Illusion/Storm PvE Build
I agree with you about hurricane i have it in my build but it is very situational good for keeping villains cornered but not so great to keep on all the time, syaing that you are illusion so u will be standing back with the squishes (im storm/elec so have to get in close for my end drain)
Ive just speced in tornado and i love it again its not something you will be using in every team but if you want to be a chaos troller which tbh a ill/storm is, its essential.
the power choices look good ( i have a ill and a stormy not the same toon though) a couple of slots i might change but more of a persoanl preferance really, would take the slots out of superior invis and put them in steamy mist, you can still get your 20% rgn from LotG i think its better to slot for resist damage rather than defense.
I dont like flash!!
i would take the flight speed out of phantasm, if he ever falls to far behind just recast him (i imagine this build is end heavy though!)
A little too focused on Set bonuses for my tastes. Spectral Terror, Freezing Rain and Snow Storm are Set slotted at the determent to their effectiveness or the effectiveness of other powers.
Freezing Rain and PAs should have maxed recharge. PAs work well with maxed damage too. Snow Storm and Spectral Terror don't need 6 slots. Your accuracy is too high for my tastes, just slap some Defense Debuffs in Freezing Rain. Flash can be maxed with 4 slots of the various Acc/Recharge/Hold.
Tornado doesn't need Accuracy at all. I just go with 2 stuns or some damage or defense debuff depending on what you want it for.
Super invis, group and steamy seems overkill to me. Replace one with Hurricane, its my second fav power in Storm. Slot with -Acc. I find it works great with TP.
+100% regen and no +recovery? Ill/Storm is very End heavy.
cheers for the comments, always appreciated.
Actually the build isnt that end heavy at all, there is no down time soloing or teaming due to end.
Yes its slotted to get the best I can out of sets with acc and regen in mind, as well as status protection. Of course Super Invis, Group and Steamy are overkill to get the acc bonus from LotG. For me though, too much accuracy is never a problem, nothing misses lol.
As I said Hurriance isnt something I am happy with in a team, but its a personal choice of course.
Flash , yeah I dont like it that much either but use when I feel like it, isnt that special.
Freezing Rain is up most of the time for mobs with the recharge time boost. Will change around PA for more damage
I am interested to know why you think that SpecTerror/SnowS/Freezing Rain are slotted to their detriment?
i have those three slotted with sets and tbh they work fine?
I am interested to know why you think that SpecTerror/SnowS/Freezing Rain are slotted to their detriment?
[/ QUOTE ]
As Carni said, you're focusing on set bonuses at the expense of the power's effectiveness. For example, it will be very hard to run Steamy Mist (which needs some +res btw) and Snow Storm without more EndRdx. Flash will not be very useful without more Rechg. Group Invis and Freezing Rain will be down quite a bit with your current slotting, PA could use a 3rd Rechg, IW needs as much Rechg as possible, etc. You should really look into what the last 5th or 6th slots bring you in some cases and decide whether it's worth it. Also, I would drop Mental Blast, either Psi Tornado or Hurricane are better imo. And take Hasten! You're a troller!
CoX 50s: <ill/rad> <ice/ice> <fire/kin> <grav/sonic> <ice/storm> <earth/kin> <kin/elec> <cold/psy> <thugs/dark> <fire/dark> <dark/elec> <night widow> <EM/ninj> <mind/icy>
I am interested to know why you think that SpecTerror/SnowS/Freezing Rain are slotted to their detriment?
[/ QUOTE ]
Because Spectral Terror and snow Storm don't need 6 slots at all. So they're slotted to the detriment of other powers.
(A) Pacing of the Turtle - Range/Slow: Level 45
(25) Pacing of the Turtle - Accuracy/Slow: Level 42
(27) Pacing of the Turtle - Damage/Slow: Level 33
(27) Pacing of the Turtle - Accuracy/Endurance: Level 42
(46) Pacing of the Turtle - Chance of -Recharge: Level 50
[/ QUOTE ]
It doesn't benefit from Acc or Damage. The range has a limited use too. So basically in terms of Enhancements you've 4 slots there which give only about a 60-70% bonus compared to Slow SOs. Also Slows only affect Run speed, not recharge. Which isn't that great. All for a 6.25% bonus to Accuracy which would be equalled by putting a Defense Debuff SO or IO in Freezing Rain. Not sure why you've the 5th slot in there either. 2.75% reduction in Hold times? Makes no sense to me.
