18 -
12 PM is midday (midnight is 12 AM), and I'd be interested as this is one of the task forces Mega Amp still needs to do.
I would be up for this with Mega Amp lvl 50 elec/elec blaster but would understand if you would prefer to save the space for any defender that might be interested out there rather than having another blaster on the team.
I have a tohit and defensive debuff/reduce endurance cost and a tohit and defensive buff/reduce endurance cost to swap or sell.
should be able to be there again with Mega Amp (blaster with holds)
I'll try and be there again with Mega Amp lvl 50 elec/elec blaster with tesla cage.
I'd like to join if there is room.
the stumbling block was that one of the hostages in the second mish decided to get stuck runing up and down the lifts then when we reset we got near the end then something went wrong with the map server and we all got dc'ed at which point we decided to call it a night.
5 pm start is fine for me, meet by synapse?
I need the badge on my lvl 50 elec/elec blaster so count mega amp in
depends on how long you think it will take but i will probably on from about 10 and like i said it will have to be finished by 7pm, send me a tell @Mega Amp
I need the badge for this but I am doing the posi tf tommorrow starting at 7pm so I could only do this one if we would be finished by then or maybe if you could start abit earlier, if not don't worry bout it.
so we doing this tommorow (saturday) then? if so wot time and where we meeting?
i actually still need to do this on my lvl 50 elec/elec blaster Mega Amp (as i never bothered trying when i was in the lvl range) so could i join?
I should be able to make this with Mega Amp lvl 50 elec/elec/elec blaster
I'll join with Mega Amp lvl 50 elec/elec blaster if there is room.