Somewhere in time ((widespread RP storyline idea))
Year: 2028
Area: USA, Central Sector
Building Registration: EVE aka ToT headquarters
Eve shifted slightly in the morning heat. She hated hot days, it made her plates stick together.
Eve is a biological building, one of the few on earth. Adam, the prototype, went horribly wrong. He uprooted himself and jumped into the Atlantic ocean, where he began a new career as a living underwater hotel.
Eve was the first female biological building to be created, her personality matches similarly that of her sister, Saria, a human and lead defence expert of the Titans of Tomorrow.
various noises are heard as a sort of call throughout the building
I heard you the first time, Eve, but if you dont sit still we wont get this panel unstuck
Why Kerano insists on leaving yarn everywhere Ill never know
Eve grumbled and whistled something at Saria
Dont take that tone with me.. you try keeping him under control
Saria untangled the yarn from Eves auxiliary panel and the building sighed with relief, a small monitor coming into a light blue infront of Sarias face. Wiping the oil from her face, she sighed
Why you cant self-maintain is beyond me
<a whistle cackled at Saria>
Ill show you sisterly love, you little..
Kerano turned the corner and caught a glimps of Saria. Letting out a high pitched yelp, he turned to run
Ohhhh.. dont think your out of it Saria called after him
Aww cmon Sar.. its not like shes ill or anythin He whimpered as he ran
Ill show you ill Saria threatened
Gah.. fine fine.. I give up.. Kerano grinned and readied himself to fight, before being smacked rather harshly by one of Eves tendrils jutting out of a nearby wall
<The building shook with laughter>
Saria Grinned at Kerano Now see my point?
Rubbing his head, he muttered something under his breath Fine.. Fine.. you win.. Sorry Sar
Just keep your string to yourself she said as she walked away out of the main door from the living quarters. A large room with various sofas about, books and a large plasma raidon TV, which was currently showing Magick and the future on an arcane specials channel for Orion, who was also in deep meditation infront of the monitor.
The metal slid effortlessly away from itself in a porthole fashion before slamming shut in Keranos face Uh.. Eve.. door.. foot.. stuck the building shuddered with laughter again before releasing Keranos foot, he sighed and followed Saria
about that date you owe me.. he said shyly
What date? Saria stopped and turned round looking at him with a slightly bemused appeal
the one I was going to ask you on.. he grinned sheepishly
A monotone voice echoed over the coms. The emotionless voice belonged to borg; nicknamed so because of his cyborg traits, but also because calling him a Central Processing and Data Acquisition Unit or CPDAU every time anyone wanted to talk to him was a bit of an annoyance.
All Titans report to the control room... I repeat: all Titans report to the control room
Saria looked up Itll have to wait she headed off down the corridor to the lift shaft
you know the lifts out right?
Yes Saria walked straight onto the open floor a force field generating straight from beneath her feet But do you really want to walk up the stairs?
Guess not.. Kerano stepped hesitantly onto the field, which rocketed up the shaft into the very top floor of the building, where Borg, the central operator, resided along with Eves human control unit, Sarias biological sister.
As the two entered the large glass floored room it was apparent they were the last ones to arrive, Orion, Hannah and Mark Campbel, Erion, Fi and Beccy turned to look at the two, whilst the other Titans busied themselves at their posts in the control centre.
Borg didnt react, but began typing quickly into the key pads, as the two joined the others.
We have reports of illegal arcane time stream rips. an old friend of Erions it seems
Erion aka Demonic Storm grumbled quietly
Perhaps he would be so kind as to inform you all. Borg said glancing at Erion briefly before going back to prodding various screens and buttons.
Well.. we all know who Azarath is.. and hes at it again
though this time hes onto something, hes goin through time portals created by demonic magicks and recruiting people from all over the time stream to do his dirty work. Were not sure on what his exact motives are at this moment in time
but it seems as though its major enough for him to think he needs help.
Fi cut in So.. what were thinking is to send our own agents back in time to where hes recruiting from and take some support for ourselves.
Orion cut in shortly after, the demonic mind link between the three clearly in overdrive today So basically.. were sending you back.. to the start of this century.. to take Azaraths reinforcements from right under his feet, then, establish what exactly hes after and finally remove the threat permanently this time.
Eve whistled something quietly and Saria nodded
Borg looked up Translation
Eve thinks he might be after an item.. or artefact thats not present in our time anymore Saria explained to Borg
Possibility accepted.. be wary of lost arcane devices Borg replied I will call another meeting at 1600 hours. that is all Borg looked around his one robotic eye focusing on each titan in the room in a few moments.
Eve shifted in her tank behind Borgs desk, the teen was surprisingly agile to say shed lived all her life in a giant test tube, various markings and such pulsed across her skin, along with an arcane glyph on the back wall of the tube pulsing to her heart beat, she looked about the room and smiled at the Titans before commanding one of her floor panels to jump up and take a bite out of Keranos new trainers.
This really aint my day with her, is it? he asked Saria
Well what do you expect
you gave her a migrane for the past two days.. shes hardly going to give you an ice cream Sunday for it
.Will you? he smirked
Saria rolled her eyes a force field smacking Kerano in the face
Guesh not.. he murmured into the force field.
