Desperately seeking Caleb (Sun 13th April 7pm GMT)
Do you get a badge for defeating Caleb?
- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom
My Katana/Inv Guide
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein
Do you get a badge for defeating Caleb?
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes... Hellbane
Might have to move it an hour earlier, while i was at the Mothership Raid last night Hot-Stuff (Cold-storm) Said it would happen again at 7pm this week too.
So now it wil be at 6pm or have to be moved to another night.
I could join you if the time was slipped back to 8:00pm.
Count me in Haem. 6pm is fine
I'm there. Terror Fish

A Fishy Tale: Arc ID: 334602
Co-Leader of the CREE when I can be bothered.
Please please help in the hunt for Caleb! We need as amny ppl as possible to kill off the things to spawn him & kill him.
Meeting up on Nerva on Thorn Isle around 7pm GMT Sunday 13th April.
Please add your name, and say if you can bring more people!