Level 26: Spectral Terror
(A) Glimpse of the Abyss - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 43
(29) Glimpse of the Abyss - Endurance/Fear: Level 41
(29) Glimpse of the Abyss - Accuracy/Endurance: Level 42
(31) Glimpse of the Abyss - Fear/Range: Level 41
(31) Glimpse of the Abyss - Accuracy/Fear/Recharge: Level 30
(31) Glimpse of the Abyss - Chance of Damage(Psionic): Level 49
[/ QUOTE ]
This is a bit better, all the Enhancements at least work well in the power. But it doesn't need 6 slots. I'd drop one of them and put it somewhere more useful (like Steamy Mist which is underslotted).
Not sure why you've Recharges in Steamy mist. My IO slotting would be for Damage Resist, not Defense as its defense is pretty poor. I'd go with Imprevium Armour 4 slotted with End/Res, End/Rech/Res, +Mez Resist, Rech/Res and if I could squeeze em in then Kismet Increased ToHit (6%) and Luck of the Gambler Increased Recharge Speed.
I'd much prefer to use the Snow Storm and Spectral Slots there.
Freezing Rain
(A) Pacing of the Turtle - Range/Slow: Level 42
(21) Pacing of the Turtle - Accuracy/Slow: Level 42
(21) Pacing of the Turtle - Damage/Slow: Level 46
(25) Pacing of the Turtle - Endurance/Recharge/Slow: Level 40
(45) Pacing of the Turtle - Chance of -Recharge: Level 50
(46) Damage Increase IO: Level 40
[/ QUOTE ]
FRs damage is pants first off. So the Damage IO is a waste. Freezing Rain does 30% Defense Debuff, so Defense Debuff IOs will add an extra 6%ish to the Defense Debuff of anyone in it which helps you, your team plus all your pets. I'm not sure Set Bonuses extend to PAs, Spectral Terror or Lightning Storm. But the enemy defense being lower will. So one slotted Defense Debuff here is as good as the Accuracy Set bonuses you are trying to achieve. Better in fact as they help your teammates too.
Again with this Set Acc, Damage and Range are useless or not much use really. Slow ain't the strongest for it either really as again it just affects Run Speed, and each Set IO you have there is providing just 25% (as oppose to about 40% for the equivelent Slow non-set IO).
3 recharge and Defense Debuffs would be better than the Accuracy Set bonus you're getting. Maybe 3 recharge, 1 defense Debuff, 1 slow and 1 Posi's Blast %Damage Proc.
In O2 Boost I'd slot with Miracle IOs. A pair of which (Heal & Heal/End) will give you a 2.5% Recovery Bonus.
Ditto with your Pets not sure why you went with Sovergien Right. Mez Resistance is pants for a controller really, it only lowers the time affected. You'll still be mezzed. I went with pairs of Commanding Presense & Blood Mandate, Acc/Dam and Acc/Dam/End each giving 1.5% recovery apiece or 6% altogether.
With Spectral Wounds I'd replace the Accuracy IOs with Thunderstrikes, Acc/Dam & Acc/Dam/Recharge and replace one of the Devestations with the Chance to Hold version, probably the Dam/End. You'll still have the Dev set bonus plus another 2.5% Recovery Bonus. And one in 5 Spectral Wounds will hold its target.
You don't need 2 Invises either and they shouldn't be slotted for Defense as the return is dreadful. Hurricane is far, far more effective as a Defensive Power. Group Invis has a 1.87% Defense Bonus, Superior 2.25%. Hurricane does a 30% Accuracy Debuff to foes. Haste & Hurricane are far better options IMO. Haste gives you more Recharge (far more than Set Bonuses ever will) and Hurricane, even unslotted for Acc Debuff (stick End in it), is way better than Superior & Group combined.
Need some advice to tweak my Ill/Storm please.
Currently lvl 23 and it starts to pick up now.
I already have a Fire/Storm (40) and a Ill/Sonic(26) .. will probably delete those later on, depending on how much I'll like my new Ill/Storm.
Here's what I want
- high damage output
- possible stunlock/perma confuse on AVs
- (near) perma PA
Now I have a few questions:
If PA can't be totally perma (60s of modified recharge tops), is it worth aiming for *almost* perma PA at all?
My current setup is around 64s recharge. Can I get away with that?
As for a possible *attack chain* (not sure if that's a good term for trollers)
My current concept is:
Run in with Sup Invis -> Spectral Terror -> Thunder Clap -> Freezing Rain (turn off Sup Invis, use Storm/Psi Tornado. Re-summon PA if it's up.)
Can this be done? How good is Superior Invis?
Especially how good is PA aggro management vs. a running SI when I keep using powers on mobs?
And lastly:
I'd like to have a Hold set for Blind without giving up on global -Recharge bonus.