The two left leaving the other titans to converse with eachother.
((if anyone wants to have a char as one of the titans in the group send me @Raven_Deathstorm , @gash jackel , @mossy, or @omega chief a tell.. or post their conversations on this forum.. were planning to have the group go ingame at issue eleven launch so have fun and give us a tell if your interested, oh therel be a villain side to it all too but I have to think up and intro for that side yet :P ))
((reporting in as future Fi. Also toying with the idea of ressurecting a 'past evil', as it were, on the villain side
also...would Fi have the ability to create these time portals? by future times (after extensive research of course, heh) )))
((If Fi is there, then Crozius would be hanging around, too. Not the nicest guy ever, but he's still got a few good deeds to do before he goes back "home". Plus, he and Fi are old aquainteces))
((<notes lack of any mention of myself>
<resigns self to just sitting next to raven and looking handsome>
The life of a trophy boyfriend, eh?
Helping out any way i can, as you already know, and playing a few NPCs, even if im not letting Omega get his grubby little mitts on any of my chars for corrupting for his cult <_< ))
((more than likely tim.. we need one of the chars to be able to open time portals for the group and would have been doing so since it was founded so if you want future Fi to do that go right ahead oh and <thwaps Ben> stop yourself you go without saying))
Year 2028
1801 hours
Borg rapped his fingers across the screens infront of him muttering something about biologicals.
Eve shifted in her tank to look outside of the window, below the tower, the grounds stretched out beyond with various sectors prominent within them from water based regions to hi-tech training facilities.
Looking down, a large thunder storm could be seen above the training building itself
Dem was stood in the centre of the training room, Borgs self programmed androids were lined up around the outside of the circle within the main room.
Dem drew the split demon blade, two long-swords each engraved with various runes which had been originally used to attempt to kill Fi, as the bots advanced dem prepared for battle, winds rushing up from the ground he ported into the oncoming robots.
Back at the tower, various rumbles and cracks of thunder could be heard coming from the training dome. In the main living hall Orion was still sat in the centre of the room with a pentacle below him as he meditated his wings flapping slowly to keep him afloat.
yer Dads tearin those robots up good Kerano said to Orion whilst watching the training room surveillance on the big screen.
That would seem obvious
Orion replied whilst trying to read a book with various symbols across the front.
well I mean, how come yaint out there with him?
Because I dont choose to be Orion replied with his mothers trade mark brow furrow across his head whilst trying to read.
wanna go spy on the girls? Kerano Grinned
OK! Orion jumped up, the book being flung back to its place on the shelf and the pentacle receding back into the floor.
living quarters please Kerano commanded pompously
The building shook in laughter at Kerano
Eve if you would be so kind as to open the living accommodation levels please? Orion asked the building politely
A slight noise like melting metal could be heard to their right and a wall panel melted away to the floor opening access to the living areas.
I duno why she hates me so much
Kerano whimpered
Maybe its because you keep hitting on her sister Ori replied with a smirk showing one of his pointed fangs.
I do not! Kerano shouted
Orion simply grinned and walked past the fountain in the centre of the four way corridor, turning to his right.
The living accommodation levels were split into three zones, the Team leader accommodation level to the left of the fountain, the family accommodation levels straight on from the fountain and the other dorms to the right. At the end of the leader accommodation level corridor a large bio-locked door stood, housing the Quasar chamber, an endless void where super villains were stored on mass in a comatose state, cruel, but effective and necessary.
The two headed down the right corridor to walk straight into a force field being projected by Hannah Campbel
And just where- do you two think your going? Hannah asked sporting her trademark glare.
The two looked at each-other then back to Hannah
to out dorms? Kerano said
Your not even down this corridor Kerano
and Ori, your in the family section with your mother, father and baby brother she recited almost like reading a floor plan whilst tapping her foot impatiently and lowering the force field.
were going to see what everyones doin
wanna come with? Kerano asked
Do I look like I have the time for such trivial
Kerano whispered Someones coming
Dem walked slowly past the corridor to the fountain, stopped and looked down the corridor at the three, then smiled.
Kerano and Ori grinned and waved innocently to Dem, Hannah smiled slightly still sporting her glare at the two.
Dem carried on past the end of the corridor and as a door moved out of the way a voice shouted Daddy! before the door closed behind him.
Ori and Hannah used Dem as a diversion to scout around Hannah and start to make off down the corridor
Hey come back here! Hannah demanded after the two
Later Han the two replied in unison as they ran down the corridor.
Hannah gave a frustrated huff and strolled off down towards the family sector.
Borg stomped him foot onto the floor behind his desk only to receive a glare from Eve in her tank.
Biologicals are slow at times
and they are all late Borg spoke in his usual monotone voice.
Eve shrugged and a whistle echoed through the room at him
Translation Borg stated instinctively
Saria looked up from the defence panels She says to give it a rest and call the meeting for tomorrow instead
Borgs Robotic eye darted between the sisters the he nodded as you see fit
Borg then melted into a pool of nanites and flowed off into a compartment below his desk. Various symbols came into light pulsing to the same rhythm as Eves glyph on the desk.
