Problem with Extracted Essence




Sometimes, when I try to create an extracted essence out of the corpse of a defeated enemy, the power fires, the animation goes... but no essence is created.

Does the power have a chance of failure? Is it WAI?
I thought it was an auto-hit power...

I don't know if it is caused by the map, by the enemy, by my character moving or being hit during the process of creating the ectracted essence... or simply because I "miss" with the power...

Does it happen to anyone else?



if you extract off a corpse thats begun to fade you lose it.

its annoying for sure, generally i'll only extract right at the start of a fight or immediately after a kill i've made - so that i can be sure that it doesnt miss - however i still get caught out.




Yes, it happens and if my observations are correct it does happen regularly if you try to extract the essence of an enemy corpse that was just about to despawn.
So, it's a bug that can be compared to the bug that lets a kinetic fire Transfusion/Transference just when an opponent dies without triggering the heal/endurance effect (but triggering the aura animation).

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



if you extract off a corpse thats begun to fade you lose it.

its annoying for sure, generally i'll only extract right at the start of a fight or immediately after a kill i've made - so that i can be sure that it doesnt miss - however i still get caught out.

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I didn't know that... no wonder then it happened more often when I was on teams... it takes longer to defeat a whole group, and I waited until they were all defeated to extract the essence...

I'll test with enemies just defeated to see if it works all the time.




Oil Slick Arrow is supposed to light every single time the target is destroyed within the allowed time frame. The bug that prevents this from happening lies somewhere deep in the server timing code. The bug does effect other things besides Oil Slick, but this power is the most visible example for a variety of reasons.

So, all of that said, it is still a bug, it is still on our bug list for the lead programmer to deal with when he gets time. Unfortunately, he's got a LOT of bigger fish to fry, so this one persists. He'll get to it, I just don't know when.

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I wonder if this could be one of those other things?

I really should do something about this signature.



this has always been the case.

basically, the pet is created at the end of the animation rather than at the start. Because the animation is so long, if the body has started to vanish when the pet tries to be created, the pet creation fails. this does, however, also allow for an interesting use of the bug if you're creative...



Could well be since it's all about time frames and triggers being applied within a given time frame.
I don't know Oil Slick first-hand, but I think it is possible that there is a similar problem, i.e. an animation starts before the time expires (on the player's PC) but the trigger is not recognized in time by the server.
This seems to be the problem for any power that has an 'expiring origin'. So, e.g. Syphon Power never fails when used on a dying enemy since although the debuff is probably not applied to the enemy anymore the origin of the damage buff aura is the caster himself. However, the origin of the summoned Extracted Essence is the defeated enemy and there seems to be a time window where you can still execute the power since the body is still there on your PC, but by the time the trigger reaches the server the body is already despawned on the server (though it may still be visible on your PC). As animations are client based they are still shown (such as the rez animation from Extracted Essence), but since there is no valid 'origin' anymore on the server, the effect is denied.
I guess it would be possible to code something, so that the server accepts triggers for a short while after his internal clock says 'time expired' to counteract transmission delays. However, I don't have the slightest clue if this would have to be coded as a kind of 'priority order' into the powers in question or as a kind of 'waiting period' into their targets. The former seems to be more complicated, the latter more time consuming.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



tbh, when you know the bug exists.. which is something you notice quite quickly, it's not hard to just make sure that you're firing off extract on a recently dead baddie



Which is a workaround, but far from a bugfix. Besides, this problem really seems to be related to similar issues without an equally easy workaround (e.g. it's not always easy to predict that the enemy you want to use for Transference is the brute's next designated one-shot-victim).

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



i dont think its a bug tbh (or something that needs fixing), the baddie literally aint there half way thru to extract from so you miss a pet, same with the kin heal - they are dead, so how do you expect to transfer health and endurance from them, they're dead and dont have any of either.




Well, if the dead body would indeed despawn during the animation and - as a logical result - not be there anymore when it's finished you actually had a point.
But, with things being as they are, the body is still there, goes through the rez animation and nothing happens. That's quite unsatisfying.
The same goes for Transfusion and Transference: People don't really have health bars, you know?
That means even if one person contracts a lethal injury he is not dead on the spot... scientist will perhaps never come to a conclusion how to discern the exact moment of death since dying is more like an ongoing process than an on/off-switch. On top of that heroes don't even kill their opponents.
You argue a little bit like the server argues. "You want what? Sorry, no can do, sir. It's already gone." - "But I can still..." - "You must be mistaken, sir. There is nothing." - Flash of bright red light.
This game is not about obeying the server, but to create a living comic world on the side of the client. And as long as my PC tells me that there is a dead body to exploit I expect to be able to exploit a dead body, especially if I am able to execute everything necesserary to do so, not some deus ex machina telling me indirectly that I must have had some kind of hallucination.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



Well, if the dead body would indeed despawn during the animation and - as a logical result - not be there anymore when it's finished you actually had a point.

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thats what it does...

i have never had extract fail on me when the body has still been visible at the end fo the animation. As soon as the body starts to fade out, it no longer exists as far as the game is concerned.

you extract a corpse, halfway thru the corpse starts to fade, animation finishes but no pet appears.



Is that so? In some very few cases I had the body vanish during the animation, but many more times when this bug hit me the corpse was there through the whole animation and vanished directly after falling back to the ground which by all means should be late enough to successfully extract the essence if it was not for transmission delay.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



hmm, maybe its changed since i lvld my ws then. it used to be the case that it'd vanish mid animation and instead of the body rising you'd just get the purple rez circle animation on the floor.

happy birthday btw



I tested this a bit last night and, with enemies that had just died (er... "been defeated") I had no problems.

But I am with Sitriel in this. Most of the times when this fails, the body is still there during all the process to extract the essence (even falls again to the ground) and no essence is created. Really frustrating.

Having two Extracted Essences at the same time plus you in Dark Nova form packs a lot of damage, by the way. I enjoy it a lot.



i just wish you could rename the pets.. such a stupidly long name