Can anyone figure what slots, sets or powers I could swap out? (purple Hold set is in Spectral Terror atm)
Mind Over Body needs another slot for a 3rd RES/END IO, where should I cut it? (It's the odd slot I moved to Blind for Hold/End)
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1,40
myIllStormy: Level 50 Magic Controller
Primary Power Set: Illusion Control
Secondary Power Set: Storm Summoning
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Flight
Power Pool: Leaping
Ancillary Pool: Psionic Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Blind -- Decim-Acc/Dmg:40(A), Decim-Dmg/EndRdx:40(3), Decim-Dmg/Rchg:40(3), Decim-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg:40(5), Decim-Acc/Dmg/Rchg:40(5), EoCur-EndRdx/Hold:50(50)
Level 1: Gale -- Acc-I:50(A)
Level 2: Spectral Wounds -- Decim-Acc/Dmg:40(A), Decim-Dmg/EndRdx:40(9), Decim-Dmg/Rchg:40(9), Decim-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg:40(11), Decim-Acc/Dmg/Rchg:40(11)
Level 4: Deceive -- CoPers-Conf/Rchg:50(A), CoPers-Acc/Conf/Rchg:50(15), CoPers-Acc/Rchg:50(15), CoPers-Conf/EndRdx:50(17), CoPers-Conf%:50(31), Pplx-Acc/EndRdx:50(36)
Level 6: Hasten -- RechRdx-I:50(A), RechRdx-I:50(7), RechRdx-I:50(7)
Level 8: Swift -- Run-I:50(A)
Level 10: Flash -- UbrkCons-Hold/Rchg:50(A), UbrkCons-Acc/Hold/Rchg:50(13), UbrkCons-Acc/Rchg:50(13), UbrkCons-EndRdx/Hold:50(29), UbrkCons-Dam%:50(29)
Level 12: Hover -- LkGmblr-Rchg+:50(A)
Level 14: Fly -- Flight-I:50(A), Flight-I:50(40)
Level 16: Freezing Rain -- TmpRdns-EndRdx/Rchg/Slow:50(A), P'ngTtl-EndRdx/Rchg/Slow:50(17), UndDef-DefDeb/Rchg:50(21), UndDef-DefDeb/EndRdx:50(36), LdyGrey-DefDeb/Rchg/EndRdx:50(37)
Level 18: Phantom Army -- S'bndAl-Dmg/Rchg:50(A), S'bndAl-Acc/Dmg/Rchg:50(19), S'bndAl-Acc/Rchg:50(19), S'bndAl-Dmg/EndRdx:50(21), S'bndAl-Build%:50(23), RechRdx-I:50(25)
Level 20: Health -- RgnTis-Regen+:30(A), Mrcl-Heal:40(25), Mrcl-Rcvry+:40(34), Numna-Heal:50(43), Numna-Regen/Rcvry+:50(46)
Level 22: Stamina -- EndMod-I:50(A), EndMod-I:50(23)
Level 24: Superior Invisibility -- LkGmblr-Rchg+:50(A)
Level 26: Spectral Terror -- Abys-Acc/Rchg:50(A), Abys-EndRdx/Fear:50(27), Abys-Acc/EndRdx:50(27), Abys-Fear/Rng:50(31), Abys-Acc/Fear/Rchg:50(31)
Level 28: Thunder Clap -- Amaze-Stun/Rchg:50(A), Amaze-Acc/Stun/Rchg:50(42), Amaze-Acc/Rchg:50(42), Amaze-EndRdx/Stun:50(42), Amaze-ToHitDeb%:50(43), Rope-Acc/EndRdx:50(43)
Level 30: Hurricane -- DarkWD-ToHitDeb:50(A), DarkWD-ToHitdeb/Rchg/EndRdx:50(34), DarkWD-Rchg/EndRdx:50(37), DarkWD-ToHitDeb/EndRdx:50(45)
Level 32: Phantasm -- BldM'dt-Acc/Dmg:50(A), BldM'dt-Dmg/EndRdx:50(33), BldM'dt-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx:50(33), SvgnRt-Acc/EndRdx:50(33), SvgnRt-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx:50(34)
Level 35: Tornado -- BldM'dt-Dmg/EndRdx:50(A), BldM'dt-Dmg:50(36), SvgnRt-Dmg/EndRdx:50(37), UndDef-DefDeb/Rchg:50(45), UndDef-DefDeb/Rchg/EndRdx:50(45), UndDef-Rchg/EndRdx:50(46)
Level 38: Lightning Storm -- Apoc-Dmg/Rchg:50(A), Apoc-Acc/Dmg/Rchg:50(39), Apoc-Acc/Rchg:50(39), Apoc-Dmg/EndRdx:50(39), Apoc-Dam%:50(40), EndRdx-I:50(40)
Level 41: Indomitable Will -- LkGmblr-Rchg+:50(A)
Level 44: Mind Over Body -- TtmC'tng-ResDam/EndRdx:50(A), Aegis-ResDam/EndRdx:50(46)
Level 47: Psionic Tornado -- Ragnrk-Dmg:50(A), Ragnrk-Dmg/Rchg:50(48), Ragnrk-Acc/Dmg/Rchg:50(48), Ragnrk-Acc/Rchg:50(48), Ragnrk-Dmg/EndRdx:50(50), EndRdx-I:50(50)
Level 49: Combat Jumping -- LkGmblr-Rchg+:50(A)
Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- ULeap-Stlth:50(A)
Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Containment
[u]Set Bonus Totals:[u]<ul type="square">[*]+16% DamageBuff(Smashing) for 10,8 seconds (Non-resistible)
Effect does not stack from same caster[*]+16% DamageBuff(Lethal) for 10,8 seconds (Non-resistible)
Effect does not stack from same caster[*]+16% DamageBuff(Fire) for 10,8 seconds (Non-resistible)
Effect does not stack from same caster[*]+16% DamageBuff(Cold) for 10,8 seconds (Non-resistible)
Effect does not stack from same caster[*]+16% DamageBuff(Energy) for 10,8 seconds (Non-resistible)
