret sat down to eat the same bland, tasteless meal. He had managed to find a seat squeezed in between an inmate who clearly had personal hygiene problems and a large man who seemed to radiate heat. He smiled pleasantly to everyone as he sat down, hoping to avoid trouble. Given his small stature, he was a magnet for bullies, singled out due to the long, hyper-sensitive whiskers that protruded from his nose.
Damn man, said the inmate sat opposite to him to his fellow diners, Foods got so bad here, the rats are human sized.
There was a general rumble of laughter from the table. Only a few remained silent. Cons needed all the laughs they could get in this place.
! complained Ferret in a good natured voice. Ive been here three years now, youd of thought the joke would have worn off by now.
The comedian opposite him didnt reply. He just fixed him with a big grin before leaning forward to take a huge scoop of food from The Ferrets tray.
Hey! he exclaimed, pulling the tray closer.
You dont need to eat as much little guy, said the comedian, grabbing the tray and pulling it back towards him. The Ferret tried to grab it back but the comedian brandished his fork at him.
Stop that, said a deep voice from the right of The Ferret.
The comedian stopped and looked at the large man who had stayed silent during the episode. Why? he asked, inviting trouble.
The table stopped to watch as the large man stood up. At 6 7 Julius Third Degree Byrne was a big man but he was still dwarfed by some of the Ziggurskys larger inmates. But there was something about the set of his shoulders and the look of utter conviction in his eyes that was unsettling. He stared down at his opponent, the harsh glare of the canteen lights reflecting off of his dark skin.
Because I asked you to, replied Byrne slowly. For a moment, it looked as if the table was going to explode into violence but slowly, deliberately, the comedian let go of the tray. The Ferret grabbed it back and began shovelling the food down him in case someone else thought they needed it more than him. Byrne sat back down, never breaking eye contact with his foe. When finally the funny guy looked away, Byrne resumed his meal. The rest of the table looked away and carried on as if nothing had happened.
Thanks man, whispered The Ferret between mouthfuls of food. These damn whiskers get me in all kinds of trouble.
Dont apologise for your gift, rumbled Byrne, it is that which will help you to endure the days of strife that are to come. When the Dawn of Might arrives, only the Enlightened will be left standing.
The Ferret stopped eating for a second and looked away. Why is it the nutjobs always sit next to me he wondered
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

Solitary Confinement, The Zig Now
Youre food for today!, Tom yelled. While he shoves a platter of prison food hardly worthy of the name though an opening in the door. For a moment he looks at the name
Tara Stromboli
Non-Super Powered
Finishing his round he joins his colleague in the department guard room. The big armored window looks out on the hallway where the cells are. On the background the sports channel is on.
He Joe, I know I am new
but why do you have a non-super here in solitary?, he asks.
You mean Tarana?, Joe answers. I would watch it with her. The broad has been here for over three years. She killed a super and three of my mates back then. She may be non-super, but she is just as dangerous as if she would be.
He points at the closed video system. Look at her
She does that every day several times. Using the iron bars in the ceiling of her cell to pull up her own weight. There is hardly a moment I dont see her doing anything else then train, sleep or eat. Although there are cameras in the shower parts of this section too of course
He smiled delighted.
The screen showed Tarana stopping for a moment. She was large indeed. Her long black hair falling over her back. Dressed in standard prison workpants. Her sweat was covering her t-shirt showing of her chest rather good. Tarana took her platter
Drinking half of her water and starting to eat. Finishing up she uses the back of her plastic spoon to write something on her dirty platter. Holding it in front of the camera it reads
You like what you see?
Joe shudders
Not that it is much fun to get her there
normally we use three of us and electro-shockers. To be sure she stays on a safe distance. She tried to escape last week. Thats why youre here. Jack got to close and ended up with a head-bust. The [censored] broke his neck. Hes at home now. Will take a long time before he is back to work again.
Is she sane?, Tom asks. If she spends most of her time in solitary for al those years
that cant be healthy.
Joe nods. I dont know
but she is not happy to be here. Of that I am certain.
Tarana emptied her water can and shoved both the can and the platter outside. Then lied down on the floor and started to bench-press her bed with one hand.
- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!

Gabriel Silveria
Male Block, Canteen, The Zig - Now
Gabriels eyes shifted and scanned the canteen as he shuffled in through the imposing cast-iron gates. He picked out those to avoid, the ones it wasnt worth sitting near, just in case. The two large metallic wrist bands he was made to wear clanged together loudly as he snatched his tray from the counter and made a bee-line for the nearest, safest seat. Heads turned and bodies shuffled towards the reverberating noise in the otherwise quiet canteen as Gabriel sat down and stared at the tray of processed meat before him.
He placed his hands on the table softly, the metal bands banging against the surface as his dark emerald eyes stared at them coldly, still marvelling at how someone had managed to create something that stopped him from using his power. Somehow, the two devices strapped to his wrists stopped him from refracting light around his body and appearing invisible: something which he longed for, something which would give him the chance to get out this pit of depravity and get back to work.
He brushed a hand through his dark hair and scratched at the small, deep scar above his brow: A gift from an old friend. His eyes darted around his table at the others in the same bright orange jumpsuits as him, each with their own little nuances but none really distinguishable from the other. A small snort of derision escaped from him as the muscular man at the end of the table nodded his head in challenge.
Gabriel turned his head back to his tray of protein, calmly picking up his plastic fork as the man rose from the table, calling out some obscenities, referencing wives and children. Gabriels hand tightened around the fork, the cold plastic digging into his tanned flesh, but he didnt retort or flinch. His fork dug into the slowly congealing meal in front of him as the man sat back down, laughing and joking about how gutless Gabriel was.
Gabes sullen eyes gave the man another glance as the laughter slowly spread around the table. A weak smile wiped across his face as he turned back to his fork, shovelling what he had to assume was food into his mouth. He glanced across the canteen at a similar altercation being calmed down by a man of impressive stature before tilting his head back to get one last look at his joker, thinking to himself.