He needs to chill out Saria said to Eve
Eve nodded in her tank
Saria looked away to the other tables and workstations all of which were now empty, she walked off from the defence panels and towards the door.
Good night Eve.. sleep well sis she smiled to her sister again
Eve nodded and smiled to Saria, she closed her eyes in her tank, the markings pulsing across her body stopping and the glyph slowing down to match her heart beat now she was asleep as did Borgs desk.
The building at night worked on a subconscious level with Eve, she still retains control during her sleep but it is only of simple functions and voice commands are offline.
Saria watched the blast shield close around Eves tank and then the door to the control room close as she walked out of it. She sighed and continued down the corridor
I wish this wasnt the only was she can live. Saria sighed to herself again whislt walking away to the living areas
((Because Raven wouldn't stop poking me, I give you all the evil cult intro!))
((Apologies for spelling also..))
Somewhere deep in a swirling maelstrom, far outside of space time and mortal comprehension, lay an apparently stone structure. It could have been as small as a house or larger then any temple of the ancient world, but it was impossible to tell which.
Deep within this ever shifting structure, in a room whose only light came from an array of sharp angry symbols slowly pulsing with dark power, sat the being know as "Azarath".
In this chamber he sat, eyes closed yet seeing far, contemplating what had happened and what will happen. Soon he wold at last be restored to his full self and begin his travels once more, he had already located what he needed, it was simpley a matter of time.
From a corner of the room, seemign to slip from the shadows themselves approached a man dressed in formal robes, his head bowed in supplication.
"My master, the cult is assembled we are ready to begin the ritual to collect the last of those you need for the great plan"
Azarath almost smiled, his plan was proceeding like he knew it would, after all he had come up with it. Noticing his cult leader was awaiting some sort of responce he spoke in his emotionless voice.
"Good I shall join you shortly, these new "recruits" will be all I need"
He quickly lead the way through the shadows to a circular room, who's symbols were glowing and flashing with ever more frequency. In the middle of the room, surrounded by sharp angled pillars and chanting cultists, hovered the begins of a rip in time thought which the final stages of his plan would soon arrive through.
Taking his place in the centre Azarath began to set the last phase in motion...
((At omega's insitence, I've rolled an 'evil' verion of Fi. This is a little something I wrote to explain their meeting. See Fi's Wiki Page for more info on Fi's past and the Theradrim.
The story's just a general idea, feel free to add comments/changes to it omega/raven
Temporally speaking, this is a little bit ahead of schedule as far as the plot goes, I thought maybe when Aza's testing out his time-travelling capabilities))
The perpetual blue light shone through the aether, creating incandescent patterns that played amongst each other.
This was earth
yet not, A higher plane of existence where the rules that dictated reality were different. Ethereal beings flitted about on the energy currents that drifted between the planes, while above, larger presences soared, subtly manipulated the flow of the energy itself, changing events in the other planes and creating strange weather patterns.
A blurring of what could be conceived as the air indicated the arrival of another entity, the being known as Azarath had erroneously arrived. Conscious that he had somehow become misdirected, he seethed with anger.
Yet, perhaps coming here was not a complete loss
.his perception wandered over the smaller of the two entities and instantly dismissed them as being inconsequential. Yet the larger ones
.there was power there, perhaps he could subvert one to his cause. He drifted closer, inspecting the beings while masking his presence. He had heard of such entities. Theradrim, demonic beings that inhabited one of the higher planes, primal forces of nature that manipulated weather patterns on earth.
Then he noticed something somehow
familiar about one in particular, curiosity piqued, he observed the energy surrounding it.
If his current form could have been capable of it, he would have reeled in shock. It was her! That travesty of a demon that his son had taken a liking to. Azarath had no idea how she had come to be here, but he decided to make a move. Simultaneously, he dropped the shroud about himself and attempted to access the beings consciousness. He was almost taken by surprise by the reaction. The being sensed him and focused, flinging wave after wave of pure energy at him. Erecting a barrier just in time, all he could do was mask their battle from the other entities, cutting off their perception, while the attacks hammered into his defences.
So much power! How had she become so strong? He mused aloud as his shield began to glow white. Deciding to use another tactic, he masked his presence once again and moved, dropping his shield in order to feign his destruction.
Apparently deciding that its opponent had been vaporised, the entity tried to contact the others, yet met confusion. It was alone for the first time in its existence, the link connecting it to its kin severed subconsciously by Azarath.
How did you get this power declared an unseen force. The being regarded it with suspicion. Thinking (rightly so) it was the enemy that tried to see within its mind. Unknowing how to continue, and separated from the others, it answered.
We have always been this way
At this, Azarath, if capable, would have given a victorious smirk. It seemed that the temporal aspect of his portal had worked, he had travelled in time, and hed just ended up on another astral plane. It also seemed that hed come across the being that was later to become Fi, the wife of his son. Perhaps he could use this to his advantage. The being seemed disorientated, perhaps it shared some kind of psychic link with the others?
you are confused, lost, afraid. Am I right? he broadcast
yes, we cannot sense the other Theradrim. What manner of being are you?
I am Azarath, a demon of the lower planes. A friend. Come with me.
