The CoH/CoV World Records!
Fun idea.
Not sure how to verify the records though.
Screenshots and chatlogs for images and text, but timing things will be the hardest one to verify I think.
This is from memory, but I believe the 'Guiness Book of records' way of verifying things is that is has to be done 3 times in a row in front of a representitive of theirs before it is officially recoginised, as is the case with breaking speed records in a jetcar.
no it's not. there are rules for each comp.
for instance the land speed record actually requires traveling the standard mile and turning it around and repeating that mile in a set time period. the average of the two runs being the new record.
you just need rules that anyone can duplicate.
Ahh, I See!,
So,Ummm... How would that work with Online records?, presumably they would have to be behind you watching over your shoulder at a LAN Party or something?
yeah, or a need a online mod like hero stats to record the info, so say DPS record would have to be sustained for 20 seconds then repeated. and the hero stats log submitted for checking.
honestly way to easy to cheat and way to hard to authenticate.
Hi, as seeing the Guiness World Records Book 2008 is coming out soon,
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Soon? It's been out for a couple of weeks!
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Hi, as seeing the Guiness World Records Book 2008 is coming out soon,
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Soon? It's been out for a couple of weeks!
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I hate you time
yeah, or a need a online mod like hero stats to record the info, so say DPS record would have to be sustained for 20 seconds then repeated. and the hero stats log submitted for checking.
honestly way to easy to cheat and way to hard to authenticate.
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"sorry, your gonna have to do that again, i was AFK"
I don't think the "longest time before chat happens", and various other record ideas are all that spiffy... They'd be very easy to beat, you just have to have a team that's willing to waste time idling for that long :P
I think it would be cool to have records for things such as "Quickest defeat of Lusca" (and TFs and so on).
Hi, as seeing the Guiness World Records Book 2008 is coming out soon, I'd like to do this. I will create a giant post of world records that have been peformed in CoH and CoV. Examples are ''Longest Lasting Team'', ''Most Weird Looking Hero/Villain'', and ''Longest Time In A Team Until A Player Chats''.
I'm not starting it atm, but I'm going to do it if there's good feedback.
So, what do you think?