Not in here, friend. Not in here. But your time will come. It comes for us all, eventually
Bassai, Canadian Kid, Alruna, Kahi
Mistress Rad, Culpeo, Ms. Demeanor, Celsius
If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. Let's go to work.
Wallflower - The Ziggurat Penitentiary. Now.
Prisoner Number D359-88 Z
Alfred Leshii
Human/Plant Mutate
"You shouldn't let that walking tater get to you, Greaves. He can see it you know, see that he frightens you. Hell, knowing that freak, he probably pollinates just thinking about it. Pollinates. Get it?" The portly old guard, Harper, prodded his rookie friend with his nightstick.
"Yeah I get it, Harper. Thanks. So what's his deal anyway?"
"Al? He's a funny onion, heh a funnion...." Greaves groaned in dismay.
"Yeah, well, anyway Al is a classic case of power falling into the wrong hands. He was an Eco Warrior, that what they call it? Yeah well, turns out Al broke into a lab, released a ton of animal experiments, spilled all sorts of new fangled biological material too. Idiot managed to blow himself up in there too. Turns out some "friends" of his wanted him dead. The bomb timer was all wrong."
Greaves pulled the incinerator from the wall rack outside the cell.
"Yeah? So how're we still looking at him?"
"I was getting to that, rookie! Well turns out some weird bio matter got splattered over him before the bomb went off, the explosion tossed him into the air leaving him broken and bloody. The stuff, the bio whatsit? Well it repaired him, or replaced him or something. Either way, he was alive. But only his memories were still human. You're looking at a rare find, Harper. A gin-yoo-wine plant man."
He pulled the cell door open as the rookie aimed the incinerator.
"Ok, Tuber...." He winked at the rookie, "time for your daily exercise. Wouldn't want you taking root now would we?"
The restraints snapped free, releasing the monstrosity. Al felt his freedom, celebrating it by stepping out of his water bath.
"And nothing funny, ya big fruit. Or we'll be having baked taters for lunch." Greaves waved the incinerator.
Al didn't respond, he simply strode past. His massive frame dwarfing the two guards, the green pallor of his vegetative flesh made Greave's stomach lurch...
The man root seemed to straighten as sunlight hit his sun starved flesh. He finally smiled as the guards withdrew to a watchtower, leaving their mossy prisoner to mingle with the other prisoners.
Nadja Romanov
Arbiter Kriegers Quarters, Grandville Then
Nadja effortlessly repositioned her black Versace after the thorough search by Arbiter Kriegers men.
Usually, I wait until after dinner before I allow myself to be violated, she said to the helmeted Wolf Spider who was ushering her along a gunmetal corridor.
Just doing my job, maam, he replied.
Lucky is the man whos job is his hobby, she said as an afterthought as they approached a heavy black door.
A moment later she was on the other side of the door in sparsely decorated living quarters. There were a few antique weapons on the walls and books on the shelves but there was no real sense of the person who lived here. In the centre of the room was a table set for dinner for two.
Arbiter Krieger entered. A tall, lean man in his forties. He was bald and the left side of his face was a web of white scars as if his face was cracked porcelain. In the centre of the scars was an unmoving, milky white eye.
Miss Romanov, delighted to meet you at last, he said. You past through security quicker than I thought and have caught me a little unprepared. I apologise, please wait a moment while I put on my patch.
Nadja gave a convincing smile of reassurance. Not on my account please, Arbiter. A man who has got to where you have without scars would be more of an offence. And I prefer to judge a man on what is beneath the surface.
Her lip curled as she sensed the man inside was far more monstrous than his ruined face.
He nodded respectfully and guided her to the table where he pulled back her chair.
They sat in near silence as a different Wolf Spider brought a meal that could grace the tables of any of the fine restaurants in Founders Falls.
Good food is my one concession to luxury, said Krieger. Please, enjoy.
Nadja sliced the veal that came away like butter and melted in her mouth. It is excellent, Arbiter, but I am sure you did not invite me here for a dinner date.
The scars on his face twitched as he smiled with the good side of his face. Straight to business then, I can tell you are a Romanov.
Nadja held his gaze. I hope you have not brought me here to talk about my father. It would be a wasted trip I assure you.
Krieger shook his head. No, Miss Romanov, it is your skills that I am an admirer of.
She gave a smile that would turn parts of other men to steel. And what skills would those be, Arbiter?
Krieger left his seat and picked up a folder from his desk. He returned and opened it in front of his guest. It contained newspaper cuttings from around the world, with headlines including Daring Tower of London Heist, Antwerp Blood Diamond Switched for a Fake, Russian Icons Stolen, Arcane Relics Missing.
She looked over them and raised her narrow dark eyebrows quizzically. Very interesting, Arbiter, but what do they have to do with me? she said with a conviction that would fool any lie detector.
Krieger closed the file. Lets not do this dance, Miss Romanov. Youre an expert in your field and you should be proud. All I want from you is your expertise for which I will pay you well.
Nadja smiled. Lets assume I have this expertise. What is the deal?
Theres a sunken temple beneath the sea off Sharkshead. I understand youve led expeditions down there on a number of occasions. And I know someone as thorough and skilled as you would have mapped out whats down there. I also know that its become a hotbed of Circle of Thorns which has stopped you finishing the search for what you were looking for.
Nadja shook her head slightly. I dont know what you mean.
Krieger frowned. The Anasazi Eye?
Nadja smiled innocently, playing with her food. Hiding the dark excitement that filled her at just the mention of the elusive relic. Ive never heard of it.
Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko
Nadja Romanov
Canteen, Female Block, The Zig - Now
Nadja played with the food a little more. Waiting. Finally, as she expected, a shadow fell across cracked red top of the table.
She looked up to see the towering bulk of a green skinned female that went by the name of Matilda. One of the few women desperate or stupid enough to use Dyne, marking her out as more dangerous than any Troll.
Give it to me, said Matlida in a high-pitched voice that didnt suit her giant frame. You try and fuse me with your fancy words again and Im gonna bust up that pretty mouth of yours.