Effect does not stack from same caster[*]+16% DamageBuff(Negative) for 10,8 seconds (Non-resistible)
Effect does not stack from same caster[*]+16% DamageBuff(Toxic) for 10,8 seconds (Non-resistible)
Effect does not stack from same caster[*]+16% DamageBuff(Psionic) for 10,8 seconds (Non-resistible)
Effect does not stack from same caster[*]+0,95% Defense(Fire) to Self for 10,8 seconds [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs]
Effect does not stack from same caster[*]+0,95% Defense(Cold) to Self for 10,8 seconds [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs]
Effect does not stack from same caster[*]+6,3 Max Endurance to Self for 10,8 seconds [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs]
Effect does not stack from same caster[*]+2,75% Enhancement(Terrorized) to Self for 10,3 seconds [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs]
Effect does not stack from same caster[*]+54% Enhancement(Accuracy) to Self for 10,3 seconds [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs]
Effect does not stack from same caster[*]+4% Enhancement(Confused) to Self for 10,3 seconds [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs]
Effect does not stack from same caster[*]+103,8% Enhancement(RechargeTime) to Self for 10,3 seconds [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs]
Effect does not stack from same caster[*]+118,3 HP (11,6%) HitPoints to Self for 10,8 seconds [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs]
Effect does not stack from same caster[*]+MezResist(Held) 4,4% to Self for 10,3 seconds [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs]
Effect does not stack from same caster[*]+MezResist(Immobilize) 5,5% to Self for 10,3 seconds [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs]
Effect does not stack from same caster[*]+MezResist(Sleep) 2,75% to Self for 10,3 seconds [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs]
Effect does not stack from same caster[*]+24% (0,4 End/sec) Recovery to Self for 10,3 seconds [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs]
Effect does not stack from same caster[*]+44% (1,87 HP/sec) Regeneration to Self for 10,3 seconds [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs]
Effect does not stack from same caster[*]+7,56% Resistance(Fire) to Self for 10,8 seconds [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs]
Effect does not stack from same caster[*]+7,56% Resistance(Cold) to Self for 10,8 seconds [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs]
Effect does not stack from same caster[/list]
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|7X>#Y7*N0S&:-@C292Z:0SNQK)9*9+^4)VU::4\F\8*MX@&5:*Z7RN$NC&l t;Y!E;65P,(|
|_"CX!VSX+O@"+I&UZ`VTG,.3`E"`J.`D,GA)<1):!F 9%E[GB"%=]3.9<U8/@9\)!\G7|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------|</pre><hr />
Few things
1) You've got nothing to stack thunderclap with. Unless you get the recharge down, you're only going to manage minion mag. Stacking is possible, but I personally left it out on mine
2) You need more slots on Superior Invis. If you plan to run it in combat, end reduction required...eats end like an overweight uncle eats cake at a fully catered wedding (Procs and set bonuses simply doesn't cover not sensibly slotting things, imo)
3) Is that the contagious confusion proc in there? Have that in deceive, excellent chance to proc, turns it into a 33% chance for cone/AoE confuse
4) I'm going to trust that you're comfortable with using KB sensibly, as you've taken and heavily slotted tornado (and lots of slots in Hurricane)
5) I hate flash with a passion. Absolutely terrible hold. If you are dedicating that many slots into it, I guess it's ok...but compared to the soft control of your pets, and KB from storm, it's nice to have, but not worth relying on (unlike the ST hold, which is *excellent*)
6) Good job with the recharge. The only real advantage, i feel, is that PA and Lightning Storm will be up very often, so long as you've got the endurance to handle spamming them, should be a very effective build.
