Issue 11, Time Travelling, Plots and the Present.




The point is I think that if you use your version of time travel to kill some/change the past, we now can say "Haha! You can't kill me in the past! The menders will fix it :P"

(Jack Sparrow time) The thing in which we were afraid of god-moding our death is now the thing that god-mods it so we cannot die throught the method in which set god-moding fears occur...savvy?



Well just because the in game group uses one method of time travel does not mean that others don't exist. Unless the NPCs explicitly state that there is no other means of time travel (which I doubt NCsoft will do because of how many people it'll [censored] off)

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It is not so much the way of time travel, as it is what effects time travel has. It the game states that changing the past is possible, then we can't very well run around and say it's not. As to *means* of traveling through time, well knock yourself out. There are no restrictions.



I've always looked at timetravel in this way: Person X goes back in time to create/prevent event Y. Person X is successful, however apon returning to current time and reintergrating to the timestream, all knowledge of travelling in time to accomplish event Y fade, as event Y has already happened.

Of course, the only other way round the paradox is that, taking the grandfather killing theory for example, you succed in your task. However, after said task is complete, an unforseen event takes place which would nullify the impact on the future. For example: Person X goes back in time to scrub out person Y. Person X succeds and returns to their own time, however, person Z assumes the identity of person X, thereby (unknowingly) preventing any impact on the timeline.

Alas, this theory doesn't work on a global genocide scale, which, I'm sure, some players will try...



(Jack Sparrow time) The thing in which we were afraid of god-moding our death is now the thing that god-mods it so we cannot die throught the method in which set god-moding fears occur...savvy?

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The paradox of time travel has created another paradox, because if said god-moding fears can't occur, why does there need to be a god-moded way to prevent the said god-mode first occuring?

Further question, why is it that travelling back in time makes people so desperate to murder their grandfathers...?




Further question, why is it that travelling back in time makes people so desperate to murder their grandfathers...?

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because he was an [censored]



Use Bill n Ted's example.

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I'm not going to talk about Time-Travel SCREW THAT for a brain meltdown.

I will instead state one constant universal law of Role-Play Mechanics that holds true in any Time-Line or Dimension:


It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.