Nadja showed no fear. No emotion at all. I explained to you yesterday, Matilda, this is my pudding and you cant have it. She placed her hand on the small plastic tub of something labelled Chokilet. You know how it is in here, I give a girl my pudding then people are going to think they can take anything I have. She looked at the troll woman and the two smaller women who had her back. And some you gals have desires that I really dont want to satisfy.
Matilda slammed her hand down on the table. A few seconds later the tremors ceased.
The young girl that had joined Nadja on the table moments earlie looked scared. Listen, lady, maybe you should just
This isnt your concern, said Nadja. You see these women think that because of the way I look and talk that I cant possible survive in their jungle. What they dont understand is that I spent many of my formative years in places that make this seem like a Florida retirement home.
Matilda pushed Nadja hard on the shoulder. The smaller woman braced herself just enough to stop her falling to the floor. We are still talking here!
I have nothing more to say, said Nadja coldly.
The troll woman snatched the pudding and looked at the guards. So what you going to do?
Nadja said nothing.
Thats what I thought, said Matilda with a laugh. Next time I see you I wanna see a sweet smile on that pretty face when you give me whats coming to me. You understand?
Nadja nodded. That I can do.
The troll woman and her followers walked away to their own table.
The young girl let out a long sigh. That was close, I thought she was going to mess you up. You should be careful, lady. Youre just one person, you cant fight everyone in here who wants to take what you got.
Nadja smiled. You dont have to fight them all, just let them know that youre not worth picking a fight with in the first place.
The girl shrugged. But how
She was interrupted by the sound of screaming from across the canteen. Matilda had fallen to the floor screaming in pain. Blood spilled from her mouth as the ground glass did irreparable damage to her digestive system.
Nadja stood and walked over to the commotion. Her half eaten pudding was on the table next to Matildas own dessert that she hadnt even opened. Nadia picked it up; showing her trophy to the other women so they understood.
Finally, she looked down at the dying Matilda and gave her the sweet smile shed asked for. It was the last thing the troll woman would see in this life.
As the guards rushed in to try and help the lost cause she walked out of the canteen into the exercise yard.
The girl followed her. Lady, that was great. None of them are going to mess with us like ever again.
Nadja turned and saw the pudding the girl had swiped from Matildas gangs table. Thats quite a statement you made. I hope it doesnt kill you.
The girl looked deflated. But I thought that you and me could
You thought wrong, said Nadja as she walked away.
Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko
Solitary Confinement, The Zig Now
Soft light from the corridor came through the small openings of Taranas cell door. Inside Tarana was pulling up her body on the rusty bars of her ceiling. Her eyes where staring to the wall without really seeing it. Suddenly one of the bars breaks! The force of her pulling on it made the bar land on her head hard and she falls down on the Floor.
Skull Territory, Kings Row Then
Tarana is lying on the ground slowly getting up. She and her opponent are surrounded by a circle of fanatic Skulls screaming for blood. Her hand slowly grabs the stone lying next to her. The one that just hit her hard on the head. Her vision blurred she can just make out the Hellion who threw it coming up to her.
Barely able to see she jumps up with all her might and grabs him at his jacket. Her knee kicking him in his stomach several times. Grasping for air the large man bends over a bit. Seizing her opening Tarana clasps her hands together and throws all her weight into one huge blow. He hits the street hard
thick streams of blood coming from his forehead he trembles for a moment and then stops moving.
Around her the chanting starts
Skulls for ever! Tarana
Still dizzy she takes of his jacket and tears the Hellion symbol of it before putting it on. Looking around she finds the eyes of her lover, her Bone Daddy.
Michael Cretin only had been a Bone Daddy for a few months now, handpicked by the Petrovic brothers themselves. When he met Tara Stromboli he knew he had a winner. And now she had earned her place between the Skulls. He will take her to choose her own casket this afternoon. And have wild sex in it too.
Tarana looks into his eyes seeing the proud glitter. Passionately she kisses him and the surrounding Skulls start to chant louder.
Solitary Confinement, The Zig Now
A loud bonk on the door is heard bringing Tarana out of her memories. It was the warden Joe Connor. Tarana! Phone for you...! You're lawyer
Slowly the door opened and he was standing there
two guards flanking him. They cuffed Tarana and bring her to the warden's office. Putting the horn in her hand he says
I believe this is youre lucky day.
Tarana looked at him
mumbling I dont have a lawyer
, then put the horn to her ear. A calm monotone voice on the other side was heard I arranged for you to be removed from solitary using some rules on maximum time and health. Everything is ready, you just need to sign the release paper. And please keep cool until youre back in the Female Block.
He hang up?!, Tarana says while looking at Joe. Where do I sign?
- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!

Third Degree
Warden Trents Office Now
Warden Trent had a difficult job. As one of the highest ranking officers in charge of the penitentiary, he had to keep a leash on several thousand super-powered humans who could ruin the city if they ever escaped. Several thousand evil, depraved and just down right nasty individuals who needed to be kept in line with an iron fist. And yet at the same time, he had to appear democratic, fair and liberal to the press and his superiors. It was a difficult line to walk and yet he did so with ease. But what was important was making an impression. No matter how compliant a prisoner was, he knew that they had to respect him. And when he considered the prisoner in manacles that sat in the solid concrete room he referred to as his Office, he knew this may be harder than usual.
Julius Byrne sat in the prison overalls, his hands clamped in front of him. Despite his uncomfortable position, he somehow managed to radiate dignity. He didnt even look up when Warden Trent entered with two prison guards.
Mr Byrne, started Trent. I was wondering when I might get the opportunity to meet you. Youve become a bit of a celebrity in here it seems.
Byrne remained silent, he saw no point in talking.
But quite frankly, Im disappointed, continued Trent. Outside you were a bit of a revolutionary, stirring up the meta-humans in Kings to rise up and challenge their oppressors. But since youve been here, youve been a model prisoner. Trent flicked through a mental list as he strode round him. You read books no other prisoners touch, you meditate in the exercise yard, you paint, counsel the other inmates and even break up fights without violence. Quite frankly Byrne, Im ready to give you a [censored] hero license.