The being faltered, though this Azarath had tried to access its thoughts, he had not retaliated to the attacks. Perhaps he could bring sense to everything again. Perhaps he could help it rejoin the other Theradrim.
very well, I shall come
Now knowing where he was, it was just a matter of seconds for Azarath to access the beings presence and transport them both to the physical plane. Instinctively, the Theradrim tried to take physical form, but in its confused state did not know what state to manifest. Azarath reassured it with a thought, and guided it into crafting what would become its body.
Eventually, a female form lay shivering at his feet. Her pale skin seeming to glow in the moonlight.
Stand Azarath commanded
Fi stood, and Azarath draped a cloak over her, covering her naked form. Leading her away into the night he smiled to himself. This tool would prove most useful, especially against that upstart fool who deigned to oppose him. As they vanished into the gloom, he muttered, more to himself than anything.
soon, you shall meet my son
((This is a writeup of a roleplay session I and Raven had about Azarath recruiting someone for his cause. For any of you who know her, the character Sarah in this piece in our timeline eventually becomes the heroine Afterlight.))
There was a slight popping sound and a wave of cool air spread down the corridor as Azarath moved into the time period. He was several years in the past - depending on where you started from of course. But his research on the woman he was after hit a slow spot around 2007, so that was where he had started backwards from to try and find the ideal time for
recruitment. After 2007 she started to get rather dull after that, trying to save the world through politics. The future was useless to him. This was where he would find one of his greatest weapons, someone who deserved his personal attention.
He looked up and down the corridor of the old mental hospital. The place was old, all things being relative of course. It looked to have been built in the forties perhaps, and had since gone through a half hearted renovation. Entire sections of the hospital were in the same state they had been when the place was abandoned in the seventies, but certain parts of it had been partially patched up. Not a lot more than new medical equipment and some fresh coats of paint, but enough to give the doctors who worked here now the illusions of professionalism.
The corridor was empty in either direction, Azarath had timed this so he wouldnt have to worry about the nurses or orderlies. Not that he would have to worry anyway, but this would go much smoother without any interruptions. He began to walk down the hallway, his long black coat not moving as he walked, untouched by the air. He glanced through the small square windows in the thick reinforced doors he passed, spying the oddest collection of children and teenagers in their little padded cells. Some were powerful, no doubt, but there was one gem of true power here. And he would bend it to his will.
Stopping outside one of the rooms he looked through the window at a frail girl. Fifteen or sixteen, he couldnt recall unimportant details like her date of birth. But it was 2002, so that was about right. She had unkempt and straggly black hair that covered most of her face and gave her a feral aspect to her appearance. She had green eyes, full of the fading fire of desperation, and a network of jagged scars up and down both forearms. It wasnt hard to tell where she got those from. Even now she was sitting on her bed, rocking back and forth as she drew her ragged fingernails down her left forearm, bringing blood to the surface.
Stop it
stop it
stop it
stop it
she chanted to herself. He smirked, almost unnoticeably. Amazing, what something as everyday as time could do to people. She watched her own blood run down her arm for a time before letting out a small scream and punching the mattress beside her. Azarath simply stepped forward, phasing through the thick door with a shimmer of dark energy.
On closer inspection the room was worse than he had thought. Quite literally a padded cell, even the floor and ceiling were covered to try and prevent the occupant from doing serious harm to themselves. The bed was a rickety hospital bed, tilted slightly to one side from where one of the legs had been bent inwards. Across the floor books were scattered with some of the pages ripped out and thrown around the room. Mainly history books, but one or two on the arcane. They were useless, complete fakes, but he would have to check up on how she had been allowed to have them. She looked up at him sharply, a wild glint in her eyes.
Smiler? She asked. Smiler
not Smiler
No. Not Smiler. He said in his smooth voice.
She glared at him before snapping, Go away.
He shook his head and answered in that same smooth, controlled voice. I cant do that Im afraid.
Leave me alone. Go. Go! No more tests today - Doctor Pavliotis said so!
He looked straight at her, his expression flat and emotionless. Im not here for the tests.
She narrowed her eyes suspiciously and drew her legs up close to her chest, hugging them close. No touching. She said in a lower voice. He simply shook his head and looked around the room while she stared at him. Go away. Leave me alone.
I said no. He said, taking a step forwards, shaking his head again as she bared her teeth at him like an animal. So
why are you here
more to the point
why do you stay?
She seemed to focus on something far away as she spoke. Tests Sarah. Won't hurt. Have to see why, have to learn, have to know. Have to understand. You can do great things Sarah, we saw you when you were a child. Stop pretending Sarah, take your pills, show us, show us show us show us! She screamed, grabbing handfuls of her hair and yanking her own head down between her knees. Go away. I want to see Smiler. Bring Smiler back!
Azarath rubbed his temples and murmured, Shes further gone than I expected. He had expected her to be unbalanced, but he hadnt realised just how close to the edge of true madness she really was.
Feel it. She chanted to herself. There, beneath the surface. I cant
I dont understand. It was there, now its gone
She trailed off, then suddenly slammed her fist down onto the bed and screamed at it. MOVE! MOVE MOVE MOVE!