It's very different to mine, but the build looks pretty solid, I hope you have fun with it
Few things
1) You've got nothing to stack thunderclap with. Unless you get the recharge down, you're only going to manage minion mag. Stacking is possible, but I personally left it out on mine
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes now that you mention it .. on my Fire/Storm it's another game together with Flash Fire. I'll think about that.
2) You need more slots on Superior Invis. If you plan to run it in combat, end reduction required...eats end like an overweight uncle eats cake at a fully catered wedding (Procs and set bonuses simply doesn't cover not sensibly slotting things, imo)
[/ QUOTE ]
Okay going to do something about that, if it's really that good in combat. Going to pick it up next level then I'll see.
3) Is that the contagious confusion proc in there? Have that in deceive, excellent chance to proc, turns it into a 33% chance for cone/AoE confuse
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes it's
4) I'm going to trust that you're comfortable with using KB sensibly, as you've taken and heavily slotted tornado (and lots of slots in Hurricane)
[/ QUOTE ]
Yep kinda, that's why I went for Fly over SS.
Need to do some real-time vectoring for the KB stuff
If I could spare slots for Hover that's a great way to move in combat.
Yes, Hurricane could get painful. Again, on my Fire/Storm with cages, not a big deal.
I'll think about it.
5) I hate flash with a passion. Absolutely terrible hold. If you are dedicating that many slots into it, I guess it's ok...but compared to the soft control of your pets, and KB from storm, it's nice to have, but not worth relying on (unlike the ST hold, which is *excellent*)
[/ QUOTE ]
I heard some mobs are resistant to fear, that's why I went for Flash. I used it a couple times already in big teams.
It's a Hold and has a large radius. This would be my panic button. Solid IMO
6) Good job with the recharge. The only real advantage, i feel, is that PA and Lightning Storm will be up very often, so long as you've got the endurance to handle spamming them, should be a very effective build.
It's very different to mine, but the build looks pretty solid, I hope you have fun with it
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks for the comments, I gonna play my toon some more and then see what works.
btw what's your toon like? No Hurricane, no Flash, no Thunderclap I take? Would be interested to know what powers I could rather get instead. Leadership was on my first concept (Maneuvers & Assault).
Actually, I do have Hurricane (only used for KB sensible situations, in office buildings/corners etc), or vs EBs and up, for the -range and -to hit. With Illu's lack of immob, it certainly takes some practice to use it sensibly without upsetting the team (you'd be *amazed* at the amount of stick a friend of mine gets on his storm corr...people are very warey of stormies actually making the most of their set :P)
I've also got flash, but have only slotted for sets. I agree with the idea of it being a panic button.
If you're focusing on fear as your main soft mitigation, then Nemesis will be the bane of your life (duo'd with a dark/ fender when levelling...Nemesis were our...well..Nemesis :P)
Running SI and MoB together, slotted for +def/+res, is somewhat noticeable, but nothing to write home about...just leaves you more or less in tact while you're rushing in and dropping freezing rain/pets.
Only real difference from yours is some of my slotting (less on Terror & Flash), and Air superiority instead of hover, making a nice: (open w/confuse) Spectral Wounds ---> Air Sup ---> Blind attack chain, while the pets and the angry cloud wreak havoc
Actually, I do have Hurricane (only used for KB sensible situations, in office buildings/corners etc), or vs EBs and up, for the -range and -to hit. With Illu's lack of immob, it certainly takes some practice to use it sensibly without upsetting the team (you'd be *amazed* at the amount of stick a friend of mine gets on his storm corr...people are very warey of stormies actually making the most of their set :P)
[/ QUOTE ]
I know how that goes.
The last time I was on my Fire/Stormie, was in a team with a dominant Fire/Kin.
We didn't have a tank or any *meleer* for that matter. My troller already died twice in that session, due to leveling up and being un-SK'd, most mobs did con red/purple to me.
Now I decided to leave Hurricane on for my personal defense while staying out of close combat.
As a response for doing so, the Fire/Kin told me if I was about to leave it on, she won't use her FS anymore.
I don't know, haven't heard such a [censored] for a long time, but since then I stopped playing my Fire/Stormie.
I don't like getting mentally cornered in what powers to use when and how.
When I'm on one of my tanks, I don't ask MA/*s or Energy/*s to stop using knockbacks or I'd stop taunting mobs either.
So this new toon is more or less another try for independant game play without the need of Fire/Kin's or Fire/Rad's who tell everyone how to play.
I usually leave teams nowadays when I see Fire/Kin's, though often they actually need help to beat an AV, which doesn't seem to be one of Fire/Kin's strong points.
I hope this Ill/Storm will be more succesful with AV tanking
On a side note ...
