Mezz protection for Khelds?




Guys was wondering who else would want to get mezz protection for human form khelds. Kheldians i think are the most underplayed AT in the game and I feel this would help alot if one of our shields in human form had mezz protection for things like stun etc. Post if you think like wise and maybe we can get enough people to change the devs minds



Personally I find the best mezz protection comes from having a couple of 'trollers nearby - even a single one will work most of the time and with 2 I'm almost never mezzed with my 'shade

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant



I never took the shields on my kheldians, I play them more like blappers. You get quite a bit of protection from Cosmic Balance (and whatever the Warshade equivalent is called). That way, at least you get less annoyed about toggle drops.



I didn't take the shields on my Human/Dwarf PB either.

I'd like mez protection... but to be honest Human form mez protection would make Kheldians too overpowered. If you're that worried you can team with controllers, or pickup Dwarf Form and/or Light Form (PB).

The only thing that bothers my Human/Dwarf in normal gameplay is Malta Sappers. Anything short of a Boss level Void is also barely a challenge after you get your powers well slotted.



I'm all for mez protection in the shields.Myself I play a Human Form PB and only picked Shining shield till I9. Before that I had skipped out on the other shields to get acrobatics. The hold protection has come in handy but with the introduction of the knockback protection IO's I've now respec'd them in but I'm missing the hold protection against carnies.
From my own experience sometimes a couple of controllers doesn't cut it. While doing Positrons TF only me and the tank weren't stunned thanks to 1 or 2 controllers. But in Synapses 2 controllers weren't enough to keep me from being put to sleep by the Tesla clocks. I'm under the impression that the higher you go the more controllers you need, maybe because the status effects of mobs are stronger. After all you only get 1 point of protection per controller.
Khelds are epic for thier multi functionality, Nova for damage out put,Dwarfs for the tankability (I do think Dwarf Antagonise should be auto hit to fit the role better)and then you have Human which has some very nice tricks which can fit multiple roles. Having to retoggle though in Human Form can get annoying more so on a Human WS,with 6 that they could be running.
As ATs with shields as power picks it would be fair to give them mez protection just like all the other ATs that have shields. I don't think anyone would like to see a Tanker/Scrapper/Stalker/Brute primary/secondary power set that didn't include mez protection.
They could about giving the shields alittle protection that stacks with the controller buff or give us similar protection as the other ATs and change the controller buff. Problem then is to what? A buff to the secondary effetcs of our powers? An acc buff? Tis a puzzle, but something that could be looked into before the release of villain Khelds.



But in Synapses 2 controllers weren't enough to keep me from being put to sleep by the Tesla clocks. I'm under the impression that the higher you go the more controllers you need, maybe because the status effects of mobs are stronger. After all you only get 1 point of protection per controller.

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2 mags per controller I believe. If you still got mezzed with 2 controllers, most likely at least one was out of range of the effect at the time.

Anyway, with Dwarf form, Lightform and Cosmic Balance I think there is plenty of mez protection available, any more would be overpowered. After all, if you could get full mez protection without Dwarf Form hardly anyone would take it.

I really should do something about this signature.



From what I've read up on Cosmic Balance and Dark Sustenance, they have a 300ft radius with the following buffs

+20% buff to Energy/Negative Energy and Smashing damage
+10% buff to Resistance to all damage
-1 to status effects

Wether this 1 is the mag of the effect I don't know but that's what I'm assuming.
Seeing as I was leading the charge on Synapse with the controllers right behind me, I doubt I ever was 300ft away when fightning started, so I don't know how they put me to sleep on a first hit without being stacked.

I for one don't like to rely on Light Form just for mez protection. It's better used as a panic button just like Unstoppable,MoG,Elude,Overload and Power Surge. In a sticky stituation I would want it availbe rather than having it recharging due to using it a couple of mins earlier to stop myself being stunned.
Dwarf Form provides better damage resistance that the shields if I remember right, so someone who wants to be Human/Dwarf or a Tri-form build can still skip out on getting 3 shields for mez protection and get 3 other powers to better benifit them. After all I can't tank with my Human Form PB but I can do a little with my Tri-Form WS thanks to Dwarf Form.