Do you mean your powers, Sarah? He asked thoughtfully. Pills
ahh, theyre inhibiting them with the drugs without realising. How
Talking talking talking, I can hear it, but its so SLOW! Its lies, all of it, I cant hear the truth anymore, just a buzz! Buzz buzz buzz! She shifted forward onto her knees and stared into Azaraths dark eyes, almost seeming to look through them. They keep taking it from me, in the night! She brandished her bloody arm like a shield. So I get it out, less for them! They wont have me! And this way I get it out, I have to get it out.
I see
bleeding the medication out. Clever. But rather foolish at the same time. He took several steps forward until he was at the foot of the bed. She fell back and shifted as far away from as she could on the bed.
No touching.
Sarah. If I can get you out of here. If I stop them taking it. Will you use your power to help me? She stared at him for a while. Minutes. He could indulge her, he had all the time in the world.
Never getting out.
Here forever. Theyre not coming.
I wont abandon you like they have Sarah.
He fought
tried to save me, but
hes never found me
moved on
Theyve left you for dead, all of them. I wont Sarah. And I wont hide your power from you.
She glared suspiciously at him. Trick.
You think so?
Trick. Happened before. No touching! She warned him imperiously, pulling her knees up to her chin again.
You really think I would do that? He asked. Im here to help you. Not like the others, I wont let them hurt you Sarah
none of them. He almost smiled as he spoke, the corners of his mouth curving upwards slightly.
She took to watching him again, his neat black hair, handsome features. He simply stood with his arms crossed across his chest and looked down on her patiently, his face showing no sign of judgement. When she spoke again it was with a soft uncertainty, the wildness if her voice and expression fading. Are
are you an angel?
He almost smiled again. I can be.
My daddy told me about angels. She said, slowly unfolding herself from her protective position. With wings, and halos
they carry out His Will, he said, they deliver justice and
Im not the usual angel. But I will bring you Mercy
and I will take every one of these foul creatures to justice.
She shifted forward slightly, anxious now. Are you here to kill me? I cant go to heaven until I die and
they wont let me, here.
Im not here to kill you Sarah. Im here to save you.
She stared at him again before looking away and beginning to rub her forearms nervously. I want to go home
She said softly, sounding like a frightened child. Can you take me home?
He nodded. Yes, I can. And I will.
She nodded as well, still looking away. Make me hear the truth again? Make me
make me make it MOVE! She suddenly slammed her fist down violently on the bed again.
He reached out and placed his hand upon her forehead. I promise Sarah.
She flinched away with a murmur of, No touching.
I apologise. Im going to make the truth come back. And make you move things again. Are you ready?
Everything was better then. Yes.
Good. Then become who you were always meant to be Sarah. A being of power. A tendril of dark energy detached itself from his arm and slithered down the side of her head, moving down her neck and arm. She stared at it, frozen, as it snaked into one of the cuts on her arms. She began to shiver and tremble as a cold sensation washed over her before it left through the same cut and returned to Azaraths hand. The drugs are gone. Youre free now Sarah.
When her trembling stopped she looked around the room slowly, seeming to take everything in with a new awareness. When her eyes returned to Azarath she locked gazes with him and immediately tried to plunge into his mind with an incredibly vast and unfocused, untrained psychic power. For all her strength, it was like running headfirst into a brick wall and being thrown violently back. The very power of his defences was enough to make her rock back slightly, her eyes becoming unfocused for a second. She bared her teeth at him again as all the books and the bed raised off the floor a few inches before slamming back down. I CANT HEAR IT!
No one can hear it from me. He said flatly. Part of being an angel, Im afraid.
She frowned and looked away, focusing on a spot on the bed and furrowing her brow. Doctor Roberts. Glasses. Beard. Daughter. Two horses. Likes theatre. Dead. She smiled with a grim satisfaction. Simmons
. Brings me food. Big. Quiet. Dead. Nurse White. Dark hair. Dead. Doctor Morgan. Dead. Doctor Fletcher. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Doctor Pavlio-
Done playing? He interrupted her.
She looked up, focusing back on him. They hurt me. The d-doctors.
I can show you much better ways of hurting them Sarah.
He almost frowned. Some sort of side effect of taking her off the drugs had resulted in that grating stutter. He would have to fix that. Justice indeed.
Theyre b-bad m-m-men.
He looked down on her and held out his hand. I can show you ways of keeping them in eternal torment
pains tenfold of what they have inflicted upon you. Thats justice, isnt it Sarah?
She nodded. Yes. J-justice. And took his hand.
((Not sure whether this would be classed as gory or anything but it's a bit nasty towards the end so stronger constitutions only I think :P ))
Outside of time
Azaraths Base
Omega Chief stood and looked up at the two giant doors to the palace, he wasnt sure why he had sped off to take on Azarath but he knew one thing, and that was that he would stop him no matter what.
Smashing the door to pieces with a blast of pure energy, Omega stepped through into the threshold of the base, the place was designed rather like a mansion of sorts, a large twisting staircase spiralling up in the centre of the room housing a double door after a short burst of steps with more to the left and right of it.
Omega walked forwards the main doors re-assembling themselves behind him with a swift flurry of dark energy.