I can't see anything wrong with scattering mobs left and right when all players are on a ranged AT.
Blasters are often happy when mobs are sent flying, Hurricane has the awesome to-hit debuff, too.
PA, Phantasm, Tornado, Lightning Storm, Psi Tornado .. it's all ranged.
That said, I'm just about to completely revamp the build for a perma hurricane splat troller with maximized Ranged DEF
If you're focusing on fear as your main soft mitigation, then Nemesis will be the bane of your life (duo'd with a dark/ fender when levelling...Nemesis were our...well..Nemesis :P)
[/ QUOTE ]
Yep that's the ones .. Nem Jaegers and Automatons, also Arachnos has some machines with high resistance to Fear.
If Flash and Thunder can't get the job done, I'll let the pets/summons do it and stay at range for those parts
So this new toon is more or less another try for independant game play without the need of Fire/Kin's or Fire/Rad's who tell everyone how to play.
[/ QUOTE ]
Depends on who you play with, to be fair. There are plenty of people who will command you to use certain powers, and scorn you for not having 'awesome power X' or 'L33t power Y'. They tend to be of the same ilk who will not do anything without 1 Tank 1 'Heal0r' and 1 Rad (because ofc, there aren't any other debuff sets). If they get on your nerves, you can either a) prove them wrong, b) (what I do) leave, and find better company
On a side note ...
I can't see anything wrong with scattering mobs left and right when all players are on a ranged AT.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ah, careful there. With a /Storm, /Cold, my main output is AoE...scattering things about *really* makes things hard for AoE users. Doesn't matter as much amongst friends who know each other's playstyle well...but on PuGing, it's quite a faux pas to blast everything each and everyway, and expect the AoE users to be fine with it. Regardless, applied use of /storm can be an excellent character, and my Illu/Storm is certainly the hero I play the most...never had as much fun ingame than on that toon
hardly use hurricane on my stormys but that i suppose is a personal choice....would take flash rather than thunder it has always worked better for me for some reason.
the best thing about this set is the total chaos troller spec, but your gunna have to relise that this wont be appreciated by most teams.
will you be an AV beater, well storm has some great debuffs and you have PA to act as a tank...i think my ill/rad would do better :
but definatly 2 of my fave sets and have seen some great toons playing this, it should be fun
hardly use hurricane on my stormys but that i suppose is a personal choice....would take flash rather than thunder it has always worked better for me for some reason.
the best thing about this set is the total chaos troller spec, but your gunna have to relise that this wont be appreciated by most teams.
will you be an AV beater, well storm has some great debuffs and you have PA to act as a tank...i think my ill/rad would do better :
but definatly 2 of my fave sets and have seen some great toons playing this, it should be fun
[/ QUOTE ]
How's killing the AV with a /Rad going?
*/Storm has some damaging powers too, dunno about Ill/Radiation, for teams it's probably awesome.
Got a Dark/Rad corrupter, often I see that stalker killing the boss I just managed to apply the auras on, thinking the boss would take longest to kill, so those are a good target. I've seen some */Rads using binds to announce their *anchor* which can be a distraction for some players who just wanna kill, I guess.
One huge thing I can see is when you get perma AM going on your Ill/Rad which makes perma PA much easier to come by than for Ill/Storm.
Just looking into Primal Forces. How's Power Boost? Works like BU? Other than that, I can't seem to find a way to make Converse Power perma.
Yeah, I'm stepping away from contributing to the /Stormie's rep as being *chaos trollers* now.
Hurricane got axed on my build, teamed 10 hours non-stop with a fire blaster last night and what can I say, Superior Invis + PA or Superior Invis + Flash and Freezing = win for the blaster. FUN! Very fun times, 1 bar to go for terror I think then it's going to get even better!
Now if they would stop doing so many maintenainces these days ..
I like having both Flash and Thunder, I always loved Thunder for the sound and the VFX and the quick recharge.
Using both and together with *OVERPOWER* going off on about 25% of the mobs, chances are to get everything mezzed.
Flash is so good because of the huge radius (30').
They pick up nice IO sets, too.
Depends on who you play with, to be fair. There are plenty of people who will command you to use certain powers, and scorn you for not having 'awesome power X' or 'L33t power Y'. They tend to be of the same ilk who will not do anything without 1 Tank 1 'Heal0r' and 1 Rad (because ofc, there aren't any other debuff sets). If they get on your nerves, you can either a) prove them wrong, b) (what I do) leave, and find better company
[/ QUOTE ]
You ever watched Fantastic Four? The last battle against Dr Doom? They had to combine their powers one after the other to defeat him. They worked as a team. They didn't use any old powers and choose any old moment to use a power.