You can hit the resistance cap quite easily without dwarf form, so take away it's mez protection, and all it is is a few extra hp in exchange for lousy damage and an enhancement slot drain. Most playes would drop it - I know I would.

The only time I have been menzzed when teamed with 2 controllers is when one has been on the other side of the map, or when one has died and gone to hospital.

Light Form is a panic button, and one of the things that should cause you to use it is encontering mezzers when you arn't teamed with controllers.

Put it this way: what would you have nerfed in exchange for gaining mez protection?

I really should do something about this signature.



That is of course if you have the right number of Resist buffers. How often you would find yourself it that type of team I don't know.

I wouldn't want to rely on having to use Light Form and waiting for it to recharge over and over again just to fight a mezzer when it can be used at a better time later on.

What about a WS? No mez protection apart from Dwarf outside of having a good number of controllers. I don't recall seeing any human form WS and would be interested in how they work. Then again a WS is geared towards being a shifter more so than a PB.

All I can think of is to reduce the resist of the shields and the buffs from the inherent, replacing the controller buff. I would be interested in what you would suggest.

At any rate the inherent needs reworking to include us using the energy of other Khelds and villains. Dwarf mode could do with some work too so it can have an easier time keeping aggro and tanking for the team when no tank is available.



All I can think of is to reduce the resist of the shields and the buffs from the inherent, replacing the controller buff. I would be interested in what you would suggest.

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Personally I would suggest nothing. My human form PB plays fine, and doesn't feel in the least underpowered. If I need mez resist I either use an inspiration or slip into dwarf form, but I usually don't need it. I certainly wouldn't want my resistance nerfed, or to gain no benefit from teaming with a controller. The whole reason for Cosmic Balance is to encorage experienced players to team with less experienced players.

I really should do something about this signature.



Hmmm... Ok maybe I should of phrased it "replacing the controller buff for a different buff."

Surely if you've got dwarf mode to slip into then your human/dwarf? And it's probably wrong of me to assume you have none of the shields because of being human/dwarf but that's what I'm doing. So far here it seems no one has taken the shields which is a shame as we should want to take them and mez protection spread across the 3 of them, be it some or lots, would encourage that surely. I for one would like to try an all human WS with all 3 shields, orbiting death, shadow cloak and inky aspect running but there really is no appeal in changing my tri-form WS to this due to mez effects shutting them all down.

Personally I would suggest nothing.

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Hmmm... I was expecting a slightly different response, hoping you would actually have an idea for what to change for mez protection in the shields in response to your own question.Oh and I'm not too sure on your reason for cosmic balance/dark sustenance.



One change that might work without unbalancing things is to change the ATs that give mezz protection.

Possibly controllers and defenders for cosmic balance (as they're vulnerable to mezz, but often hand out mezz protection with powers), and tankers and scrappers for dark sustenance (as you're copying the mezz protection they usually have themselves).

That would make it far more likely that a Kheld would find him/herself in a team that lent mezz protection.



How about controllers and other keldians giving mez protection? (and dominators for co-op missions).

I really should do something about this signature.



Hmmmm - the upshot of that (for better or worse) being that Kheldians would tend to go around in pairs.

Entirely a matter of opinion but I think I'd be against that; the whole rationale of CB/DS is that they complement/emphasise the capabilities of non-Kheld team members, and having them suddenly start acting off Khelds seems wrong.

Although I'd rather have that than no change at too - Khelds are a bit too mezzable at the moment IMHO.



If I was able to pick five things to change about Peacebringers:

(i) Make the ToHit/Damage buffs slightly higher on "Build Up" (on par with Scrappers perhaps?)
(ii) Make Dwarf Antagonise auto-hit in PvE.
(iii) Raise human form's base damage slightly, decrease the endurance cost of that form's attacks slightly.
(iv) Give us some kind of buff for having other Kheldians on the team.

Honestly, I have enough mez protection in Light form and Dwarf form to do me... The knockback/knockdown in my attacks and Pulsar's ability to perma-mez every minion around me makes more protection unnecessary.

With i9 you can even slot a Knockback Protection IO in our level one passive +Resist power!

So yes, it would be nice, but i'd consider it fairly far down my "most wanted" list of Kheldian changes.