Voices could be heard from the other side of the door
Yes Sarah
now change your attention onto him
Omega recognised it as Azaraths unemotional voice, but he was unsure who Sarah was.
He took a deep breath and pushed the two double doors
The room seemed to stretch on for all eternity, torches lit the walls and at intervals small bookcases hovered about various figures turned to look at Omega including a young girl with dark hair who was stood near a cloaked figure at the back of the room.
Just who do you think you are!? the head cultist blared from the side of the room
Now now
lets be courteous to our guest
care for a drink James? Azarath was clearly mocking him, although his voice retained as little emotion as usual.
You know full well why Im here Omega stated calmly
Youre here to kill me Azarath mused, still unemotional
The groups of people chuckled at Omega who glared and continued forwards towards the cloaked figure at the far end of the room.
As Omega approached, the cloak dropped to the floor leaving no one or no thing standing beneath it, Omega glared angrily and turned round straight into Azaraths Chest.
arent you going to kill me?
hero? Azaraths tone had taken an oddly sharp tone, various people seemed to shift slightly in fear, most of whom left.
The room was left to be just Aza, Omega, Sarah and the head Cultist
Omega stepped back from Azarath, his hands flaring up in energy If I get any kind of chance! He fired a bolt from both hands directly at Azaraths head
A claw of energy lunged forwards from behind Azarath like a shield
Is that the best you have? He mused, his voice having some sort of malice to it, he began to hover off the floor.
Not even close! Omega lifted off the floor, firing bolt after bolt at Azarath
Aza dodged the shots effortlessly, deflecting a few with the odd energy shield.
And this is your final stand James?
Im not impressed Azarath mused once more
Shut up! Omega launched a huge blast at Azarath from both hands clipping aza around the face causing him to bleed from just above the hair line
Azarath grinned showing fangs the column near him being engulfed in dark energy Thats more like it
The column ripped itself off the floor and flew straight for omega.
Omega dodged it in mid air, to be smashed into the floor from behind by Azarath teleporting to him.
Omega rolled out of the way of Az, bringing another column to smash into the floor where omega was
Fight back boy
you want to kill me dont you? Azarath was clearly enjoying this
You want me to fight? Omega shouted furrowing his brow
show me power
the power your supposed to have possessed all these years
Fine! Omega discharged enough energy to obliterate half of the room books, stone, chairs and two columns flew through the air followed by searing hot energy.
Azarath was hit dead on, burning the flesh from the right side of his face and half of his arm.
Now that
was more like it Azarath almost laughed
how the HELL did you survive that?! Omega shouted bemused
Azaraths skin had already grown back, as had the half of his arm which was missing
Because dear boy
thats not how you kill me
or how anyone ever will Azaraths soul began to seep out of his body shrouding him in a black haze But this
this is how you die
The energy around Aza thickened to an almost choking quality
James cursed under his breath and backed away slowly
You chose this Omega Chief now face the consequences! Azarath raised his voice, his soul ripping up the floor as it sped towards omega
Omega fired energy at the grasping tendrils of energy in a vain attempt at escape, however as the energy creped around his legs, he knew as well as Azarath that he had lost.
Azarath drew his soul back towards him, along with omega holding him in the air in front of him.
Any last words
boy? Azarath asked sharply
None that Id waste on you Omega snarled still trying to escape by blasting energy out at the soul constricting him
I do rather enjoy people pleading for life
ce la vi
Azaraths soul constricted more around omega, forcing him to gasp for air
how to finish you off permanently
Azarath paced about the room Omega being held helplessly by the energy swarming around him
Do your worst
you wont win He stated confidently
what makes you think I havent already? He turned to look at Omega My worst you say?
I dont think any person deserves that
I dont care any more Omega said sounding as though defeat was getting to him
very well
Ill give you one- of my worst ways
not the worst by far
but about oh
tenth on the list I think he grinned
Azarath turned to the middle of the room gesturing with his left hand in a circular fashion, a portal of rippling energy opened up showing a faint reflection of fire base zulu
Omega shifted slightly So
whatre you going to do then? he asked slightly concerned now realising his demise was imminent
Im going to split you across the time stream
quite painful Ive heard Azarath smirked
The energy brought omega over the portal lowering him into up to his waist.
Now any last words? Azarath smirked
go to hell Omega spat in Azaraths face
Azarath said wiping the saliva off his face, he snapped his fingers the portal sealing shut and vanishing
Omega wretched in pain, or that part of him that was left anyway
isnt this fun? Azarath chuckled to himself
basta.. Azarath glared the rest of omega disintegrating into a pile of black and blue ash.
Sweeping the remains of Omega Chief away with a claw of energy he turned to the end of the room
Ten down
four hundred to go
Eve shuddered in her tank and whistled something glumly
Saria looked up with tears in her eyes Omegas Dead
EVE, central sector USA, 2028
War room
- - - - - - - -
The war room was a vast holo-training room, capable of projecting objects and images made of pure light but given physical density. Beccy had been working on it for some time in conjunction with her summoning skills.
Ill set it to mid level first
this should be the sort of thing wed be expecting as a first wave strike from Azaraths armies.
Beccy nodded down to the mass of people in the room, There were around fifty or so, including Erion, Fi, Orion, Brian, past Omega, Future Battle Tank and the Campbel kids, others were stood with the group all waiting for what Beccy had devised.