The strike came from nowhere, one of the guards bringing his night-stick down into the small of Byrnes back. He grimaced but bore the pain.
Thing is Byrne, said Trent, is that Ive heard about your mutation. Youre not the first pyrokinetic in this place but youre certainly the first Ive heard of who only burns when he gets angry. Ive cut back your exercise time, took away your paints, made sure that the most annoying inmates disturb your meditations and yet I havent even seen the smallest flicker of fire. Most inmates loose it in their first week here, you havent lost your temper in four months! What am I doing wrong?
Trent watched as the guards rained a suddenly flurry of blows down on Byrnes back. He watched the large man flinch under the assault but he did not cry out. Sweat gathered on the ebony skin of his brow but his expression remained one of calm detatchment. It was as if he wasnt even there. After a minute of solid pounding, the guards pulled him upright. Trent closed in, his scowling face inches from Byrnes mask of solitude. He might as well have tried to intimidate a stone.
You fail because you lack the strength of your convictions, said Byrne at last. Like all Blanks, you look to those different to you and you fear. And what you fear, you try to control. My work is for the good of all meta-humans everywhere. While we fight amongst ourselves, we will always be at the behest of Blanks like you. Only united will we prevail. You wish me to relinquish control over my power and yet it is you who has lost all of yours. You lack discipline of mind Warden. And that is why you fail.
For a moment, it seemed as if it was Trent who was going to burst into flame. Keep it up Byrne, said Trent coolly. Keep it up. But I am going to find a way to get to you. I dont need any martyrs in the Zig.
He watched as the large man was hauled towards the door. Before he was manhandled through, Byrne managed one last retort.
Warden Trent, until you can learn how to control your own emotions, you will never be the master of mine!
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

Showers, Male Block, The Ziggurat - Now
Gabriel frowned to himself as he stepped on to the cracked, slowly wearing tiles. He stepped up to one of the open spaces, keeping his eyes and hands to himself and tugged on one of the chains, a stream of hot water suddenly engulfing his body. Even in here, his imposing wrist bands had to stay on. The wardens knew of his power and they knew what would happen if he managed to get them off.
It was at this point, man was most vulnerable. Naked, and surrounded by peers who all want to prove themselves. Gabriel, with his slender build and pronounced features, was an easy target. There had been a fair share of people wanting to control him. A majority of those had given up when Gabriel offered no reactions, nothing to control. A few had to be taught the hard way.
Cha, lookere. Boy don look bove 18, seen. Ere
pretty boy. Wha you done pon the outside to be in ere? Must done terrible tings... or ave a death wish, boy
Gabriel turned his head to the antagonist, a muscular African-American, torso covered in tattoos designed to be intimidating. Someone who likely had something to prove to the others in there. Someone who had to do something to keep himself off the bottom rung. Dreadlocks covered the right side of his face before he brushed them aside, the makeshift weapon in his hand glinting under the dim lights as he did. The similar looking man to his right grinned maniacally as the dreadlocked foe made his move, swinging his arm wildly.
A flurry of arms followed, the man quickly being subdued by a burst of a martial art similar in execution to Aikido or Krav Maga. The tattooed man screamed in pain, falling to his knees as Gabriel stood behind him, calmly holding his aggressors wrist and hand at a ninety degree angle to his arm, forcing his opponent to drop the weapon to the tiles. He placed one hand on his dreadlocks and gripped tightly as he slowly leant down to the mans ear, whispering unearthly.
We all have a death wish, friend. Most try to hide it. Suppress it. The sooner everyone realizes the favour Im doing them
the better.
He pushed the man forward roughly onto the cold, wet tiles in front of his partner-in-crime and stood before them as two guards stormed in. A nightstick swiftly struck Gabriel across his stomach, sending him reeling to the floor, choking for air. The two other prisoners cackled as they were ushered away, Gabriel giving them one last menacing look as he was dragged back to his feet and out of the showers, back to his cell. He was dumped into the murky cell unceremoniously, his jumpsuit flung into his face as he turned to the door.
Get dressed, pretty boy. Youve got a visitor.
Bassai, Canadian Kid, Alruna, Kahi
Mistress Rad, Culpeo, Ms. Demeanor, Celsius
If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. Let's go to work.
Secure infirmary, west tower, the Zig - Now
Hank Delacroix opened his eyes, and stared up at a reinforced ceiling. "Well, [censored]," he muttered, sitting up, noting a considerable amount of protest from his heavily-bandaged chest, as well as a sturdy-looking chain connecting his manacled wrist to the wall. His last waking memories returned in a rush of surprisingly intense pain: the cold, determined expression on the face of Jennifer Sula as she put five bullets into him. He would have laughed at his own stupidity in underestimating her, but even breathing hurt right now.
"Ah, Mr. Delacroix," said someone to his right. He turned painfully to see a man in a prison officer's uniform, sitting by the door of the infirmary. "Welcome back to the world of the living," the man continued, getting to his feet. "I hate to see one of our guests sleep through his whole stay."
"I never was the world's best guest," Hank managed, squinting at his visitor. The sheen of the brass-bound plaque on his uniform made it painful to look at, but Hank thought it read 'Warden Trent.' "Mind turnin' that light down, or getting me my shades?"
Trent's mouth curled in a slight smile. "Yes, the doctors told me about your little eyesight problem." He reached over to the dimmer switch, and turned the light up to full.
Hank closed his eyes and leaned back against the bed. Yep. Should'a seen that one coming.
"I know that right now you're just being held for trial, Delacroix," Trent went on from somewhere near the door. "But let me say, I for one am hoping we'll be seeing a lot of each other over the next few years."
The door closed with a click. Hank sighed, and settled down to heal.
Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.
Female Block, The Zig - Now
The two guards guide Tarana to her new cell. Cuffed as she is she holds her clothes under her arm. She never had need of any other personal things, not while in solitary.