Sometimes the best methods of overcoming greater odds need that. I do know a lot of people resign themselves to needing certain sets in teams but some people are pushing to work more flexibly to not care whose in team, value other peoples concepts and well..think for once.
Sometimes things take cooperation and working out just how best to combine powers. Some people may take me as a dictator for asking people of things but really I am looking for ways around the problem as opposed to through it or worse! Quitting and failing (I really object to it tbh).
With Illusion/Storm I can't think of a power in those sets that isn't worth having unless its PvE because for a start you only need so much stealth and group invis + steamy mist gives you that so Superior Invisibility being only of personal use would end up on the chopping block in favour of a pretty useful power. The storm powers, in dropping powers for something else...cold dead fingers well maybe not thunderclap.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Sometimes things take cooperation and working out just how best to combine powers. Some people may take me as a dictator for asking people of things but really I am looking for ways around the problem as opposed to through it or worse! Quitting and failing (I really object to it tbh).
[/ QUOTE ]
That's all well and good, but there's a difference between a leader with good knowledge of sets/powers, looking for a solution (which i'm sure you meant), and the people I'm referring to who know very little, yet still bark orders at you, or (as i'm very used to) bellow 'WE NEED A RAD!' against a same level EB, when i'm playing a /storm or /cold, and everything is fine. I simply will not suffer people like that, and instead of becoming unpleasant, will simply leave and get on with something else.
RE: Illu/storm, I agree with Shannon- plenty of applications and variety in the set
Thought I would share the build for my Illusion/Storm troller with you to see what you think. There are some powers I didnt take, namely hurricane as I found it doesnt always work well with teams even when you tell them what your doing
at 49 I took tornado, had tried psi tornado but wasnt too impressed, still aint with the normal tornado so will likely respec that out at some point. The set bonuses really do help, esp the +57% acc 

Anyway see what you think
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.20
Soaring Angel: Level 50 Mutation Controller
Primary Power Set: Illusion Control
Secondary Power Set: Storm Summoning
Power Pool: Flight
Power Pool: Fitness
Ancillary Pool: Psionic Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Spectral Wounds <ul type="square">[*] (A) Accuracy IO: Level 50[*] (3) Accuracy IO: Level 50[*] (5) Devastation - Damage/Endurance: Level 36[*] (9) Devastation - Damage/Recharge: Level 34[*] (11) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 32[*] (43) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Level 43[/list]Level 1: Gale <ul type="square">[*] (A) Accuracy IO: Level 50[/list]Level 2: Blind <ul type="square">[*] (A) Hold Duration IO: Level 45[*] (3) Hold Duration IO: Level 45[*] (5) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage: Level 37[*] (9) Devastation - Damage/Recharge: Level 35[*] (19) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 42[*] (43) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Level 43[/list]Level 4: O2 Boost <ul type="square">[*] (A) Healing IO: Level 40[*] (7) Healing IO: Level 40[*] (7) Healing IO: Level 50[/list]Level 6: Hover <ul type="square">[*] (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance/Recharge: Level 29[*] (15) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Recharge: Level 44[/list]Level 8: Swift <ul type="square">[*] (A) Run Speed IO: Level 50[/list]Level 10: Superior Invisibility <ul type="square">[*] (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance/Recharge: Level 47[*] (11) Luck of the Gambler - Endurance/Recharge: Level 34[*] (13) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Recharge: Level 45[*] (13) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance: Level 46[/list]Level 12: Steamy Mist <ul type="square">[*] (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Recharge: Level 39[*] (15) Luck of the Gambler - Endurance/Recharge: Level 33[/list]Level 14: Fly <ul type="square">[*] (A) Freebird - Endurance: Level 29[*] (19) Freebird - FlySpeed: Level 42[*] (48) Flight Speed IO: Level 50[/list]Level 16: Health <ul type="square">[*] (A) Healing IO: Level 45[*] (17) Healing IO: Level 45[*] (17) Healing IO: Level 50[/list]Level 18: Phantom Army <ul type="square">[*] (A) Sovereign Right - Accuracy/Endurance: Level 50[*] (33) Sovereign Right - Accuracy/Damage: Level 