Borgs voice echoed throughout the room Ready?
. Begin
The room shuddered lights coming into effect all around the room, the floor turned into a grassy battle field and the sky became dark with purple streams of energy whipping across it.
The visual projection of Azarath came into sight at the far end of the room followed by projections of his army.
Activating level five offence training Beccy said over the coms
The army projection advanced with surprising agility to say they were constructs.
The Titans also ran towards the scene.
- - - - - - -
Eve lolled about in her tank rather more unhappy than usual, the bruise on her forehead had gone a vicious black, her frail form wasnt the best for taking a beating.
She sighed silently into the fluid in her tank, thinking about what Alice had said and how she had reacted to it.
Borg turned around Something troubles
Eve looked at Borg putting on a fake smile she knew he wouldnt be able to decipher and shook her head.
Borg nodded and went back to his work.
Eve looked around the room from her tank at all the people going to and fro about their lives, she turned to look out of the window seeing people walking around in the family sectors and in the grounds.
She couldnt stand it anymore, she was nothing but a burden, Alice was right, Eve knew she didnt want to cause problems for anyone, but in her attempt of not causing problems she had caused more, and Saria wasnt best pleased with her.
She sighed into the tank again, her eyes closed as usual.
She was right
she was right all along, but even if she was, I wont let her get to me that way, Im needed even if it is just to operate this building, Im doing more good if I stay here than if I go running off and get myself killed.
Eve nodded to herself and turned to look at the release button on the tank, a cable coming loose from the wall pressed the button releasing the fluid into the grate at the bottom of the tank and the nanites encasing Eves lower half crawled back onto the walls of the tank.
Eve stepped out of the tank, much to Borgs surprise she wandered down the steps from Borgs platform wincing in pain each time she took a step but not stopping at all her brow creased with determination.
what are you doing? Borg asked in his usual monotone voice although hinted with surprise.
Eve turned and looked at Borg her eyes closed Im going to do something worthwhile
Borg looked stunned, none of the future Titans other than Telburn and Fi had ever heard Eve speak, let alone see her walk, or even for that matter do anything outside of the nutrient fluid in the tank.
Stunned faces followed Eves path as she headed for the door
Eves bio-suit jumped off from its shelf and attached itself to her, covering her up and keeping her alive whilst outside of her tank.
Im going to start work on the SC Borg, she said as she walked towards the door, which opened obediently for her
Your.. going to do what? Borg tilted his head unsure of what the SC was exactly
Eve grinned Youll see
She left the main room and headed up to the top of the tower.
Ill show them what Im made of
she wont stop me
((Something Ben wrote up for the villain side to do with his elite guard idea ask him about it if you fancy making one of them))
Dust settles over Averseth. Its once shining towers lay in ruin. The demon, Skathe, who tore the city to pieces stirs in the rubble.
He looks up, his vision blurred, as shadows dance across his face.
His eyes narrow, as hate fills his mind for the girl who struck him down, his own daughter.
Lunging forward at the shadow, he lets out a bloodcurdling yell.
The shadow lashes out, enveloping him, holding him above the ground. The demon roars, straining against the darkness around him.
"tut tut, if you cant play nicely, we'll have to take away your toys."
The shadows pull tighter, as bone cracks beneath them.
"Now... are you going to cooperate...Skathe, wasnt it? I have an offer for you."
The shadows retract back into the arms of a tall figure, whose eyes glow with a bright light, and the behemoth drops back to the floor.
Skathe snarls as he rises to his feet, bent double in pain "who are you? What do you want?"
The figure steps forward "what do i want?... everything...and I... am your new master"
Skathe's lips draw back across his snout in a twisted grin "you, little one? And what makes you think..."
Darkness shoots out from the figure's outstretched arms, pushing through the demon's chest. Skathe lets out a blood curdling yell
The figure twists the darkness in Skathe's chest "BECAUSE, 'little one', I can deliver to you what you want... your daughter... and all you need do, is submit to my will. You can agree to it... or we can do it the.... fun way"
Skathe snarls down at the figure.
Flinging his arms outwards, the figure steps forward again, as the body of the demon is pulled apart from the inside out. "Such a shame... I would of preferred to have kept you in one piece... but it is just so much easier to control smaller puppets... now lets see what we can mould out of this sorry mess"
((Just to remind... this isn't only a story thread.. you can post stuff on here to get your chars involved or find one of the group ingame))
Year 2016
Place: Founders falls, James Battle Tank White and Aeris White Iris Whites home.
Aeris wandered through to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for Tank and their son.
She turned round in the kitchen to walk straight into a tall dark caped figure, Azarath.
Aeris drew a sharp breath W
What do you want?
I have unfinished business here Azarath took a seat at the table in the kitchen.
Aeris backed away slowly to the door, which closed on her from behind
What is it Azarath, havent you caused enough problems? She said not really wanting an answer
Azarath looked at the food and other things around the kitchen As I said
business, lovely home you have
did your parents leave it to you?