They pass several cells across the level. Some of the inmates recognise her and look up to her in admiration. Knowing where she has been the past three years. Others barely look, as they had never seen Tarana before.
- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!

Nadja Romanov
East shore, Sharkshead Island Then
Dust swirled around Nadjas Bowler Wildcat as the Arachnos flier hovered low to the rugged cliff. As the Arachnos team descended, Nadja stepped out of the custom off-road vehicle. She was wearing a black Armourworks Armadillo survival suit. A gold belt of charms and relics around her waist. A silver rapier on her back and a dagger on her curvaceous hip. A small pistol and emergency teleport activator were concealed on her person.
The Wolf Spiders moved forward as one. She casually changed her position to avoid being trapped between them and the cliffs edge. The soldiers parted to allow a Crab Spider to pass through. Nadja had heard about Lord Recluses new recruitment drive, but it was the first time she had seen a female crab spider. She was just shy of six feet fall and was in a blood red outfit instead of the usual Arachnos grey and black. She didnt wear the standard Crab helmet, showing off spiked red hair and a stern face daubed with red war paint that looked like blood.
Ms Romanov, I am Operative Bojan, she said confidently as the metal arms on her back twitched like steel cobras. We have schedule to keep, are you ready?
Nadja nodded. Im always ready. Lets get this show on the road.
Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko
Nadja Romanov
East shore, Sharkshead Island Then
Im sure weve been this way before, grunted Operative Bojan. Arbiter Krieger said you were a woman of many skills, Ms Romanov. Im beginning to suspect navigation is not one of them.
Nadja turned to face the armoured Amazon with a look of steel. One thing you learn quickly in my line of work is that one subterranean temple tunnel looks pretty much like every other. The people who built this place didnt go much for straight lines. So with respect, quiet down, and let me do what your boss is paying me to do.
Nadja looked at the ancient map in her hand. Compared it to her own she had drawn after her last play for the Anasazi Eye. Another quarter mile and they would be in the central chamber.
She turned to the Arachnos soldiers. Round the next bend. If the Circle are here, thats where theyll be.
Bojan pointed with one of her metal arms. After you, Ms Romanov.
Nadja shook her head. Im the guide and you can consider yourself guided. If the Eye is here then the robe monkeys arent going to want to give it up. So, soldiers with armour and guns can go first.
All of Bojans metal arms aimed at Nadja. Im afraid I must insist, Ms Romanov.
Nadja looked at the Operative unfazed. Heres the thing, you dont have the eye yet. Until you do, you still need me. I dont think Krieger will react too well when he hears you killed the guide before getting your claws on the prize.
Operative Bojan tilted her head. Retrieving the Eye is secondary. But were wasting time. She indicated for the Wolf Spiders to go on ahead, letting Nadja follow before bringing up the rear.
Nadjas mind was suddenly racing. The simple sentence that retrieving the Eye was secondary suddenly made her feel vulnerable for all her preparation. Her desire for the eye had made her careless and it looked like Bojan was more that happy to kill her.
When she had told Bojan she was always ready she hadnt told the full truth. But when Nadja wasnt ready she was deadly.
Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko
Nadja Romanov
East shore, Sharkshead Island Then
Nadja approached the Wolf Spiders and looked down into the temple chamber. In the centre about a down robed figures were chanting and bowing towards
the Eye! There it was, eight perfect jet black spheres the size of baseballs seamless fused together. It was hovering within a green, glowing mist at the heart of an ornately carved stone altar.
Nadja concealed her excitement, a crocodile beneath calm water. So, Operative Bojan, here we are. What now?
Bojan turned to Nadja Tell me, Ms Romanov, was the way you brought us the fastest way to this chamber.
Yes, said Nadja. Well, unless discretion wasnt a factor and you had the means to blast through several hundred feet of solid rock.
The Crab Spider woman nodded. As I thought. Then we wait and watch the show.
As she finishes speaking, the roof of the temple chamber exploded. Twenty Longbow agents descended on lines. A large red, white and grey figure dropped to the ground after them. It was a werewolf, about ten feet tall and almost as broad in the uniform of a Longbow commander.
Nadja looked to Operative Bojan.
Thats Commander Stonefang, said Bojan. Hes been a thorn in Arbiter Kriegers side for three years now. Weve lost many good men to him. He appears out of nowhere, hits hard then disappears. And the myth of him has become more than the reality. Just mention of his name is enough to turn the moral of even the best trained unit. But no more. She turned to one of the Wolf Spiders. Give me the gun.
The Wolf Spider handed her a high-powered rifle.
Nadja shook her head. Then let me go. You have what you want, I didnt sign on to murder a Longbow Commander.
Bojan smiled. You signed on to Arachnos, Ms Romanov. Everything else is just details. Now please be quiet.
Two Wolf Spiders gripped Nadjas arms. Do you really think a rifle is going to take down a werewolf? Ive seen them endure much worse in my fathers research facilities. Youll just make him mad then hell turn that rage and his teeth and claws on us.
Bojan patted the rifle. Silver bullet made from a smelted candlestick stolen from the Vatican. Add a few inscriptions that I wont claim to understand and you have yourself a guaranteed werewolf killer or your money back."
She fired. The sound of the shot echoed around the cavernous temple.
A puff of red appeared above the werewolfs head. He fell to the ground. The large bulk slowly shrank into the form of a man.
But how did you know hed come? asked Nadja.
Youre the expert on the Eye, said Bojan. You tell me.
Nadja thought back to what little records there were about the relic. The Anasazi tribe were decimated by a tribe from the north they called the Changing Ones. The quote was
And they looked upon them with the Eye and they were no more than men. He wanted the Eye to lift the curse? But that would have given you what...but you needed to kill the myth too.
It's dead now, said Bojan flatly. Now, those Longbow are about three seconds from working out where the shot that killed they hirsute leader came from. Lets move out.
No, said Nadja. Im not getting this close to leave without the Eye now.
Bojan smiled. Then you do it alone, Ms Romanov. I will tell Arbiter Krieger you elected to stay behind.