48[*] (33) Sovereign Right - Damage/Endurance: Level 50[*] (33) Damage Increase IO: Level 50[*] (34) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50[*] (34) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50[/list]Level 20: Freezing Rain <ul type="square">[*] (A) Pacing of the Turtle - Range/Slow: Level 42[*] (21) Pacing of the Turtle - Accuracy/Slow: Level 42[*] (21) Pacing of the Turtle - Damage/Slow: Level 46[*] (25) Pacing of the Turtle - Endurance/Recharge/Slow: Level 40[*] (45) Pacing of the Turtle - Chance of -Recharge: Level 50[*] (46) Damage Increase IO: Level 40[/list]Level 22: Stamina <ul type="square">[*] (A) Endurance Modification IO: Level 45[*] (23) Endurance Modification IO: Level 40[*] (23) Endurance Modification IO: Level 40[/list]Level 24: Snow Storm <ul type="square">[*] (A) Pacing of the Turtle - Range/Slow: Level 45[*] (25) Pacing of the Turtle - Accuracy/Slow: Level 42[*] (27) Pacing of the Turtle - Damage/Slow: Level 33[*] (27) Pacing of the Turtle - Accuracy/Endurance: Level 42[*] (46) Pacing of the Turtle - Chance of -Recharge: Level 50[/list]Level 26: Spectral Terror <ul type="square">[*] (A) Glimpse of the Abyss - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 43[*] (29) Glimpse of the Abyss - Endurance/Fear: Level 41[*] (29) Glimpse of the Abyss - Accuracy/Endurance: Level 42[*] (31) Glimpse of the Abyss - Fear/Range: Level 41[*] (31) Glimpse of the Abyss - Accuracy/Fear/Recharge: Level 30[*] (31) Glimpse of the Abyss - Chance of Damage(Psionic): Level 49[/list]Level 28: Group Invisibility <ul type="square">[*] (A) Luck of the Gambler - Endurance/Recharge: Level 40[*] (34) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance: Level 25[/list]Level 30: Flash <ul type="square">[*] (A) Accuracy IO: Level 50[*] (36) Hold Duration IO: Level 40[*] (36) Hold Duration IO: Level 40[/list]Level 32: Phantasm <ul type="square">[*] (A) Accuracy IO: Level 45[*] (36) Sovereign Right - Accuracy/Endurance: Level 50[*] (37) Sovereign Right - Accuracy/Damage: Level 49[*] (37) Sovereign Right - Damage/Endurance: Level 50[*] (37) Damage Increase IO: Level 45[*] (39) Flight Speed IO: Level 45[/list]Level 35: Deceive <ul type="square">[*] (A) Perplex - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 41[*] (39) Perplex - Endurance/Confused: Level 47[*] (39) Perplex - Accuracy/Endurance: Level 46[*] (40) Perplex - Confused/Range: Level 41[*] (40) Perplex - Accuracy/Confused/Recharge: Level 41[/list]Level 38: Lightning Storm <ul type="square">[*] (A) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage: Level 37[*] (40) Thunderstrike - Damage/Endurance: Level 47[*] (42) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Level 41[*] (46) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 43[/list]Level 41: Indomitable Will <ul type="square">[*] (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance/Recharge: Level 42[*] (42) Luck of the Gambler - Endurance/Recharge: Level 42[*] (42) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Recharge: Level 45[*] (43) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance: Level 41[/list]Level 44: Mind Over Body <ul type="square">[*] (A) Titanium Coating - Resistance: Level 46[*] (45) Titanium Coating - Resistance/Recharge: Level 39[*] (45) Aegis - Psionic/Status Resistance: Level 50[*] (50) Titanium Coating - Resistance/Endurance: Level 53[/list]Level 47: Mental Blast <ul type="square">[*] (A) Devastation - Damage/Recharge: Level 44[*] (48) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Level 46[*] (48) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage: Level 50[/list]Level 49: Tornado <ul type="square">[*] (A) Sovereign Right - Accuracy/Damage: Level 53[*] (50) Sovereign Right - Damage/Endurance: Level 53[*] (50) Sovereign Right - Accuracy/Endurance: Level 53[/list]------------
Level 1: Brawl <ul type="square">[*] (A) Damage Increase[/list]Level 1: Sprint <ul type="square">[*] (A) Run Speed[/list]Level 2: Rest <ul type="square">[*] (A) Recharge Reduction[/list]Level 1: Containment
[u]Set Bonus Totals:[u]<ul type="square">[*]+6% DamageBuff[*]+2.5% Defense(Energy)[*]+1.88% Defense(AoE)[*]+57% Enhancement(Accuracy)[*]+1.5% Enhancement(Confused)[*]+6.25% Enhancement(RechargeTime)[*]+5% Enhancement(Slow)[*]+2.75% Enhancement(Terrorized)[*]+149.1 (12.4%) HitPoints[*]+MezResist(Confused) (Mag 28.3%)[*]+MezResist(Held) (Mag 25.5%)[*]+MezResist(Immobilize) (Mag 20%)[*]+MezResist(Sleep) (Mag 36%)[*]+MezResist(Stun) (Mag 20%)[*]+MezResist(Terrorized) (Mag 20%)[*]+2% Recovery[*]+100% Regeneration[*]+6.13% Resistance(Psionic)[/list]
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy & Paste this data chunk into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
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