I suppose you saw that on the news all those years ago
Aeris responded
remember the car accident
the wall of darkness
honestly girl
arent you supposed to be intelligent Azarath mused
you killed my family? Aeris asked
Of course
all part of the plan my dear
now where that husband of yours?
Tank will destroy you
you are aware of that?
At that moment the front door was heard opening.
Azaraths gaze shifted ever so slightly to the kitchen door
were home James called out through the house, his six-year old son in toe
Azarath turned to Aeris Well
arent you going to answer them?
Im in the kitchen Aeris called out still glaring at Azarath
The door opened to reveal the hulking figure of Battle Tank and the rather smaller version of himself only coming to his knee at full height.
Tanks smile faded almost instantly as he walked into the room to see the familiar figure sat at his table.
good morning James
care to join us for breakfast? Azarath was clearly enjoying this
Ill show you something Ill break fast Tank cracked his knuckles
Now now
were all civilised
cant we just
. Talk? Azarath sent off a volley of soul energy at Tank, which bounced off harmlessly
Whats the point in attacking me? Tank smirked You should know Im damn near indestructible
Indestructible maybe
but not unbreakable
Azarath sent a volley towards Tank which quickly changed its course to direct at Aeris hitting head on.
And if you paid any attention
youd know something like that isnt going to damage me much either Aeris mused as the dark energy became pure white and fired straight back at Azarath clipping his head
Frustrated Azarath glared his white eyes turning black Then we do this the old fashioned way a massive claw of energy grabbed Tank and launched him through the wall into the front garden.
Aeris turned to her son Go and hide honey
She hovered off the floor and flew out of the hole in the wall.
Tank and Azarath were already exchanging blows when Aeris got to the garden
Youve got better I admit
but your still only human Azarath taunted while he lets a blast off at Tank which burnt the ground he was stood on
well you seem to be getting rusty Tank turned round and threw the car at Azarath
Azarath grabbed it in energy and launched it away
Im growing tired of this Azarath sighed
Then p**s off Tank shouted
Not quite like that boy Azarath called forth enough energy to split a small asteroid Lets see how indestructible you really are! Azarath fired the blast dead on.
Aeris sensing the energy from the blast flew forward, outstretched her arms and began draining as much energy as possible from it, her eyes going fully white.
The blast connected with tank, tearing flesh from bone, Tank writhed in pain, it was a sensation he wasnt used to.
Aeris ran over to Tank kneeling down at him
Ill see you again soon no doubt
and obviously you arent that invincible Azarath chuckled to himself and disappeared.
We have to get you to a hospital
now Aeris said tearfully
Year: 2007
Psychogenic HQ
A shimmer of dark energy hovered outside of the main building of the Psych.
Azarath had arrived with an offer that the Psychcogenics couldnt refuse, well, they could but that wasnt his problem.
Pushing open the door with his dark energy he hovered silently forwards over the worn tiles of the old warehouse floor, He could hear voices further in so pressed on into a large wood decked living area, with its own bar, library and seating, it looked highly out of place amongst the other parts of the warehouse and obviously a significant amount of magic had been used.
I still dont see why you have to act this way Dante Sonia Darkstrive said to Dante Evans
Well its not as if youve known him long Dante grumbled back to her
Even so I- she turned to notice Azarath in the doorway
Good morning Sir and Madam, I was wondering if you would wish to partake in an agreement Azarath spoke in his usual tone.
Well that depends entirely upon which it is Sonia stated
Exactly, were not just gona jump in and agree to something blindly Dante replied
Hmm Azarath crossed his arms while he hovered near the door, tapping his upper arm with one finger Well
Im offering an idea of power, skill, and wealth beyond all known amounts.
Well then once again it depends
who else do you have working? Dante questioned
A few thousand or so
were still gathering troops
I have a few you may know Azarath turned his head to Sonia Skathe ring any bells?
Sonias face contoured with rage You expect us to help that THING!?
Azarath almost smiled Well that would seem apparent
Get out
Excuse me? Azaraths voice dropped a tone and his white eyes shun brighter.
I said
GET OUT! Sonia unleashed a huge wave of dark energy at Azarath who absorbed the hole thing
Well if thats the way you want to play
Azarath lifted slightly more off the floor, his soul leaving his body for an assault.
Dante drew his sword and ran at Azarath
Azaraths blast threw the two away into the wall and through it, disintegrating the furniture and most of the wall as it went.
He hovered over the two motionless bodies Pity
I could use anger like that
He drained the last of their Soul essence from their bodies and turned to the centre of the room again.
Closing his eyes for a moment to concentrate, he muttered ancient and dark words beneath his breath and snapped his fingers.
Most of the building turned to dust around him and came plummeting to the floor.
Azarath turned his head to look at the two lifeless bodies I did ask
((Ok so basically us on the unionOOC channel, mainly Mossy, Gash jackel, Omega chief, myself and the rest of the team came up with a big idea for a story line for alot of roleplayers to get involved with, it's like a run across time sort of idea, theres a main group in our time and one in the future, also a main villain group headed by one of our chars whose recruiting people from across time so heroes and villains can be involved. It's going to take some tweaking and such and we wont be doing much about it until issue 11 is live but if you think you might be interested send me a global tell or post something on this forum
have fun.. oh and its on the union server))