You do that, said Nadja. I think I rate my survival chances more with the Longbow and Circle than you anyway.
Perceptive, replied Bojan before leading her team back the way theyd come.
Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko
South Brooklyn, Midnight - Then
The rain lashed down as Justice Enforcer sprinted down a back-alley, crashing into bins and cardboard boxes as if he was in a pinball machine. He clattered down to the soaked floor, bashing his head against a stray, sole brick. A whimper escaped his lips as he climbed back to his feet, his legs powering him down the alley as fast as his super-human muscles could propel him. His sodden outfit, dashed with Red, White and Blue, was covered in specks of his own blood, some from the encounter with the brick, some from an encounter a few moments before.
He bounded round a corner, his heavy boots rupturing puddles and splashing loudly. Panting heavily, he came to a stop, resting against the wall of a run-down apartment block. He caught his breath and sprinted off again, around another corner.
He came to a swift and sudden stop, staring down at his stomach where there was suddenly intense pain. Hed felt this pain before: it felt as if somebody had stabbed him, but there was nothing there. He glanced around furiously, doubling over in pain. His eyes flickered and he looked forward as the light in front of him changed. A dark figure slowly materialised in front of him, the light that was refracting around him now revealing his form. Clad head to toe in black armoured leather with imposing goggles and mask covering his face, he was stood at a right angle to the hero, his right arm outstretched holding an Impervium Blade point first, directly passing through Justice Enforcers flesh and out the other side. It was here in this position they seemed to stand for hours before the armoured sword wielder slowly turned and placed a hand on Justices shoulder, helping him stand up straight, leaning in close to his ear.
Were disappointed with you, friend. You had potential
one of the best, possibly. But you were reckless. You used your powers without due care and attention. You destroyed that kiosk and you injured that poor woman. You think being a hero means you can get away with it.
The words caused the mask to move in mysterious and
unnerving ways as he slowly withdrew his hand from the heros shoulder and twisted back to his original position.
You brought this on yourself. You brought your sentence forward. It happens to us all.
In one swift movement, the armoured foe was facing away from Justice Enforcer, the sword now arced up, following the contours of his back. Justice Enforcer could do nothing but moan in pain as he collapsed from blood-loss. His last sights in this world were one of his assassin, radioing his superiors, saying the job was complete, before fading back into the dark, stormy night.
Gabriel Silveria
Private Office, The Zig - Now
The lawyer sat opposite him slowly turned a page in the dossier laid on the table in front of him, watching Gabes reactions.
We know all about you. Your exploits. And what you became, he murmured, almost unearthly, turning another page. This is where the story really gets interesting.
Bassai, Canadian Kid, Alruna, Kahi
Mistress Rad, Culpeo, Ms. Demeanor, Celsius
If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. Let's go to work.
Galaxy City - Then
Hank rose from his chair and moved to the desk, where the SERAPH registration officer was holding his file. The officer looked him up and down. "Henry Delacroix?"
Hank nodded. "I prefer Hank."
"Sure." The officer looked down at the form in her hand. "Just need to confirm a couple of things. License to be issued in the name of Shining Shield. Uh, for place of birth, you've put 'unknown'?"
Hank nodded. The registration officer frowned. "You don't know where you were born?"
"Not exactly." Hank shrugged apologetically. "My folks moved around the country a lot, y'know? I didn't wanna put 'side of some road, Missouri'."
"Alright." The officer looked down at the form again. "Nature of powers - bioelectric forcefield." She looked up. "Any side effects associated with that? Interference, radiation, containment failure?"
"None that I'm aware of."
"We'll need to do a proper screening before we let you near certain high-security areas. One last thing - our evaluators noted an above-average level of hand-to-hand fighting ability. Any formal training there?"
Hank shrugged. "School of one bar-fight too many, darlin'."
"Right." The officer glanced back over the form, then stamped it at the bottom. "Well, your application's been approved, so you're all set. Pick up your license from that desk over there. Welcome to Paragon City, Shining Shield."
Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.
Third Degree
Kings Row Warehouse Then
Julius Byrne peeked out from between the curtains into the open space beyond. There, gathered in the early evening gloom were almost two hundred people, all taking seats and positions in the hastily assembled auditorium. He spotted people with horns, people with wings, a number of students from the university. A few of The Lost had turned up, curious to see what this was all about. Even some of the Skulls, even though they ranked lowly in his opinion had shown up, probably curious to see what was going down on their turf. Byrne closed the curtain and went backstage, reading through his notes again. He wasnt one for rehearsals, his words came from the heart. But even so, it was handy to know what salient points he was going to make beforehand.
Dont tell me that youre nervous? said a voice to his side. He turned to see Helen, one of the university students who had put on this event waiting there.
Not really, he replied, smiling. I was just checking to see if there was anyone out there we could expect trouble from. Not everyone likes what Ive got to say.
Helen returned the smile, patting his arm reassuringly. I believe you Jules, she said, I mean, someones got to say these things right? How long can we keep going round in circles, mutant against mutant? Its not right and people need to be told. Our philosophy professor keeps telling us, Whats right is not always popular and whats popular is not always right.
Julius smiled but inwardly grimaced. Helen was an idealist. Shed had a number of run ins with the law at various human rights protests but she hadnt spent any time inside like he had. She hadnt cut the brakes on the cars of arms lobbyists, planted bombs inside corrupt lawyers offices, issued death threats against animal experimenters. She didnt have the long rap sheet of crimes that he had for various intimidation campaigns. But even so, he was pleased to have her support. The more meta-humans who understood about the revolution, who were willing to stand up and oppose yet more restrictions from the Blanks who ruled over them the better. Sacrifices would have to be made, lives given to the cause. She wasnt ready for that yet, he wasnt sure if the people massing in the warehouse beyond the curtain were either. But tonight, within these four walls, he would speak and they would listen. And maybe then, he could bring them one step closer to action. One step closer to revolution. A change was coming, and he was determined to be there on the front line.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

Tarana & Nadja Romanov
Female Block, The Zig - Now
The guards stop at cell 154. The larger one of the two looks inside the cell "Move aside Romanov! You finally got a cell mate! I think you two deserve each other."
