Statesman TF tonight (Sunday 20 May) 7:00pm
I'd like to join you with Illumina please
Level 50 Ill/Rad Controller
I'm interested in joining you with Lina Subverse, Fire/Ice blaster, lvl 49,8. Would love to ding 50 during a STF...
I would be up for this with Mega Amp lvl 50 elec/elec blaster but would understand if you would prefer to save the space for any defender that might be interested out there rather than having another blaster on the team.
See you both later.
Mega Amp, that's fine.
We do have one more space - someone dropped out. Would prefer another defender or a controller though if possible - it's not essentially but would help. If interested, give me a shout. Cheers.
I hear someone saying troller wanted?
I have either a fire/kin or earth/storm (both 50) i could bring along, take a pick and i'll be there for the ride.
P.S. 7.00 PM GMT i guess?
OK, that's a full team.
I think the earth storm will probably be better, but can I let you know this evening?
Edit: 7:00pm BST. UK isn't on GMT at the moment.
Oeps, just noticed i mixed things up. Those trollers are on defiant :P
On union i have for sale either:
Or a dark/elec def ( with leadership and no stamina, so she 'needs' a kin on the team )
Earth TA maybe? Any of the controllers would work though - I'll be playing a kin, but if I'm the only one who can give status resist (which I will be) when we fight ghost widow I'll be ID spamming the tanker so probably not a good idea to be completely dependant on SB.
Well the dark def is not dependant on sb ofcourse. Got conserve power, but long dynamic fights tend to wear her out fast. AV is no prob.
you the only one with anti mezz? meaning no bubbler nor emp? I'll bring the dark def then. Lovely toon she is
P.S. I'm on STF as we speak and running a very tight schedule. I might be a bit late maybe. What toon can i reach you on?
Sorry folks,
Couldn't make it in time. The STF i was doing took longer then expected (finished at 7.35).
Hope you found a good sub and rocked the place!
Yeah, these things happen, no problem, we filled the spot.
Most of it was a breeze, we had a bit of a hard slog on Lord Recluse and his little pillars tonight (first time I've done it without a stone tanker, the fire tank got absolutely battered, poor chap) but we got there.
Thanks to everyone who joined us, made good work of a very squishy team in the end.
Thanks to everyone who joined us, made good work of a very squishy team in the end.
[/ QUOTE ]
Aye, it wasn't the best team mix but thanks for sticking with it at the end there everyone
Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2
Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, and City Info Tracker.
Oh, I thought it was a very good and fun run!
Things got a bit hairy at the third tower, but once everybody got calmed down and reorganized, it went smoothly again, and ended in a most satisfactory manner.
So, thanks again for arranging it, and especially thanks for letting us running it for the first time enjoy all the fun details and little surprises - just enough instructions, completely avoiding spoilers: very much appreciated!
Oh, I thought it was a very good and fun run!
Things got a bit hairy at the third tower, but once everybody got calmed down and reorganized, it went smoothly again, and ended in a most satisfactory manner.
So, thanks again for arranging it, and especially thanks for letting us running it for the first time enjoy all the fun details and little surprises - just enough instructions, completely avoiding spoilers: very much appreciated!
[/ QUOTE ]
Hear Hear !
TBH - I was expecting it to be tough, but you guys made it very smooth overall. Besides it all helps towards the debt badges
Plus it was nice for me to find Illumina fun to play again after a long time gathering dust
(Note to self - get a better microphone)
Thanks Again
Oh no, I missed a chance to hear Illum on TS! Next weekend, perhaps...
Glad people enjoyed it. With four people in the team who hadn't done it before I was trying to avoid giving too much away as we went along - I do think it's a very good TF so it seems a shame to spoil it.
'grats on the level 50 by the way Tuft.
Illum, I wouldn't replace the microphone until you've had a play about with your sound settings. You were just extremely quiet, it's possible you simply had microphone boost turned off which seems to be a common cause of being extremely quiet on TS.
Standoff, I won't be organising one next weekend. Seeing a friend from the SG (Swampy) so unless Ohms decides to organise one I think it'll probably not happen till the week after.
Good chance of an Eden trial on Sunday evening though, probably with one spot free, I'll let you know what we're up to nearer the weekend if you're up for a bit of TFage.
Cheers Wyx - I suspect I will be having a CoXtastic weekend, so if that spot's going I'd be interested.
My supergroup is planning on running the Statesman TF tonight (Sunday) at 7:00pm UK time and has a three spots free.

Teamspeak users would be preferred but it's not essential. It just makes life easier
I could do with at least one being either a controller or defender.
Anyone up for it?
Please shout here or drop me a PM if so. Cheers.