He signs the man in the guard office at the end of the corridor and the door unlocks. While his collegue removes the cuffs and tries to push Tarana in. But he can't move her. Tarana looks at him, then looks at his name tag. "I will remember you.", she whispers.
Totally ignoring Nadja she walks in.
- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!

Steel Canyon - Then
Hank jumped down from his bunk, saluting the officer who had called his name.
The officer looked him up and down. "Adjutant Delacroix?"
"Reporting, sir," Hank replied.
The officer nodded. "Good. The results from your genetic screening have indicated you're a prime candidate for serum augmentation. In recognition of your service to the Penumbra, you're to be elevated to the Elite. Proceed to sector 13 immediately."
"Yes sir. Thank you, sir." Hank held his salute until Archon Milos had turned away, then began to gather his belongings. So this is it. Good ol' predictable fascists. One super soldier, coming up.
Sector 13 was a high-security area beyond the medical bay. Hank saluted the Galaxy guards by the door and tapped his security code into the access pad. The door slid open, and he stepped through into a rocky corridor.
The lights flickered slightly as he made his way forward, charged with anticipation and a little fear. All in the plan, he reminded himself. Nearly there.
The end of the corridor opened into a well-stocked medical bay. A man in medical overalls bearing the Council emblem was standing by a surgical bed, flanked by pair of heavily-armoured Ascendant troopers. Hank cleared his throat. "Adjutant Delacroix, reporting as ordered?"
The doctor turned, and smiled. "Excellent. You're just in time, Mr. Delacroix. Please lie on the bed, and we'll get started."
Hank climbed onto the bed, his trepidation increasing with each moment. Too late to back out now. This is why I'm here. He raised an eyebrow as the doctor leaned down to fasten a set of sturdy restraints over his wrists and ankles. "What's this for?"
The doctor looked up from his work. "Just a precaution. Initial introduction of the Serum can induce involuntary muscular contractions. It's for everyone's safety."
Hank nodded slightly and lay back, heart pounding in his chest.
"Now then." The doctor reached over to the supply stand by the bed and retrieved a large hypodermic syringe. "Just relax, Mr. Delacroix. I'm Dr. LeVine, and I'll be performing today's little procedure. I can assure you it won't hurt... very much."
Hank grunted as the needle was jabbed into the arm, and tensed himself for... whatever was supposed to happen next.
Nothing did. Hank frowned as his vision blurred slightly. He felt numb and light-headed. "Wh-what the hell...?"
"Now." Dr. Levine opened the second drawer of his supply stand, and took out a very large scalpel. "We'll start small, I think. Never any point in rushing into these things."
Hank struggled feebly against his restraints. "What the hell is this? I'm here for..." He paused. It was getting difficult to think straight, but one realisation stood out in his mind, clear as day. "Lied to me! Son of a [censored]!"
LeVine nodded. "Yes, I'm afraid your superiors decided you would be unlikely to submit to this procedure voluntarily, so they modified the truth a little. But you needn't worry, you're in excellent hands." A slight smile touched his lips. "Dr. Vahzilok himself made them for me."
Hank gritted his teeth, trying desperately to stay awake as the sedative took hold. "You can't do this!" he shouted. "You don't have the right!"
"Haven't you read your Heller, Mr. Delacroix?" The doctor's voice was faint as the world began to swim away. "We have the right to do absolutely anything you can't stop us from doing..."
Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.
Tarana & Nadja Romanov
Female Block, The Zig - Now
Slowly Tarana started to take in her new surroundings. There where two bunks on the right. One was obviously in use by her cell mate. Te bottom one was free...
For a moment Tarana thought about starting a ruckus about wanting the top bunk. Her being in the Zig so much longer. She looked at Nadja who read a newspaper in the corner sitting on the only chair in the cell and decided it was not worth it. So she dumped her clothes on the lower bunk and sat down.
Tarana noticed a small desk and a toilet. The red-painted steel door had a small window in it. And there was a video camera in the top corner right under the ceiling. She picked a clean shirt from her pile of clothes and took the one she was wearing off. A small tattooed skull was visible on her shoulder.
Under her bunk she found a basket for the laundry. She threw her dirty shirt in and put on the new one. Lying down she started to think who the hell her lawyer was. She never could afford one. And the one appointed to her during her trial stopped calling not even a month after she came to the Zig. She kicked her boots off and closed her eyes.
All went black...
Kings Row Then
Tarana woke up having a streak of sunlight in her face. She was naked lying next to Michael. They had a wild and busy night. There had been a new supernadine shipment from Perez Park and they where now valuating the stuff before selling it off to the Troll gangs in Steel.
Drunk and wild both she and Michael had used a small amount of supernadine themselves. Now a night later she felt all her muscles ache. That would be the last time she would do that for sure. Some of those Trolls became absurdly strong of it... others just where high on the stuff. She wasn't sure if it would have any effect on her though. Probably nothing. At least she wasn't green.
Looking at her man she grabbed her clothes and got dressed. Michael had to kill an paragon police officer last night who saw them moving the supernadine. It was awesome seeing him use his death-powers. He drained all life from the man... And she remember giving the officer a kiss to congratulate him on meeting death in such a way.
Tonight they will get the crates to Steel Canyon. Suddenly a bone crusher was standing in the door knocking it a few times with an iron bar...
Female Block, The Zig - Now
A guard walked passed their door. Giving an extra knock on it with his nightstick. Tarana woke up abruptly. She wasn't used to that anymore. Solitary had no such thing as a schedule... unless you made it yourself. Obviously it was time to get up and start the day. Just another day in the Zigg.
- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!

Third Degree -
Ohio - Then
It had been a hot day. The third of August 1987 had proved to be more pleasant than people expected and it had been a perfect day for the young hopeful Julius Byrne to finally prove himself on the football field. Hed left high school only months before, brandishing a clutch of good qualifications but this, this was what he had waited for so long to do, to prove that his prowess on the football field was as good as it was in the classroom. And the local team, the Rowanoak Ramjets were giving him just that chance.
The first half had gone well and hed proven himself both a competent player and a benefit to the team. But number 7, one of the prominent players on the opposing team had taken an instant dislike to him. So much so that hed said so during one of the time outs. Julius didnt understand it, had shrugged it off and continued playing. What did his opinion matter?
He tried to remember these things as he lay on the floor, dirt jamming up the grill of his helmet, spattered all over his face. The other player had been true to his word, checking Julius on a daring run towards another touchdown. Despite a faceful of dirt, Julius had come off ok, but the screaming from the other player as he held his broken arm proved that the collision had not gone as hed hoped. The medic was on the field already but the broken arm would put him out for most of the season. Julius had barely lifted himself from the ground before the coach of the other team was roaring at him.
You [censored] rookie! What did you think you were doing!? Now hes gonna be out for god knows how long!
Julius tried to remain calm but the frustration was too much. He shouted back, blaming the other player. Other voices were raised, none of them on his side. What had been an accident had been seen as a deliberate attempt to hurt the guy. They thought it, the other team thought it and when the referee ordered him off the pitch he knew that no-one was on his side. The order from the ref was the final straw.
Something shifted deep down in his anatomy. A subtle change, a chemical imbalance, unnoticed until now. The rush of hormones to his system, the adrenaline prompting the fight of flight response, they unlocked a hidden gene. He felt a rush of power through his body, it came at the behest of the anger. Later he would question whether he could have kept control. But he would never deny how good it felt.
Julius rage exploded, his body erupting in a gout of flame. He screamed his defiance as a blazing halo appeared around him, burning some, panicking others. He was frightened, maybe as frightened as those around him but the rush of power felt exciting, liberating. He listened as the cries of pain changed to derisory cries of mutant and freak. They hurt but the pain just made him feel stronger
A rattling at the cage door broke him from his reverie.
Hey Byrne, wake up, came the voice, you got a visitor. Your lawyer wants a word with you.
Byrne pulled himself upright, curious. He hadnt had visitors in all his time here. But what he was most certain about was that he didnt have a lawyer
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

Nadja Romanov
East shore, Sharkshead Island Then
Nadja held on to her prize tightly as she ran along the ancient tunnel hewn through the rock. Even wrapped in black cloth she could feel its dark hunger. Its dark energy merging with her own. She had been fortunate that Stonefangs Longbow had pursued the Arachnos soldiers. The remaining mages had defended the Eye to the death. Their blood on her blades.
She stopped to get her bearings. Reading the map had been pretence for Bojan and her Wolf Spiders, the entwining miles of tunnels were fixed in her mind. Another mile and she would be on a beach several miles from the point she at the Arachnos team had entered.
A noise. Footsteps on stone. She looked at the perfect ebony orbs of the Anasazi Eye one more time before clutching it to her chest like a beloved child. The cold steel of her dagger in her other hand ready to taste more blood.
She stopped. Nowhere to hide. Running took her back towards the Longbow looking to avenge their dead leader. She checked the emergency teleport she was carrying; the magical wards protecting the temple combined with the thick walls of rock put the chances of a clean teleport somewhere between slim and none.
Her hand tightened on the knife as a shadow loomed around the bend. A hero appeared. She as hardly more than a girl. She had a certain awkwardness about her as if she was uncomfortable in her green and orange uniform. A dusting of freckles around the small green mask.
Stop right there and put the knife down, said the hero. I dont want to have to hurt you Quite reasonable thought Nadja but it all depended on who was getting hurt.
Im not the person youre looking for, said Nadja. Let me past.
The hero didnt buy it. I cant do that
Nadja lunged at her with the dagger. But as the blade came close to its target, she felt like she had hit a wall. Or a wall had hit her, ringing with the sound of a perfectly pitched note. She fell back. The air forced out of her lungs. At least two ribs cracked. Her ears ringing. A trickle of blood running from her nose on to her lip. A blasted sonic!
She struggled to get up.
Stay down, said the hero. Youre hurt, moving will make it worse. I dont want to have to knock you out.
Nadja used all her remaining strength to make a swipe at the heros Achilles tendons. Her hand felt like it was in a vice as a note attuned to the knifes frequency forced it out of her hand. The dagger clattered into the darkness.
The exertion had made the cracks in her ribs worse. The pain was like tightening bands of hot metal around her chest.
Drops of blood fell from her nose onto the dusty floor of the tunnel. You made me bleed, [censored]. she told the hero.
The hero came closer. Please dont try that again, miss. She looked at the bundle still in Nadjas grasp. Let me take a look
As the hero stooped, Nadja pulled the fake fingertip from the ring finger of her left hand unsheathing a small poisoned blade. She wasnt going to let the hero take the Eye. Not now.
She struck at the heros face. An arc of blood in the air. A scream that shook the tunnel walls.
Nadja forced herself to stand. The heros blood dripping from her own face.
She sighed as she saw the Longbow soldiers running towards her. She turned to the fallen hero. Youre marked now, hero. My mark. Next time
next time we meet, Ill kill you.
She forced a smile at the Longbow. Knew it was over before they fired their guns.
As she slipped into unconsciousness she heard the panic and urgency of the Longbow.
We need to stop the bleeding. Dammit, Jim, the blade was poisoned. Its acting as an anti-coagulant.
Someone pick up the ear, dont just leave it there. Ice, we need ice, itll be half an hour at least before we can get topside.
Radio the base. Tell them to prep the operating room. Were bringing The Amber Banshee in.
Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko
((This thread is intended to contain short fiction chapters telling how members of The Cadre were recruited to the organisation. This is not strictly a roleplay thread, more colloborative fiction, and the action will cut between the different characters like a movie until they are brought together when The Cadre come together at the launch of i12. These pieces are not intended to be interactive and are describing events in the past tense. Any inquires about The Cadre should be made OOC to any of the players posting in this thread. Thank you.))
Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko